


Question: I have recently got a senior position within my company.One of my new tasks is to make monthly progress reports on my department in front of other senior officials. During my first meeting, I presented and then opened the floor to questions. 1. My first reaction was to answer defensively.Later, I realized that I shouldn’t have felt that way.But how can I keep cool and effectively answer questions in this type of settings?

Answer: Congratulations on your new position! Presenting in front of your peers (同事) is a hard task in itself and it becomes much more difficult when a question-and-answer period is required! Question-and-answer periods are a great way to clarify the message and strengthen key points. 2.


When a person is asking a question, show interest and a desire to understand the question by listening and asking for clarification.

● Buy time

When facing a hard question, most people can’t give an answer immediately.Buy time by repeating the question in your own words. 4. These techniques allow you to quickly organize your thoughts as well as to make sure you will be correctly answering the question.

● Suggest a private meeting.

A one-to-one meeting is a calmer setting than speaking in front of your peers. 5.

A.Show your true interest.

B.Restate the question with respect.

C.Some ideas can be quite concrete.

D.There were many difficult questions.

E.It can also be more effective in exchanging ideas.

F.You may also ask for clarification on the question.

G.Here are some ideas that can help prepare for your next meeting.


What happens to a teenage kid when the world he thought he knew suddenly changes? Find out in Little Brother by American author Cory Doctorow. It is a fascinating book for a new generation of science fiction readers.

Marcus Yallow, 17, from San Francisco is much more comfortable in front of a computer than obeying the rules of society. Smart, fast and wise to the ways of the networked world, he has no trouble outwitting his high school's monitoring(监控) system. This way he and his friends get to head off to play a popular online game in real life.

While they are playing, a bomb explodes on the Bay Bridge. Marcus stops a military vehicle to get help for his injured friend, but this simple act throws him into a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) secret prison. There he is treated as a possible terrorist. He is eventually let go after four days, but his injured friend disappears.

When he returns, Marcus discovers that there are many “security measures” in place and that now all citizens are treated like potential terrorists. While some consider this government action necessary for public safety, Marcus sees this as a complete destruction of the rights he is supposed to have as a citizen.

He knows that no one will believe his story, which leaves him with only one thing to do: to take down the DHS (数字处理系统) himself. He helps organize a large network called Xnet to spread the truth, anonymously (匿名地).

The book presents a young man who is irresponsible, but learns about himself, and grows, in the course of the story. As part of this learning and growing he becomes aware of very serious issues about his society.

1. What kind of article does this passage belong to?

A. A fascinating story B. A news report

C. A book review D. A TV programme

2.The underlined word “outwitting” in the second paragraph means ________.

A. destroying in a wise way B. buying in a wise way

C. cheating in a wise way D. helping in a wise way

3.Marcus Yallow was sent to prison because ________.

A. he killed his friend

B. he bombed a military vehicle

C. his injured friend disappeared

D. he did something that a possible terrorist could do

4.From the second paragraph we can infer that ________.

A. Marcus Yallow is expert at the network world

B. Marcus Yallow is smart, fast and wise in real life

C. Marcus Yallow always plays online games in real life

D. Marcus Yallow is much more comfortable obeying the rules of society


If you’re a fan of The Hunger Games,you shouldn’t miss another trilogy called Divergent.

The second book,by US author Veronica Roth,1. (publish) in 2012.It has spent 105 weeks on the USA Today best-selling books list and 2. (current) ranks No 1.

The trilogy’s story begins in a futuristic Chicago3. people are divided into five distinct groups.Each group is characterized by certain traits – Abnegation (the selfless),Dauntless (the brave),Erudite (the intelligent),Amity (the peaceful) and Candor (the honest).Every child,at 16,takes a test 4. (see) which of the five factions he or she belongs to.But Beatrice Prior,born in Abnegation,is qualified 5. three,meaning she is a Divergent.And she is told not to tell6. if she wants to stay alive.

