
Your next ca might drive itself. After years of trials on city streets, driverless vehicles are now nearing the live phase. Last moth, a driverless bus began carrying passengers through Lyon, France, Most in the automobile industry think self-driving vehicles will be on the road by 2020 or before.

Driverless cars will at first be huddled with human-driven cars. But the first places where they will become dominant(统治的)are dense urban areas — precisely the spots most damaged by the automobile age. Many advanced cities are already reducing the role of human-driven cargo. Driverless cars will quicken that process and will bring us enormous benefits.

Driverless cars will reduce accidents by around 90 percent. That’s big—the annual death toll on the world’s roads is about 1.2 million a year. Pollution and carbon emissions will drop, because urban driverless cars will be electric. The old, otherwise they would stay at home most of the time and the disabled and teenagers will suddenly gain mobility.

On the other hand, driverless cars will bring catastrophe. The best thing about the automobile age was that it employed tens of millions of people to make, market, insure and drive vehicles. Over the next 20 years, the mostly low-skilled men who now drive trucks, taxis and buses will see their jobs reduced. Carmakers are especially scared. The few cars of the future might be made by tech companies such as Apple, Baidu and Google. Imaging the impact on Germany, where the automotive sector is the largest industry.

Dramatic change is coming, and driverless cars could arrive by 2020. But governments have barely begun thinking about it. Only 6 percent of the biggest US cities have factored them into their long-term planning.

A decade ago anyone hardly saw the Smartphone coming. It has bought an epidemic of mass addiction. Let’s hope we do a better job of handling the driverless car.

1.The underlined words “be huddled with” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “ “.

A. show up B. exist together

C. get rid of D. take the place of

2.Why can driverless cars reduce pollution and carbon emissions?

A. Driverless cars reduce the number of cars.

B. Driverless cars will be powered by electricity.

C. Driverless cars save fuel by driving themselves.

D. Driverless cars will reduce too many accidents.

3.What’s the author’s attitude toward driverless cars?

A. Doubtful. B. Negative.

C. Objective. D. Worried.

4.What can we know about driverless cars?

A. They will not hit the road until 2020.

B. They will only be used in urban areas.

C. They will not cause any road accident.

D. They aren’t still seriously taken by leaders.


When other nine-year-old kids were playing games,she was working at a petrol station.When other teens were studying or going out,she struggled to find a place to sleep on the street.But she overcame these terrible setbacks to win a highly competitive scholarship and gain entry to Harvard University.And her amazing story has inspired a movie,“Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story”,shown in late April.

Liz Murray,a 22-year-old American girl,has been writing a real-life story of willpower and determination.Liz grew up in the shadow of two drug-addicted parents.There was never enough food or warm clothes in the house.Liz was the only member of the family who had a job.Her mother had AIDS and died when Liz was just 15 years old. The effect of that became a turning point in her life.Connecting the environment in which she had grown up with how her mother had died,she decided to do something about it.

Liz went back to school.She threw herself into her studies,never telling her teachers that she was homeless.At night,she lived on the streets.“What drove me to live on had something to do with understanding,by understanding that there was a whole other way o f being.I had only experienced a small part of the society,” she wrote in her book Breaking Night.

She admitted that she used envy to drive herself on.She used the benefits that come easily to others,such as a safe living environment,to encourage herself that “next to nothing could hold me down”.She finished high school in just two years and won a full scholarship to study at Harvard University.But Liz decided to leave her top university a couple of months earlier this year in order to take care of her father,who has also developed AIDS.“I love my parents so much.They are drug addicts.But I never forget that they love me all the time.”

Liz wants moviegoers (who often see films) to come away with the idea that changing your life is “as simple as making a decision”.

1.In which order did the following things happen to Liz?

a.Her mother died of AIDS.

b.She worked at a petrol station.

c.She got admitted into Harvard.

d.The movie about her life was put on.

e.She had trouble finding a place to sleep.

A. b,a,e,c,d B. a,b,c,e,d

C. e,d,b,a,c D. b,e,a,d,c

2.The main idea of the passage is ________.

A. how Liz managed to enter Harvard University

B. what a hard time Liz had in her childhood

C. why Liz loved her parents so much

D. how Liz struggled to change her life

3.What actually made her go towards her goal?

A. Envy and competition.

B. Willpower and determination.

C. Decisions and understanding.

D. Love and respect for her parents.

4.When she wrote “What drove me to live on ...I had only experienced a small part of the society”,she meant that


A. she had little experience of social life

B. she could hardly understand the society

C. she would do something for her own life

D. she needed to travel more around the world

Today’s workplace is unique in history. Never before have we seen people working together who represent such different backgrounds and experiences. This difference of age, race, gender, and work style makes it very difficult to organize and run a company.

