

Figuring out how to invest your money can be a difficult task. This is something that you will want to learn how to do._ 1.___ Things that will improve your knowledge, skills or health are all great investments. However, before you start, you need to be clear about what you will gain out of doing all of these things.

You may think investing in yourself means investing in your education. __2.___. There are some other things you can do as well as buying a gym membership or learning a new skill. So what are some specific things you can do? ___3.___. Reading books can really expand your mind and allow you to learn different skills and gain knowledge. I’m talking about the books where you will actually learn a new skill, not fiction books

You can also take courses and attend seminars. These programs are taught by people with a high level of knowledge or skill. ____4.___. Only in this way can you avoid being fooled by some sales presentation. Moreover, investing in yourself is a safe way to keep your money. Although a savings account is seen as the most secure investment, that isn’t 100% safe. Even if you never experience your bank closing down, the return is little when inflation(通货膨胀) is taken into consideration. ____5.____. But over time, they will show up in terms of your happiness level as well as your level of success.

A. This is just one way.

B. The benefits will stay with you.

C. If you aren’t a reader, you should start with that.

D. The more you do this, the more valuable you will be.

E. Of course, you need to do some research before investing.

F. The best way to invest your money is to invest it in yourself.

G. When you invest in yourself, you may not see gains right away.


Maybe you are aware that the latest job markets news isn’t promising: Unemployment is still more than 9 percent, and new job growth has fallen close to zero, which is bad for economy, of course. And it may be especially discouraging if you happen to be looking for a job or hoping to change careers right now. But it actually shouldn’t matter to you nearly as much as you think.

That’s because job growth numbers don’t matter to job hunters as much as job turnover data. After all, existing jobs open up every day due to promotions, resignations, terminations, and retirements. In both good times and bad, turnover creates more openings than economic growth does. Even in June of 2007, when the economy was still falling along, job growth was only 132,000, while turnover was 4.7 million!

And as it turns out, even today — with job growth near zero — over 4 million job hunters are being hired every month.

I don’t mean to imply that overall job growth doesn’t have an impact on one’s ability to land a job. It’s true that if total employment were higher, it would mean more jobs for all of us to choose from. And it’s true that there are currently more people applying for each available job opening, regardless of whether it’s a new one or not.

But what often distinguishes those who land jobs from those who don’t is their ability to stay motivated. They’re willing to do the hard work of identifying their valuable skills; be creative about where and how to look; learn how to present themselves to potential employers; and keep going, even after repeated rejections. The Bureau of Labor Statistics data showed that 2.7 million people who wanted and were available for work hadn’t looked for a job within the last four weeks and were no longer even classified as unemployed.

So don’t let the headlines fool you into giving up. Four million people get hired every month in the U.S. You can be one of them.

1.The author tends to believe that high unemployment rate _______.

A. causes many people to lose job opportunities

B. should not stop people from looking for a job

C. prevents many people from changing careers

D. does not mean the U.S. economy is worsening

2.Where do most job openings come from?

A. Job growth. B. Business expansion.

C. Improved economy. D. Job turnover.

3.What does the author say about overall job growth?

A. It increases people’s confidence in the economy.

B. It doesn’t have much effect on individual job seekers.

C. It gives a ray of hope to the unemployed.

D. It doesn’t mean greater job security for the employed.

4.What is the key to landing a job according to the author?

A. Never giving up. B. Being intelligent.

C. Being educated. D. Being experienced.

5.What do we learn from the passage about the unemployment figures in the US?

A. They clearly indicate how healthy the economy is.

B. They provide the public with the latest information.

C. They don’t include those who have stopped looking for a job.

D. They warn of the structural problems in the economy.

Are you a volcano lover? Here is a list of some of the world's most beautiful volcanoes

that our travel agency can offer you to visit. Don't miss them!

Mount Mayon, the Philippines

Located about 450 km southeast of Manila on the island of Luzon, Mount Mayon is the

most active volcano in the Philippines; a September 2014 eruption forced thousands to flee the

area. Those who hike the volcano are rewarded with views of the towns in the Albay province

and the Pacific Ocean. But even those who prefer the view from a distance have a historical

good point at the Cagsawa Ruins, once an 18th Century Franciscan church that was destroyed

by an 1814 eruption.

Kilauea and Marina Kea, Hawaii

Hawaii's volcanoes are known for their active eruptions and extraordinary scenes. Mauna Kea is around one million years old, while Kilauea is the youngest volcano in Hawaii and has

been erupting continuously since 1983. The lava falls straight into the sea, creating fantastic

forms of black rocks and smoke clouds.

