
She keeps a supply of candles in the house in case of power _________.

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句意:她在屋子里储存了一些蜡烛,以防断电。power failure为“停电”。


I have a friend who lives by a three-word philosophy (人生哲学): Seize the moment. Just possibly, she may be the wisest woman on this planet. Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven’t thought about it, don’t have it on their schedule, don’t know it is coming or are too strict to depart from their routine.

I can’t count the times I called my sister and said, “How about going to lunch in half an hour?” She would gasp and stammer (结结巴巴地说), “I can’t. I have clothes on the line. My hair is dirty. I wish I had known it yesterday, I had a late breakfast, and it looks like rain.” And my personal favorite response: “It’s just Monday.” She died a few years ago. We never did have lunch together. From then on, I’ve tried to be a little more flexible.

Life has a way of going faster as we get older. The days get shorter, and the list of promises made to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we awaken, and all have to show for our lives is repetition of “I’m going to” , “I plan on” and “Someday, when things are settled down a bit.”

When anyone calls my “seize the moment” friend, she is open to adventure and available for trips. She keeps an open mind on new ideas. Her enthusiasm for life is contagious. You talk with her for five minutes, and you’re ready to trade your bad feet for a pair of Rollerblades and skip an elevator for a bungee cord.

My lips have not touched ice cream in 10 years . I love ice cream. The other day, I stopped the car and bought a triple-decker. If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I would have died happily.

Now ... go on and have a nice day. Do something you WANT to … not something on your SHOULD DO list.

1.The example of the writer’s sister serves as ________.

A. an argument       B. an introduction      C. a support         D. a conclusion

2.The writer thinks that the excuse “It’s just Monday.” is acceptable, because ________.

A. it is still likely that they can have lunch together some time later

B. it sounds most reasonable of all the excuses

C. it shows respect for the writer’s suggestion

D. it indicates the time when they can have lunch together

3.The underlined word “contagious” in the fourth paragraph means “________” .

A. appropriate               B. influential                  C. practical                   D. evident

4.What is the purpose of the writer by writing this passage?

A. To suggest how time flies.

B. To persuade busy people to relax.

C. To advise people to keep their promise.

D. To persuade readers to be flexible on their schedule for practical joy.

In a growing number of English classes, teachers are leaving the classic novels on the shelf and letting students select the books they read. Supporters say that the new approach, called reader’s workshop, helps develop a love for reading in students who are bored by classic literature. They argue that the best way to motivate students to read more is to offer them more choices.
Not all educators are on the same page, however. They worry that students who choose trendy, less challenging titles over the classics won’t be exposed to the great writing and key themes of important works of literature.
Student reporters Donald and Sarah express their ideas about this new approach.
Donald thinks that we should turn the page. Students should be allowed to select the books they read in English class. He says he and his classmates are allowed to pick their own books in class. That makes them more focused, and they look forward to class time. Tristin, a classmate of his at Clinton Middle School agrees. “I’m reading books that I want to read, which makes class more fun and interesting,” he says. Offering students a choice may also improve test scores. Studies by Professor John Guthrie of the University of Maryland found that students in grades 4 through 6 who had some choices in the books they read showed improved reading comprehension skills during testing. Giving students the chance to decide what they read helps build a lifelong love for reading. Isn’t that what we want for our students?
Sarah holds a different view. She thinks teachers know more about books than students do. When an English teacher assigns a book, he or she keeps in mind the reading level of most students in the class. Students who choose their own books might be cheating themselves by picking books that are not up to their reading level or that are too difficult. Furthermore, a whole class can discuss a book it reads together. That makes it easier for some kids to understand what they are reading. “The students wouldn’t be able to hold a meaningful conversation if they were all reading different books,” says Kristin, an English teacher at Fleetwood Area Middle School. “If they read the same book, their conversations would be more in-depth.”
【小题1】What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence “Not all educators are on the same page”?

A.Educators have different opinions.B.Educators didn’t appear at the same time.
C.Educators wrote in different pages.D.Educators didn’t agree with the author.
【小题2】Donald thinks that the new approach could __________.
A.helped students be more focused in class
B.draw students to reading classic novels
C.make students less worried in English class
D.encourage students to red more challenging books
【小题3】Sarah thinks that the new approach might __________.
A.help students improve reading comprehension skills
B.help students hold meaningful conversations in class
C.make some students read books not suitable for them
D.make some students ignore the important works of literature
【小题4】Who has the same attitude towards the new approach with Kristin?
A.Donald.B.Sarah.C.Tristin.D.John Guthrie.
【小题5】The author develops the text mainly by __________.
A.listing casesB.making comparisons
C.following time orderD.explaining causes and effects


When former American President Bill Clinton travelled to South Korea to visit President Kim Young Sam,he repeatedly referred to the Korean president’s wife as Mrs.Kim.By mistake, President Clinton’s advisers thought that Koreans have the same naming customs as the Japanese. Clinton had not been told that,in Korea,wives keep their family names.President Kim Young Sam’s wife was named Sohn Myong Suk.Therefore,she should be addressed(称谓) as Mrs.Sohn.

President Clinton arrived in Korea directly after leaving Japan and had not changed his culture gears.His failure to follow Korean customs gave the impression that Korea was not as important to him as Japan.

In addition to Koreans,some Asian husbands and wives do not share the same family names.This practice often puzzles(使困惑) English-speaking teachers when talking with a pupil’s parents.They become puzzled about the student’s correct last name.Placing the family name first is common among a number of Asian cultures.

Mexican naming customs are different as well.When a woman marries,she keeps her family name and adds her husband’s name after the word de(of).This affects(影响) how they fill in forms in the United States.When requested to fill in a middle name,they generally write the father’s family name.But Mexicans are addressed by the family name of the mother.This often causes puzzlement.

Here are a few ways to deal with such difficult situations:don’t always think that a married woman uses her husband’s last name.Remember that in many Asian cultures,the order of first and last names is reversed(颠倒).Ask which name a person would prefer to use.If the name is difficult to pronounce,admit it,and ask the person to help you say it correctly.

1.The story of Bill Clinton is used to ______.

A.improve US-Korean relations

B.introduce the topic of the text

C.describe his visit to Korea

D.tell us how to address a person

2.The word “gears” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.

A.action plans                              B.naming customs

C.travel maps                               D.thinking patterns

3.When a woman marries in Korea,she ______.

A.continues to use her family name

B.uses her husband’s given name

C.shares her husband’s family name

D.adds her husband’s given name to hers

4.To address a married woman properly,you’d better ______.

A.use her middle name

B.use her husband’s first name

C.ask her which name she likes

D.change the order of her names


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