As a result, companies are looking for individuals who can manage a wide range of employees effectively. Increasingly, managers are discovering that age differences among workers are a major cause of concern.

This has been an important realization. The management difficulties and challenges have led some experts to study intergenerational differences for an understanding of problems in the workplace. What they have discovered is interesting and may provide ways of improving working conditions in companies that employ individuals from different generations.

The first thing to realize, they say, is that differences of opinion about the importance of work and how to get work done are not a coincidence. That is, it is not an accident that young employees will be different from older employees. In fact, if employers do not pay attention to these differences, it is possible that anger will build up between people and lead to difficulties in the company.

Resentment (仇恨) between members of different generations, if not attended to, can lead to extreme anger and unhappiness and even lasting enmity if people are not careful. That individuals from different generations should come to view each other as if they were from different sides of warring countries should not be surprising.

It is natural for individuals from the same generation to form alliances (联盟), to come together for protection. Different generations represent different experiences in life, and these lead naturally to different opinions about oneself and one’s approaches to work.

If you were raised in a time of plenty, when products were readily available and relatively inexpensive, you would believe that prosperity is natural and expectable. If, on the other hand, you were raised in a time of scarcity, you would always be careful not to waste things for fear you would not have enough. You would make angry people who seem to believe that problems will always solve themselves. Such optimism in the face of difficulties would be a source of unhappiness between you and them. It is difficult, in such circumstances, to achieve a happy, agreeable atmosphere in the workplace.

1.According to the experts, employers should realize ______ if they want to avoid anger between employees.

A. the different understanding of problems in the workplace

B. the different views on value of work and working methods

C. the different genders of employees in the workplace

D. the different ways of expressing anger in the company

2.The word “enmity” is closet in meaning to ______.

A. hatred B. sorrows

C. ignorance D. forgiveness

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Employees in some companies regard each other as mere enemies.

B. Employees’ attitudes towards life are related to the time when they grow up.

C. Employees who are raised in a time of scarcity tend to be angry with others.

D. Achieving a harmonious atmosphere in the workplace is the main task for employers.

4.What does the writer mainly talk about in the passage?

A. Employees should be cooperative and friendly with each other.

B. It is difficult for employers to have workers work in a friendly way.

C. The weakness of human nature causes the anger between employees.

D. The generational differences cause the disharmony among employees.

Over the years I have received many Christmas gifts. However, the best one I’ve ever received was presented by a________ I never knew his name and I only had______with him for less than 60 seconds, but the moment changed the_______I think about people and Christmas.

I______Black Friday sales. It’s often lots of people______the shops merely to pick up bargains. Their intentions are completely unrelated to the______time of year.

It was one Black Friday morning several years ago______my wife and I went to the local department store to purchase a child’s______for our son. W e stood with a very large crowd,_____ for the manage to blow the whistle. On hearing the______, people were all scrambling(争先恐后)to get the bargains. I______my opportunity and lifted one of the boxes containing bikes_______I felt some mild resistance. I looked______to see one of the largest gentlemen I’d ever seen in my life. “Frightening” was not the world to_______his presence. I unwillingly______the box but, to my surprise, he gently pushed it back in______direction. Our eyes made contact and he gave me a ____smile, saying, “Merry Christmas.” My wife and I went to the______and paid for the bike. All the way home I was thinking that this moment was much the best Christmas gift I’d ever received. A simple______of kindness from a stranger______all stereotypes(成见)and prejudices I may have had. I’ll never forget it.

1.A. friend B. colleague C. stranger D. brother

2.A. fun B. argument C. conversation D. contact

3.A. way B. habit C. attitude D. pattern

4.A. enjoy B. forget C. hate D. expect

5.A. breaking into B. crowding C. getting into D. wandering

6.A. joyful B. discouraging C. annoying D. busy

7.A. since B. when C. before D. until

8.A. toy B. book C. box D. bike

9.A. preparing B. looking C. waiting D. crying

10.A. whistle B. bell C. screams D. cheers

11.A. missed B. saw C. offered D. quitted

12.A. Gradually B. Immediately C. Occasionally D. Suddenly

13.A. down B. up C. through D. forward

14.A. introduce B. state C. describe D. say

15.A. take away B. take down C. put away D. put down

16.A. his B. its C. my D. another

17.A. friendly B. regretful C. frightening D. special

18.A. exit B. checkout C. store D. stand

19.A. act B. behavior C. word D. movement

20.A. deepened B. replaced C. cleaned D. removed

You're riding in the car on this family vacation. Suddenly your dad slows down. And you may see the following:

1. Bubblegum Alley

San Luis Obispo, California

Some call it art; others call it just plain gross. Bubblegum Alley is covered from top to bottom with wads of chewed gum, a tradition that was started mysteriously by locals in the 1950s. Some artists even created images of funny faces and the American flag.

