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Once upon a time there was a boy who fond of reading. However, he was very poor to buy any books. That was the reason that he had to borrow books from a rich man who had a lot of books. The boy knew clearly that he has to finish reading the books he had borrowed and return it to the owner as soon as possible. A rich man, who was ready to lend any of his book to the boy, read few of his own books. With time going on, the boy read a lot but finally became a famous writer in his time. Though the rich man had such many books, he remained a man with little knowledge because of he seldom read his books.

【答案】①who fond 之间加 was

②very – too


④has – had

⑤it –them

⑥A – The

⑦book – books


⑨such –so



①考查句子结构,形容词短语be fond of喜欢;原句是一个定语从句,句中缺少系动词,根据主从句时态一致要用过去时态,所以答案是who fond 之间加was。


③考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是the reason,关系副词why引导定语从句并在句中做原因状语,相当于for which,故改that为why。


⑤考查代词。代词them指代可数名词复数形式,it指代单数名词。根据前文reading the books可知本句中应使用them指代前半句中的the books,故改it为them。

⑥考查定冠词。在英语短文中,常常使用定冠词the特指上文提及的某个事物,本句中the rich man特指上文中的a rich man,故改A 为The。

⑦考查名词单复数。短语any of...后面通常要可数名词复数形式,或不可数名词。本句中book是可数名词,所以要使用其复数形式books,故改book 为books



⑩ 考查连词。连词because后面要接句子表示原因,而because of后面要接名词或名词短语表示原因。本句中he seldom read his books.是一个完整的句子,所以使用because引导原因状语从句,故去掉of。


【题目】任务型阅读The Advantages of Hobbies
Hobbies provide entertainment and a chance lo continuously learn something new and develop a skill set.
Hobbies are praised as a key to stress reduction.Becoming lost in the mental concentration or physical action which you are deeply interested in helps you shift focus from the parts of life that are stressful. And in turn you are more peaceful when working on other work.
Many people set goals with their hobbies that provide them satisfaction when these goals have been achieved.These goals can be simple,like improving a golf score,writing a certain number of pages for a novel each day or seeing an entire collection of classic films.
Hobbies provide a sense of community when you meet other people who enjoy similar activities. More populated cities typically have numerous clubs or groups for people to share their knowledge and enthusiasm about a particular hobby.Becoming a member of one of these organizations allows greater growth within your hobby,as well as a chance to make new friends.
Having a hobby can develop a talent that makes a person feel proud and satisfied.For example,a tennis hobby developed at a young age can lead lo a career as a professional athlete one day. For example, writer Vladimir Nabokov also collected butterflies,which allowed him to do better in his chosen fields because he used learned skills from one to improve the other.
A.There are a variety of hobbies.
B.Hobbies provide a sense of achievement.
C.Some hobbies affect other aspects of your life.
D.Focusing on something enjoyable can calm the mind.
E.They also provide many other social and health benefits.
F.Having a hobby increases the chances to interact with like-minded people.
G.Some hobbies containing physical activities offer an enjoyable way to stay healthy.

Our risk of cancer rises dramatically as we age. So it makes sense that the elderly should be routinely screened for new tumors — or doesn't it?
While such vigilant(警觉的) tracking of cancer is a good thing in general, researchers are increasingly questioning whether all of this testing is necessary for the elderly. With the percentage of people over age 65 expected to nearly double by 2050, it's important to weigh the health benefits of screening against the risks and costs of routine testing.
In many cases, screening can lead to additional biopsies(活检) and surgeries to remove cancer, which can cause side effects, while the cancers themselves may be slow-growing and may not pose serious health problems in patients' remaining years. But the message that everyone must screen for cancer has become so ingrained(根深蒂固的) that when health care experts recommended that women under 50 and over 74 stop screening for breast cancer, it caused a riotous reaction among doctors, patients and advocacy groups.
It's hard to uproot deeply held beliefs about cancer screening with scientific data. Certainly, there are people over age 75 who have had cancers detected by routine screening, and gained several extra years of life because of treatment. And clearly, people over age 75 who have other risk factors for cancer, such as a family history or prior personal experience with the disease, should continue to get screened regularly. But for the remainder, the risk of cancer, while increased at the end of life, must be balanced with other factors like remaining life expectancy(预期寿命).
A recent study suggests that doctors start to make more objective decisions about who will truly benefit from screening—especially considering the explosion of the elderly that will soon swell our population.
It's not an easy calculation to make, but one that make sense for the whole patient. Dr. Otis Brawley said, “Many doctors are ordering these tests purely to cover themselves. We need to think about the rational(合理的) use of health care and stop talking about the rationing of health care.”
That means making some difficult decisions with elderly patients, and going against the misguided belief that when it comes to health care, more is always better.
(1)Why do doctors recommend routine cancer screening for elderly people?
A.It is believed to contribute to long life.
B.It is part of their health care package.
C.The elderly are more sensitive about their health.
D.The elderly are in greater danger of tumor(肿瘤) growth.
(2)How do some researchers now look at routine cancer screening for the elderly?
A.It adds too much to their medical bills.
B.It helps increase their life expectancy.
C.They are doubtful about necessity.
D.They think it does more than good.
(3)What is the conventional view about women screening for breast cancer?
A.It applies to women over 50.
B.It is a must for adult women.
C.It is optional for young women.
D.It doesn't apply to women over 74.
(4)Why do many doctors prescribe routine screening for cancer?
A.They want to protect themselves against medical disputes.
B.They want to take advantage of the medical care system.
C.They want data for medical research.
D.They want their patients to suffer less.

