
【题目】The results of the final examination _____ known to the students soon.

A. is being made B. will be made C. is made D. will make


【解析】本题考查时态及“make+宾语+宾补结构。make sth. known to sb. 让某人得知某事。句意:期末考试的 结果将马上向学牛们公布。


【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one -word more than you need.

Forget fingerprints or the color of your eyes, airport security could soon be looking at the shape of your ears when deciding whether to allow you into the country.

Researchers have discovered that each person’s ears have a(n) 1 shape and have created a system that is able to scan them. The scans can then be compared with a database of ear shapes to identify whose they are.

Professor Mark Nixon led the research team of scientists from the University of South-ampton. They tested 252 images of different ears and found the system was able to match each ear to a(n) 2 image held in its database with 99 percent 3.

“There are a whole load of structures in the ear that you can use to get a set of measurements that are unique to an individual,” said Professor Nixon. “With biometrics, the problem is what happens when people get old. With facial recognition, the systems are often confused by crow's feet(鱼尾纹)and other 4 of aging.” Our ears, however, age very 5. They growproportionally larger and the earlobes get a bit longer, but otherwise they are fully formed from birth, according to Professor Nixon.

The U. K. Identity and Passport Service has been testing facial recognition at an airport since 2008. But facial recognition software is often confused by changes in expression.

Therefore, people need to 6 a neutral expression and in some eases even avoid wearing make-up. And fingerprints, one of the best ways we have of7 an individual at the moment, can be “not so 8” according to the professor. “Bakers and brick layers tend not to have obvious fingerprints as the distinctive whirls rub off. It is hard to do that with your ears. “

Ear scanning uses a technology that 9 all the tubular structures of the ear and measures them. Professor Nixon believes it could take place as passengers walk through security gates, for example, by placing camera on either side to 10 an image of their ears.

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