

假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需书面预约,请按下列要点写一封信:

1.本人简介; 2.求助内容; 3.约定时间;





Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m Li Hua,







Look forward to your reply.


Li Hua



阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从1~20各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

We live in a fast-paced and anxiety-filled world that often times seems to shift beneath our feet. Thus we are sometimes affected by fears or anxiety impacting our life. For as long as I could remember I had struggled with anxiety. After I left university, I made friends with a Moroccan woman at work. One day she invited me to ________ her and her family back home. I wanted to, but I would have to travel there ________ and I knew we would be in a very rural area. How would I cope with my ________ ?

Then one day it ________to me that I had a life to live. I could choose to let anxiety________me or I could go to Morocco and ________ something different. I was 23 years old and had never been out of the UK alone. The journey to Morocco________ something inside me. I managed to cope with my anxiety. The sense of ________ was overwhelming and still to this day when I get afraid of going somewhere alone, I remember how ________it felt when I arrived in Morocco.

Upon arrival I was so ________ for the generous welcome I received. My friend’s family had arranged a welcome party. The people were so loving toward me. As a moment of ________ felt in a faraway village, this reminded me that I was “good enough”, which helped to ________ my anxiety.

Waking up the next day, in the morning light, I saw the area where we were. I was________by how rural it was – and the realization that these people had very few ________.

In the days afterwards, I traveled around Morocco. We went to Marrakesh and ________ the Atlas mountains. We had the most amazing food – lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

At the end of my ________ something inside me had changed. I realized I had not felt anxious for nearly two weeks.

Experiencing a different culture far away from home helped me to realize what is important in life, what really________ , and with that my anxiety ________ . When I returned home I was much more active in ________ my anxiety. Working with people, helping them________ their anxiety, is how I can share the love I found in Morocco.

1.A. send B. consult C. call D. visit

2.A. alone B. soon C. free D. safe

3.A. work B. curiosity C. homesickness D. worries

4.A. appeared B. hit C. struck D. occurred

5.A. impress B. control C. reach D. persuade

6.A. enjoy B. experience C. take D. experiment

7.A. changed B. moved C. supported D. impressed

8.A. achievement B. fear C. disappointment D. embarrassment

9.A. good B. ashamed C. afraid D. proud

10.A. sorry B. confused C. confident D. thankful

11.A. doubt B. luck C. love D. surprise

12.A. improve B. hold C. protect D. reduce

13.A. inspired B. moved C. pleased D. shocked

14.A. lands B. difficulties C. resources D. friends

15.A. discovered B. explored C. examined D. recognized

16.A. opportunity B. rush C. stay D. life

17.A. rules B. exists C. matters D. hurts

18.A. disappeared B. expanded C. remained D. removed

19.A. expressing B. challenging C. forgetting D. remembering

20.A. drop B. notice C. pass D. overcome

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Michael' s birthday was coming soon, so he asked his dad for a bicycle so that he wouldn't have to walk to school anymore. 1. Michael got a book instead but he did not complain ( 抱怨 ).

One bright and sunny day while Michael was walking past a bookstore on his way to school, he saw a big boy on a bike . The bike was too small for the boy. 2.

The boy was a student in Michael' s school . Michael recognized him. The boy's name was William. His leg seemed to have broken. Michael picked up William' s bike which was not damaged and rode to the nearby hospital to get help. 3. Michael rode William' s bike to school so he would not be late for class.

After school , Michael quickly rode the bicycle to William' s house with a book for him. 4. But he had to put some medicine on his leg and stay in bed for some time.

To Michael' s surprise, William was getting a new bike for his birthday in two months so he let Michael have his old bike . Michael was overjoyed(喜出望外).

5. . Michael visited William every day until Williams 's leg was better.