【题目】The past ages of man have all been carefully labeled by anthropologists(人类学家). Descriptions like “Paleolithic(旧石器时代) Man”, “Neolithic(新石器时代) Man”, etc., neatly sum up whole periods. When the time comes for anthropologists to turn their attention to the twenty-first century, they will surely choose the label “Legless Man”. Histories of the time will go something like this: “In the twenty-first century, people forgot how to use their legs. Men and women moved about in cars, buses and trains from a very early age. There were lifts in all large buildings to prevent people from walking. And the surprising thing is that they didn’t use their legs even when they went on holiday. They built cable railways, ski-lifts and roads to the top of every huge mountain. All the beauty spots on earth were ruined by the presence of large car parks.”

The future history books might also record that we lost the right of using our eyes. In our hurry to get from one place to another, we failed to see anything on the way. Air travel gives you a bird’s-eye view of the world or even less if the wing of the aircraft happens to get in your way. When you travel by car or train, the unclear picture of the countryside constantly slides over the window. When you mention the most impressive place-names in the world, the typical 21st century traveler always says “I’ve been there.”—meaning “I drove through it at 100 miles an hour on the way to somewhere else.”

When you travel at high speeds, the present means nothing: you live mainly in the future because you spend most of your time looking forward to arriving at some other place. But actual arrival, when it is achieved, is meaningless. You want to move on again. By traveling like this, you skip all experience. The traveler on foot, on the other hand, lives in the present. For him traveling and arriving are one and the same thing: he arrives somewhere with every step he makes. He experiences the present moment with his eyes, his ears and the whole of his body. At the end of his journey he feels a delicious physical tiredness. Satisfying sleep will be his: the just reward of all true travelers.

1Anthropologists name man nowadays “Legless Man” because _________.

A. people prefer cars, buses and trains

B. people travel without using legs

C. lifts prevent people from walking

D. people use their legs less and less

2According to the passage, what might make people lose the right of using their eyes?

A. The modern means of transportation. B. A bird’s-eye view of the world.

C. The unclear sight from the vehicles. D. The fast-paced life style.

3From the passage, we know traveling at high speeds means _________.

A. appreciating beautiful scenery B. experiencing life skills

C. focusing on the next destination D. feeling physical tiredness

4What does the author intend to tell us?

A. Modern transportation devices have replaced legs.

B. Traveling makes the world a small place.

C. Human’s history develops very fast.

D. The best way to travel is on foot.

【题目】根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Welcome to Adventureland!
Everyone loves Adventureland! The parks and exhibitions were built for you to explore(探索), enjoy, and admire their wonders. Every visit will be an unforgettable experience. You will go away enriched, longing to come back. What are you going to do this time?
The Travel Pavilion
Explore places you have never been to before, and experience different ways of life. Visit the Amazon jungle(丛林)village, the Turkish market, the Tai floating market, the Berber mountain house and others. Talk to the people there who will tell you about their lives, and things they make. You can try making a carpet, making nets, fishing…
The Future Tower
This exhibition shows how progress will touch our lives. It allows us to look into the future and explore the cities of the next century and the way we'll be living then. Spend some time in our space station and climb into our simulator(模拟装置)for the Journey to Mars!
The Nature Park
This is not really one park but several. In the Safari Park you can drive among African animals in one of our Range Cruisers: see lions, giraffes, elephants in the wild. Move on to theOcean Park to watch the dolphins and whales. And then there is still the Aviary to see…
The Pyramid
This is the center of Adventureland. Run out of film, need some postcards and stamps?
For all these things and many more, visit our underground shopping center. Come here for information and ideas too.
(1)If you are interested in knowing about what people's life will be, you may visit _____.
A.the Travel Pavilion
B.the Safari Park
C.the Future Tower
D.the Pyramid
(2)The Travel Pavilion is built to help visitors _______.
A.realize the importance of travelling
B.become familiar with mountain countries
C.learn something about different places in the world
D.learn how to make things such as fishing nets
(3)If you want to get a toy lion to take home, where will you most likely to go?
A.The Nature Park
B.The Future Tower
C.The Travel Pavilion
D.The Pyramid

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