
【题目】Nowadays, it is common that more and more high school students open their own micro blogs on the Internet. For one thing, it can provide a colorful platform to show their talent. For 【1】 _, it is a useful way 2___release their pressure. And all these make it more and more popular with high school students. 3_ many parents and teachers hold a different view. They think that 4__manage one’s micro blogs will take a lot of time and energy, 5___should be used to study

In my view, I am in favor 6 __the activity. Today the Internet is playing an important role in our life. 7__, as high school students of the Information Age, we need to learn to make use of this meaningful tool to communicate and display 8__us.What’s more, opening and organizing micro blogs need various abilities such as writing, designing, being skillful at computer and so on. Only if we master those abilities can we make a successful micro blog. 9___a result, we improve ourselves while organizing our micro blogs.

In fact, micro blog itself is of little harmIt is your attitude towards it 【10_matters.We should take the advantages and avoid some bad effects.



【2】to release











【1】考查固定短语。根据前文的for one thing,可知此处填another。构成固定短语for one thing,for another (thing),意为一方面,另一方面。

【2】考查不定式。本空前文为a useful way,故填 to release,构成短语:the way to do sth,意为做某事的方法。此句句意为:这是缓解他们压力的一个有效的方法。



【5】考查定语从句。此空前为逗号,故判断为定语从句。先行词为time and energy,代入从句中担当主语表示物,所以填which。

【6】考查固定短语。本句考查短语:in favor of,意为赞成。句意为:在我看来,我是赞成这一行为的。



【9】考查固定短语。根据其后的a result,可知本句考查固定短语:as a result,意为:因此,所以。句意为:因此,我们可以一边管理自己的博客一边提高自己各方面的能力。注意首字母大写。

【10】考查强调句型。根据句首的it is,首先考虑强调句型。通读全句后,确定此句确实为强调句型,意为:你对于博客的态度才是最重要的。故填that,构成强调句型:it is that




A.See how well our new schedule works

B.Plan by the week

C.Cut out wasted time

D.Divide big tasks into small ones

E.Plan by the semester

F.Plan each day

How to manage your time

It is very important to manage your time wisely. As you get older, you will have more responsibilities. You will find it easier to succeed if you learn to manage your time well.


Write down major due dates on your calendar for the semester. Estimate how long it will take to do each project. Allow yourself more time than you think you will really need. Make a master schedule which should include the following activities:

—all required school activities

—work schedule

—after school activities

—blank spaces for unknown activities

A master schedule can help you keep track of all the things that you need to do. If you know what you have to do and when you need to do it, you can prepare better to finish it on time.


Plan when to do all your tasks for the week. Schedule time to study for tests, read your textbooks, write papers, go to work, be at meetings. Leave enough time for your household duties.


Make a “to do” list the night before or the first thing in the morning. If you write down what you need to do, your mind will be free to study. You won't worry and spend time thinking about what you have to do next.


Use it for a few weeks, then ask yourself some questions. Are you getting your schoolwork done on time? Are you getting more things done? Do you feel you have control of your time?

Yes? Then you should look at your schedule to see how it can be improved. The following things may help you.


Break the big tasks down until they are small enough that you feel you know about how long it will take to complete them. Then fit them into your schedule. Follow your schedule closely. Even a well-planned schedule can't help you if you don't follow it.

【题目】Modeled after US hot website Groupon.com, group buying websites are now popular in ChinaThese websites use the power of group buying to get competitive discounts 打折for a daily deal on some best stuff to do, see, eat and buy in the cities across ChinaDiscounts打折 are available within just one clickZhao lei, a software engineer in Beijing, loves the one-hour lunch break at noon as it is the best time for him to check todays special” at his favorite group buying websites Sometimes he searches for great deals at directory sites devoted to the new shopping spaceZhao spends around 800 yuan$117.65 on group buying every month, mostly to buy food coupons 优惠劵for eating at some nice restaurants and occasionally 偶尔的to find something fun to do I love group buyingIn addition to the competitive discounts it offers, it helps me get something fun, exciting and new, and such surprises give me a reason to try something new,” he saidWhen he finds a really good bargain, he will send the link to friends or colleagues through MSN,QQ, or e-mail, or share the information at some social networking websitesIn doing so, he often gets a certain cut off the priceAt some sites, buyers are invited to leave notes about what they want to buy and the website will consider it if similar applications申请reach a certain numberThat is how Zhao got her digital camera after waiting for two months“It is coolI want to buy a new digital camera for my trip to Switzerland this winter, but I never expected such cheap prices!” Zhao said.

【1】We can learn from the passage that________

AChina is the first country to start group buying

Bthe price of group buying depends on the market

Cyou can’t get the best you need through group buying

Dgroup buying is becoming popular in China

2】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

AZhao Lei has to spend about 800 yuan on group buying per month.

BZhao Lei never surfs at other directory sites for group buying.

CZhao Lei finds it easy to do group buying.

DZhao Lei cant buy food coupons to eat at a nice restaurant.

3】What is the passage mainly about?

AZhao Lei`s online purchasing life.

BGroup buying

CThe US hot websites

DA new digital camera

4】Zhao Lei succeeded in getting a certain cut off the price by__________

Abargaining face to face

Bdiscussing with the sellers

Cproviding the link to others

Dinviting others to talk about the price


A developer edition of Sony’s augmented reality smart glasses will go on sale in ten countries next month, the tech giant has announced.

Pre-orders for the SmartEyeglass, costing $840 (620), are now being taken in the UK and Germany, with Japan and the US to follow shortly. The black-framed glasses are compatible (兼容的) with recent Android operating systems. Last month Google announced that it was withdrawing its smart glasses for redevelopment. Sony’s initial model will come with a software development kit to encourage people to design apps for it, the company said.

The glasses, which weigh 77g, contain an accelerometer, gyroscope, compass, image and brightness sensors, 3-megapixel camera and a microphone. They also come with a controller, designed to be attached to clothing, which contains a speaker, touch sensor and the device’s battery. Text is displayed in front of the wearer in monochrome green.

Apple chief executive Tim Cook has been open about his dislike of glasses as a wearable device. “We always thought that glasses were not a smart move, from a point of view that people would not really want to wear them,” he told the New Yorker. “They were intrusive (闯入的), instead of pushing technology to the background, as we’ve always believed.”

Stuart Miles, founder of tech site Pocket-lint, said: “I think [Sony is] wasting their time, energy and effort.”

“Google Glass obviously needed a complete rethink... I can’t see how something thick-rimmed and more invasive-looking than Google Glass is going to catch on.

“People are keen on wearables fitness bands and watches, but they care about their faces. Wearing something on your head is a lot stronger than wearing something on your arm,” he added. “The industry keeps pushing it but consumers just don’t want it.”

1In which countries people can get the SmartEyeglass first?

A. The US and Japan. B. The US and the UK.

C. The UK and Japan. D. Germany and the UK.

【2】The purpose of this passage is to __________.

A. introduce an accelerometer developed by the Google company

B. tell the people that the SmartEyeglass will go on sale

C. people like the glasses very much

D. the SmartEyeglass is less than 840 yuan

【3】What can be inferred from what Stuart Miles said?

A. He supports Sonys efforts to develop the SmartEyeglass.

B. He cares more about his clothes and face.

C. He dislikes the SmartEyeglass.

D. He really wants to wear them.

【4】Choose the true statements according to the passage.

A. The glasses, which weigh more than 77g.

B. Tim Cook has been open about his dislike of glasses as a wearable device.

C. Last month Google announced that it was withdrawing its smart glasses for development.

D. Sony’s later model will come with a software development kit to encourage people to design apps for it.

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