
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从125各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

   Peter took his girl friend to a  1 for dinnerThe head waiter  2 them two menus and  3 their orderJudith chose soup, chicken  4 vegetables, cheese and biscuits...Peter ordered soup fish and chips, then chocolate ice- cream

   Peter  5 rather afraid of that waiter  6 his fine suit The man knew  7 about food; and he  8 Peter's order, You'll have fish, sir, he said, with French fries.”

 “Er-yes, said Peter, yes, that's  9 .”French fries? 10 that was the mo-dern name 11 chips, but Peter wasn't sure

   The dinner was very niceJudith ate  12 hers, but Peter couldn't quite finish his(The French fries were  13 just potato chips)The head waiter brought the  14 

   Peter knew at once that  15 was wrongThere was a mistake in the billOn the menu chicken and vegetables cost  16 60 penceBut on the bill it was   160The bill ought to be 200  17 , not 300 What was he going to do? Ought he  18  the waiter? Or say nothing and just  19 ?

   He continued to talk to Judith,  20 he was feeling uncomfortableThe head waiter was looking hard at him, and Peter's face grew  21 Perhaps he's right, Peter thought, and I  22 What will Judith think if I make another?

 He called to the waiterThe man smiled and came slowly across the roomPeter  23 him the bill and three pound notes

 “Thank you, sir, he said.“I hope you  24 the meal.”

   Peter stood up quickly, and Judith and he went outIn the street Judith said, I left 10 pence under my plate  25 that nice head waiter.”










[  ]










[  ]




Bwaited for






[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]




B.a lot


C.quite a few




[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]




Ba    little




Da    few of


[  ]








Din    fact


[  ]










[  ]






C.all things




[  ]




B.more than


C.as much as




[  ]




Bone by one






[  ]




Bto tell






[  ]




Bkeep silent


Csit there




[  ]


20 Abut








[  ]










[  ]




B.made a mistake


Cwas correct


Ddidn't see the menu


[  ]










[  ]




Bdidn't like






[  ]










[  ]


GAOMI,  Shandong, Oct.11( Xinhua)—Chinese writer Mo Yan said last Thursday that he was "very surprised" at winning the Nobel Literature Prize.
Speaking to reporters at a hotel in his hometown Gaomi city in east China's Shandong Province, Mo said, "(I was)very surprised upon winning the prize because I felt I was not very senior in terms of qualification(among Chinese writers).There are many good writers and my ranking was not so high."
"I am very happy," he said."I was having dinner when I received the news.I was surprised.”
"Thank you for coming all the way to Gaomi.This should be a season of red sorghum, but no such crop is planted any more.I believe none of you have seen the crop," he said.
"The Nobel Literature Prize is a very important literature prize, but not the top award.It represents the opinions of the jury(评审团 ).I am satisfied with my major works and I still keep writing by hand.My works are Chinese literature, which is part of world literature.They show the life of Chinese people as well as the country's unique culture and folk customs.Meanwhile, my novels described human beings in the broad sense.I wrote in the perspective of a human being.These works stand beyond regions and ethnic groups," he said.
"The folk arts and folk culture accompanied my growth and I was influenced by the cultural elements I witnessed through my childhood.When I picked up the pen for literature creation, the folk cultural elements inevitably entered my novels and affected and even determined the artistic styles of my works," he added.
Mo's win brought joy to other writers and readers throughout the country as he is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Literature Prize in its century--long history.
Born into a farmer's family in a village in Gaomi, Mo has been known since the late 1980s for his novels such as Big Breasts and Wide Hips and Red Sorghum, which was later adapted into a film by director Zhang Yimou.
【小题1】Mo Yan was surprised at winning the Nobel Prize because he felt        

A.he was not the best writer in China
B.he was not as famous as other writers
C.he was born in a farmer's family
D.he didn't have good education
【小题2】By reading Mo Yan's works, we can               
A.increase our sense of national pride
B.learn a lot about the Chinese folk culture
C.form a vivid picture of his childhood
D.learn more about the history of the Nobel Prize
【小题3】Which of the following words can best describe Mo Yan?
【小题4】Where might you find the article?
A.In a novel.B.In a travel book.
C.In a student book.D.In a newspaper.

GAOMI,  Shandong,  Oct.11( Xinhua)—Chinese writer Mo Yan said last Thursday that he was "very surprised" at winning the Nobel Literature Prize.

Speaking  to reporters at a hotel in his hometown Gaomi city in east China's Shandong Province, Mo said, " (I was)very surprised upon winning the prize because I felt I was not very senior in terms of qualification ( among Chinese writers).There are many good writers and my ranking was not so high."