A. Luckily, William was not seriously hurt.

B. Michael found it interesting and couldn't help laughing.

C. From then on, Michael and William became good friends

D. William gave his new bike to Michael to show his thanks.

E. However, Michael' s dad had lost his job and did not have much money.

F. As the boy was turning around a corner , the bike crashed into a tree.

G. A few minutes later, an ambulance (救护车)came and took William to the hospital .

Love, success, happiness, family and freedom—how important are these values to you? Here is one interview which explores the fundamental(基本的) questions in life.

Q: Could you introduce yourself first?

A: My name is Misbah,27 years old. I was born in a war-torn(战争毁掉的) area. Right now I’m a web designer.

Q: What are your great memories?

A: My parents used to take me to hunt birds, climb trees, and play in the fields. For me it was like a holiday, because we were going to have fun all day long. Those are my great memories.

Q: Does your childhood mean a lot to you?

A: Yes. As life was very hard, I used to work to help bring money in for the family. I spent my childhood working, with responsibilities beyond my age. However, it taught me to deal with problems all alone. I learnt to be independent.

Q: What changes would you like to make in your life?

A: If I could change something in my life, I’d change it so that my childhood could have taken place in another area. I would have loved to live with my family in freedom. Who cares whether we have much money, or whether we have a beautiful house? It doesn’t matter as long as I can live with my family and we are safe.

Q: How do you get along with your parents?

A: My parents supported me until I came of age. I want to give back what I’ve got. That’s our way. But I am working in another city. My only contact with my parents now is through the phone, but I hate using it. It filters(过滤) out your emotion and leaves your voice only. My deepest feelings should be passed through sight, hearing and touch.

1.In Misbah’s childhood, .

A. he was free from worry

B. he liked living in the countryside

C. he was fond of getting close to nature

D. he often spent holidays with his family

2.What did Misbah desire most in his childhood?

A. A colorful life.

B. A beautiful house.

C. Peace and freedom.

D. Money for his family.

3.How would Misbah prefer to communicate with his parents?

A. By chatting on the Internet.

B. By calling them sometimes.

C. By paying weekly visits.

D. By writing letters to them.


Nowadays it is found that school students seldom pay much attention to sports. Is it because they have no _________ in sports? It may not be the fact. They often say they have _________ more important things to do.

_________ are these important things? Examinations! They have to _________ themselves for the most important School Certificates of Education Examination (毕业会考), and also to _________ with the tests and the exams in school. So many of them tend to_________ bookworms.

In the summer holidays of the former years they could do _________ they liked, but in the summer holidays of the _________ years, they have to _________ all their time to the preparation. So studies have _________ them form going in for sports.

Because of the pressure_________ their parents and teachers, they have to work harder and spend most of their time on books. Many parents _________ their children to pass this examination in order to get a stepping stone for higher studies or better jobs. As for the _________ themselves, they want to get good results so that they can _________ their studies in the universities. So it is necessary that they _________ up their school activities, especially sports.

Indeed, a complete education cannot go _________ physical training, for a quick mind seldom goes along with a _________ body. It is well said, “All work and no play _________ Jack a dull(迟钝的) boy.” In one word, without a strong body, you can never _________ anything, let alone(更不用说) a great success in _________ .

1.A. lesson B. time C. interest D. place

2.A. very B. some C. few D. other

3.A. What B. How C. Which D. Where

4.A. get B. prepare C. make D. ask

5.A. agree B. fight C. work D. deal

6.A. become B. have C. change D. grow

7.A. that B. nothing C. anything D. which

8.A. this B. present C. last D. future

9.A. spend B. take C. cost D. give

10.A. separated B. divided C. stopped D. taken

11.A. from B. of C. in D. to

12.A. force B. let C. make D. want

13.A. parents B. teachers C. students D. examinations

14.A. develop B. further C. prove D. stop

15.A. keep B. put C. take D. give

16.A. for B. without C. with D. after

17.A. weak B. strong C. good D. bad

18.A. turns B. makes C. gets D. brings

19.A. receive B. do C. achieve D. accept

20.A. life B. exams C. training D. sports

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