2. Blue Whale

Catoosa, Oklahoma

Not ready to dive the depths of the ocean to see a blue whale? No problem. Just visit this 80-foot-long cement beast, which even has a slide and diving board so visitors can take a dip in the pond. When the artist died, the whale fell into disrepair. Neighbors couldn't stand to see the grinning whale fall apart, so they fixed it and now keep it bright with gallons of blue paint.

3. Lonesome Legs

Amarillo, Texas

Just what are these large legs doing in a cow pasture? According to artist Lightnin' McDuff, they represent a poem about a traveler who finds a bodiless statue of an Egyptian pharaoh (法老) called Ozymandias. Using concrete over a steel frame, McDuff constructed the legs to appear as if they were made of weathered sandstone. And the socks? A prankster (恶作剧的人) keeps adding them—even though McDuff always removes the unwanted addition.

4. Giant Penguin

Cut Bank, Montana

Bundle up (使……穿暖)when you visit this statue, because temperatures here can get as low as 47 degrees below zero. As a nod to the frosty conditions, a local businessman built the 27-foot-tall penguin out of 10,000 pounds of concrete. The creator left for warmer weather, but the statue—7 times the height of a real emperor penguin—still stands, welcoming visitors to its chilly home.

1.What led to the formation of the Bubblegum Alley?

A. Artists made it by creating images of funny faces and the American flag.

B. It’s covered with pieces of chewed gum.

C. It spread for some unknown reason.

D. Artists guided this trend.

2.The following are descriptions about these sites, which is TRUE?

①The Blue Whale has been ruined.

②Visitors can entertain in the whale.

③The socks were added by the designer.

④The legs were made of weathered sandstone.

⑤The penguin is located in a very cold area.

⑥The statue of penguin is 6 times higher than a real emperor penguin.

A. ①②③

B. ④⑤⑥

C. ①④⑤

D. ②⑤⑥

3.What impression of these sites does the author give you?

A. Funny.

B. Strange.

C. Amazing.

D. Usual.

Once upon a time there lived an old man in a nice cottage with a large garden. The old man was seen _______his flowers all the time. They were so well-tended(照顾得好) that every passer-by could not but ______for a glance.

One day a young man went by the garden. He gazed_______ the splendid garden, lost in admiration at the beauty of the scenery. Then, suddenly he ______ the old gardener was blind. _______ ,the young man asked, “Why are you busy tending these flowers every day which you can’t _____ in fact?” The old man smiled and answered that I can tell you ____ reasons. First I was a ______when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, although I can’t see these flowers, yet I can ______ them. Third,I can smell sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s _____

“Me? But you don’t know me,” responded the young man ______.

“Yeah, it’s _____ that I don’t know you. But I know everyone knows flowers and would ______ turn them down. I know the beauty of my garden will get many people into a good_______. In the meantime, it also _____ a chance to me to have a word with you here and to enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.”

The old man’s ______ astonished me. The blind man grows flowers and _____them as a link of minds so as to make_____ enjoy the sunshine in spring. Isn’t it one kind of happiness?

I believe every flower has ______ with which they can see the kindness of the man’s heart. The blind man grows flowers in his heart. Though ______ to see the beauty of blossoming, he surely can hear the voice of it, I suppose.

1.A. tending B. watering C. loving D. planting

2.A. live B. stay C. stop D. run

3.A. on B. in C. at D. for

4.A. realized B. thought C. felt D. noticed

5.A. Excited B. Shocked C. Frightened D. Satisfied

6.A. see B. feel C. hear D. eat

7.A. one B. two C. three D. four

8.A. teacher B. gardener C. farmer D. painter

9.A. taste B. touch C. plant D. appreciate

10.A. it B. me C. you D. them

11.A. in surprise B. with pleasure C. with hope D. in anger

12.A. possible B. true C. a pity D. a shame

13.A. ever B. still C. even D. never

14.A. mind B. mood C. future D. life

15.A. introduces B. Leaves C. stands D. offers

16.A. story B. behavior C. words D. attitudes

17.A. serves B. acts C. works D. looks

18.A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody

19.A. ears B. eyes C. soul D. heart

20.A. refusing N B. Trying C. pretending D. failing

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