Mount Kelimutu, Indonesia

Kelimutu's three mysterious crater lakes attract both scientists and tourists to the island

of Flores in Indonesia's East Nusa Tenggara province. One is emerald green (翡翠绿), another

dark red, and the third pitch black. Scientists say the lakes take on such colors because the

volcanic gases met the lakes' minerals centuries ago.

1.People who hike Mount Mayon can enjoy the following EXCEPT ______.

A. views of the towns in the Albay province

B. views of the Pacific Ocean

C. views of the Cagsawa Ruins

D. views of Indonesia's East Nusa Tenggara province

2.According to the text, Kilauea_____________________.

A. is an active volcano

B. stopped erupting in 1983

C. is the youngest volcano in the world

D. forced thousands to flee in 2014

3.The colors of Kelimutu's three mysterious crater lakes are due to_______________.

A. water pollution B. different environments

C. chemical reaction D. different temperatures

For as early as I could remember, my mother had been a bright, cheerful woman deeply interested and involved in the world around her. However, in the last fifteen years of her life, she had to live with senile dementia (老年痴呆). I would go to my home to pay her a visit in California and she would curiously look at me and then ask, “Who are you?” I would answer, “I’m your own son, of course.” “Where do you live?” She would ask. “In Virginia”, I would tell her. “Isn’t that interesting,” she would say, “I have a son in Virginia.”

Mother seemed only forgetful as well as confused at the beginning of that disease, but sometime later she would go through different time of intense anxiety. She would keep walking through the house she used to live in most of her life crying uneasily that she would like to go home. Or sometimes she left home and wandered away if she were unattended(无人照看) for a short time.

Hoping to make her happy and put her mind at ease I would take her in my car, visiting sites where she used to live when she was a child. In the yard of the hillside house in Shipman I sat in the car and admired the view of the old oaks and long green lawn. I pictured my mother that there was a little girl playing with the pet lamb she had been so fond of. I looked to her for some response. She shook her head and said, “I want to go home.”

Over the years I have decided that what my mother was calling home was not a place, but a time. I think it was a time when she was much younger, when her children were still underfoot, when her husband was still energetic and attentive.

Watching my mother’s suffering set me wondering where I would have in mind if someday I couldn’t find home and wanted to go there. In this family we tend to be long-lived and we grow fuzzy (糊涂的) minded as the years go by. At eighty I have already noticed some alarming symptoms(症状). My doctor says the forgetfulness is only natural and that it comes with age. Still the fear of senile dementia is haunting there. Someday if and when I become even more cloudy minded than I am now, unable to drive and unable to tell you where "home" is, my dear son, I expect I will ask you to take me home, I know you will do your best to find the place I need to be. I leave these notes for your guidance.

1.Which of the following is NOT the symptom of the mother of the author?

A. forgetful B. confused C. cheerful D. uneasy

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “picture”?

A. 摄影 B.描绘 C.出现 D. 绘画

3.What can you infer from the third paragraph?

A. The author cared much about his mother.

B. The mother of the author liked pet lambs very much.

C. The author found a very little girl who was playing with a pet lamb.

D. The mother of the author did not like her usual home.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Where Is Home?

B. A story about a son and a mother.

C. Everyone will suffer with senile dementia.

D. Take Mother Home.


A stress ball is a small ball designed to help relieve stress by exercising the muscles in the hand. Actually, a stress ball does not necessarily have to be shaped like a ball. 1. The main characteristic is that it can fit easily in a hand, and it is changeable, allowing a user to squeeze it out of shape while providing some resistance to force the muscles of the hand to work.

2. Squeezing a stress ball while imagining a reduction in stress is a frequently-recommended stress management tool for people in demanding jobs. Stress balls are often given away at conferences and other corporate events as promotional tools, reflecting their widespread use.

In addition to this, a stress ball can be useful for physical strain. Physical therapists use a very similar tool to help people flex and stretch the muscles in their hands. Squeezing a stress ball can reduce the amount of strain associated with repetitive tasks like typing. 3. .

A variety of things can be used to fill a stress ball. The filling should be firm, with a bit of give to it, forcing people to work to deform the stress ball. You can make your own basic stress ball by filling a balloon with corn starch(淀粉). Beans and plastic granules(颗粒) may also be used. 4. .

Using a stress ball doesn’t require any particular instructions or skills. 5. Repeated use of a stress ball can, of course, cause the same problems that other repetitive motions are associated with, but taking breaks from typing and other repetitive tasks to squeeze a stress ball a few times can be beneficial.