So the decision is between staying with her family or being true to herself.Beatrice ends up 7. (choose) the Dauntless.After joining her new group,Beatrice renames herself Tris and tries to prove her 8. (brave) with amazing things like jumping off a moving train onto a rooftop.While undergoing these extreme physical tests,Tris must also determine who her real friends are.

The story of the trilogy “explores a more common adolescent anxiety – the painful realization 9. coming into one’s own sometimes means leaving family behind,both ideologically 10. physically”,commented The New York Times.

Since the beginning of time never has there been another with my mind, my heart, my eyes, my ears, my hands, my mouth. None that came before, none that live today, and none that come tomorrow can walk and talk and move and think exactly like me. I’m a unique creature.

Vain attempts to imitate others no longer will I make. Instead will I place my uniqueness on display in the market place. I will begin now to highlight my differences; hide my similarities.

I am rare, and therefore I am valuable. I am the end product of thousands of years of evolution; therefore, I am better equipped in both mind and body than all the emperors and wise men before me.

But my skills, my mind, my heart, and my body will weaken, rot, and die for fear that I put them to good use. I have unlimited potential. Only a tiny part of my brain do I employ; only a small amount of my muscle do I apply.

So never again will I be satisfied with yesterday's accomplishments nor will I lose myself, anymore, in self-praise for deeds which in reality are too small to even acknowledge. I can accomplish far more than I have, and I will. I am not on this earth by chance. I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sanD.Henceforth(从今往后) will I apply all my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.

I will increase my knowledge of mankind, myself, and the goods I sell. I will practice, and improve, and polish the words I speak to multiply my sales, for this is the foundation on which I will build my career. Also will I seek constantly to improve my manners and graces, for they are the sugar to which all are attracted.

I have been given eyes to see and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of life that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth, great opportunities in disguise. I am nature’s greatest miracle. And nature knows not defeat. Eventually, she achieves victory and so will I, and with each victory the next struggle becomes less difficult.

1.It can be inferred from the text that the author is most probably a(n) _________.

A. robot

B. soldier

C. salesman

D. athlete

2.Which of the following can best describe the author’s character?

A. Intelligent, calm and content.

B. Confident, modest and realistic.

C. Independent, cold and aggressive.

D. Ambitious, confident and optimistic.

3.According to the text, which of the following is fundamental to the author’s career building?

A. Knowledge of mankind.

B. Speaking skills.

C. Prediction of the market.

D. sense of victory.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Nature’s greatest miracle

B. The power of being different

C. The great secret of life

D. Great opportunities in disguise


Ebola is a dangerous virus that can cause people to get very sick and even die. The virus is causing the biggest problems in western Africa, where it has spread quickly.

1. But it can get worse and cause life-threatening symptoms, such as bleeding and trouble breathing.


Ebola does not spread like colds or the flu because it does not float through the air. Ebola also doesn’t spread through food or water, like some other viruses. Instead, Ebola spreads when someone touches the body fluids (such as spit) of a sick person.


An outbreak is when many people are getting sick with the same illness around the same time. You may have heard of a flu outbreak, which is when lots of people get sick from the same types of flu virus. When an outbreak happens because of a virus, more people could get sick because there is a lot of that virus around.

Where did Ebola come from?

Scientists aren’t sure how the first person gets Ebola at the start of an outbreak. 4.. Tropical animals in Africa believed to carry the virus include great apes, chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys, fruit bats, porcupines, and forest antelope.

What do kids need to do about Ebola?

Ebola is making many people sick in Africa, but no matter where you live, it’s always a good idea to wash your hands well and often. 5.

A. What is Ebola?

B. What is an outbreak?

C. How do people catch Ebola?

D. Ebola symptoms can start with fever and headache, kind of like the flu.

E. But they think that people may pick up the virus by touching or eating infected animals.

F. It’s very important that infected people get treatment right away.

G. Keeping your hands clean can help protect you from common illnesses like colds and the flu.

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