

1How did the man feel after the test?

A.It was OK.B.It was hard.C.It was a piece of cake.

2When will the man know the result of the math test?

A.Today.B.Tomorrow.C.On Friday.

3What class will the man have tomorrow?








M: Hi mom! I’m home.

W: Good! How was school?

M: It was okay. We had a really hard math test today. I prepared for it well. I thought it just a piece of cake before the test.

W: How did you do?

M: I do not know yet. I will find out on Friday.

W: I hope you did well. Do you have any homework tonight

M: Yes. I have a little bit of history homework and I need to read two chapters for English class. We will learn a new unit tomorrow.


【题目】 I didn't grow up in a very loving family. In fact, there are few, if any, happy memories I have of my childhood involving my family members. My happiest moments were spent with the few friends I was allowed to have. My family eventually distanced from all the neighbors. So the time came when I didn't even have neighborhood kids to play with. So, I learned to spend my time reading, discovering nature and setting and achieving small goals for myself.

There was another family in town that was quite similar to mine. They had a lot of children like my own family. They attended the same church. I always wondered what it would be like if my family were more like them. They never knew it, but I watched them and admired hem. They were happy and close — everything I wished my family could be.

Decades Later I found myself back at that very same church I had left behind. This time I was in that church for my mother's funeral. As I approached the church for the funeral, memories came flooding back home. I remembered the warm, kind smiles of that family when I was a child.

After the funeral service, I heard a familiar voice call my name. I turned around and he was there, the father of that, family I had admired when I was young. He was a church volunteer for my mother's funeral lunch. We chatted for a bit. I pointed out my happy child to him and it was at that point I realized I was raising my boy in a way I had seen him raise his own children so long ago. He didn't realize it, but my son s life has been greatly affected by him.

Live your life with virtue.You never know who’s watching, who you will inspire and whose life you'll change.

1What do we learn about the author's parents?

A.They got along well with each other.

B.They were good at educating children.

C.They didn't love the author very much.

D.They didn't do well in dealing with people.

2Why did the author go back to the town decades later?

A.To meet the man.B.To visit the church.

C.To work as a volunteer.D.To handle something personal.

3Which of the following words can best describe the man?



4What message does the author intend to convey?

A.Try to build a happy family.B.Watch your words and deeds.

C.Learn from others all the time.D.Help others whenever possible.

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