A. However, these fillings are less smooth.

B. Also, it can help to develop hand strength.

C. All you need to do is pick the ball and squeeze it.

D. A wide variety of shapes can be found on the market.

E. One of the best handmade gifts for men is a stress ball.

F. Stress balls are supposed to be very useful for mental stress relief.

G. This can be easily cured by keeping something like a stress ball in the hand.


阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

My family often had a get-together with friends in my childhood. As I was smart, there was always someone who would come up to mention my high ________ and ask, “What are you going to do when you ________ ?” Well, it started out being a teacher or a hero. ________it was a fireman, an artist … As I grew older my dreams of the future ________ . When I was going to college, I was asked, “What will you major in?”, another question ________to find out what I would be when I grew up.

By then I made up my mind to become a ________ programmer. So I was studying software for much of my life. I am ________ that I could realize my dream. The realization of my life purpose encourages me to help others to succeed in their own ________ .

However, for many, there is a “________” which goes around stealing our dreams and robbing us of the________ mental state to achieve our________. Sometimes, the thief will come as a parent, a relative, or a friend, ________ the greatest thief is just ourselves.

Usually when we are about to ________ the aim, a “small” voice inside will say, “You will never ________ .” “Very few have ever done this successfully.” And on and on the “small” voice makes us________ heart and fail.

Failure, ________, helps our dreams to come true. It is one of the most important ________ we have, because it teaches us ________ lessons. And, when we learn these lessons well, we are________ for success.

There are no “overnight” successes, but with perseverance, they will come. So just don’t ________ . Let dreams stay in your life.

1.A. quality B. character C. power D. intelligence

2.A. set up B. grow up C. get up D. pick up

3.A. Before B. Later C. Meanwhile D. Recently

4.A. continued B. formed C. changed D. kept

5.A. supposed B. answered C. imagined D. designed

6.A. radio B. car C. satellite D. computer

7.A. worried B. interested C. happy D. surprised

8.A. lives B. studies C. experience D. work

9.A. relative B. friend C. parent D. thief

10.A. necessary B. same C. only D. exact

11.A. results B. goals C. advantages D. power

12.A. and B. because C. but D. so

13.A. leave B. reach C. remove D. select

14.A. succeed B. fail C. forget D. arrive

15.A. give B. take C. lose D. break

16.A. besides B. otherwise C. though D. instead

17.A. tools B. purposes C. medicines D. messages

18.A. thankful B. valuable C. hopeless D. logical

19.A. sorry B. angry C. ready D. responsible

20.A. bring back B. set off C. take apart D. give up

The old shopkeeper led me through to the back of the shop. The room was filled with boxes and dusty photographs of people holding packages in their hands.

Mr. Hopkins said, "We have a very wide choice of items for sale. Whenever I serve a new customer, I take his picture. " Mr. Hopkins pointed to an ancient camera on a table.

I began to appreciate the lovely items on sale. I spent a very pleasant hour being shown the commodi-ties in the shop. Finally, I bought an antique jewelry box, a pair of riding boots and a sewing machine.

I was very excited that I had found such a good little shop. "I will tell all my friends about your love-ly place. " I told the shopkeeper. "Please don't do that, sir. " said Mr. Hopkins. "This is a special place for special people. You must keep this shop a secret. " Then he took my photograph and handed me the picture straight away.

" That was quick ! " I exclaimed. In the picture I looked proud and excited holding the presents I had bought there.

On Christmas Day, my friends and relatives were delighted with the presents I had bought for them.

For weeks, my brother begged me to take him to the wonderful little shop. I finally agreed.

We walked along Oxford Street, past the department store and found---nothing. In its place was an empty space being used as a car park. I checked the area again. There was the music shop, and there was the department store. In between should have been Hopkins and Son, but it wasn't there.

Just then, an old policeman came. "Are you looking for something, sir?" he asked. "I am looking for a little shop called Hopkins and Son. "

"Oh yes, there was a shop here 'once called Hopkins and Son. But it was knocked down over 30 years ago. "

I looked again at the place, then I reached into my pocket and took out the photograph that Mr. Hop-kins had taken of me holding my presents in the little shop.

" How strange ! " I screamed.

1.What did the author think of Hopkins and Son?

A. Big and modem. B. Old and outdated.

C. Little and dusty. D. Lovely and wonderful.

2.We can infer from Paragraph 4 that Mr. Hopkins . .

A. was ashamed of his little shop

B. didn't like his shop to be advertised

C. was one of the author's special friends

D. handed the author his picture immediately

3.What does the underlined word "commodities" refer to?

A. The goods in the shop.

B. The author's gifts.

C. Photographs taken by Mr. Hopkins.

D. Packages held by other customers.

4.What can we learn about the shop?

A. It was closed by the police. .

B. It was well - known in that area.

C. It was knocked down a few weeks ago.

D. It was between a music shop and a department store.

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