"I am very happy," he saiD."I was having dinner when I received the news.I was surprised.”

"Thank you for coming all the way to Gaomi.This should be a season of red sorghum, but no such crop is planted any more.  I believe none of you have seen the crop," he said.

"The Nobel Literature Prize is a very important literature prize, but not the top awarD.It represents the opinions of the jury(评审团 ).I am satisfied with my major works and I still keep writing by hand.My works are Chinese literature, which is part of world literature.They show the life of Chinese people as well as the country's unique culture and folk customs.Meanwhile, my novels described human beings in the broad sense.I wrote in the perspective of a human being.These works stand beyond regions and ethnic groups," he said.

"The folk arts and folk culture accompanied my growth and I was influenced by the cultural elements I witnessed through my childhood.When I picked up the pen for literature creation, the folk cultural elements inevitably entered my novels and affected and even determined the artistic styles of my works," he added.

Mo's win brought joy to other writers and readers throughout the country as he is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Literature Prize in its century-long history.

 Born into a farmer's family in a village in Gaomi, Mo has been known since the late 1980s for his novels such as Big Breasts and Wide Hips and Red Sorghum(红高粱), which was later adapted into a film by director Zhang Yimou.

1.Mo Yan was surprised at winning the Nobel Prize because he felt________ .

A.he was not as famous as other writers

B.he was not the best writer in China

C.he was born in a farmer's family

D.he didn't have good education

2.According to Mo Yan,              .

A.red sorghum should be planted in his hometown

B.the Nobel Prize represents the opinions of the public

C.he still keeps the habit of writing by hand

D.his novels described human beings of all regions

3.By reading Mo Yan's works, we can                .

A.increase our sense of national pride

B.learn a lot about the Chinese folk culture

C.form a vivid picture of his childhood

D.learn more about the history of the Nobel Prize

4.Which of the following words can best describe Mo Yan?

 A.modest      B.self--confident   C.humorous   D.romantic

5.Where might you find the article?

A.In a novel.                    B.In a travel book

C.In a newspaper.   D.In a student book


GAOMI,  Shandong, Oct.11( Xinhua)—Chinese writer Mo Yan said last Thursday that he was "very surprised" at winning the Nobel Literature Prize.

Speaking to reporters at a hotel in his hometown Gaomi city in east China's Shandong Province, Mo said, "(I was)very surprised upon winning the prize because I felt I was not very senior in terms of qualification(among Chinese writers).There are many good writers and my ranking was not so high."

"I am very happy," he said."I was having dinner when I received the news.I was surprised.”

"Thank you for coming all the way to Gaomi.This should be a season of red sorghum, but no such crop is planted any more.I believe none of you have seen the crop," he said.

"The Nobel Literature Prize is a very important literature prize, but not the top award.It represents the opinions of the jury(评审团 ).I am satisfied with my major works and I still keep writing by hand.My works are Chinese literature, which is part of world literature.They show the life of Chinese people as well as the country's unique culture and folk customs.Meanwhile, my novels described human beings in the broad sense.I wrote in the perspective of a human being.These works stand beyond regions and ethnic groups," he said.

"The folk arts and folk culture accompanied my growth and I was influenced by the cultural elements I witnessed through my childhood.When I picked up the pen for literature creation, the folk cultural elements inevitably entered my novels and affected and even determined the artistic styles of my works," he added.

Mo's win brought joy to other writers and readers throughout the country as he is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Literature Prize in its century--long history.

Born into a farmer's family in a village in Gaomi, Mo has been known since the late 1980s for his novels such as Big Breasts and Wide Hips and Red Sorghum, which was later adapted into a film by director Zhang Yimou.

1.Mo Yan was surprised at winning the Nobel Prize because he felt        

A.he was not the best writer in China

B.he was not as famous as other writers

C.he was born in a farmer's family

D.he didn't have good education

2.By reading Mo Yan's works, we can               

A.increase our sense of national pride

B.learn a lot about the Chinese folk culture

C.form a vivid picture of his childhood

D.learn more about the history of the Nobel Prize

3.Which of the following words can best describe Mo Yan?

A.romantic                              B.self--confident

C.modest                               D.humorous

4.Where might you find the article?

A.In a novel.                           B.In a travel book.

C.In a student book.                      D.In a newspaper.


BEIJING - Hailing Mo Yan as the first Chinese citizen that won the Nobel Prize in Literature, the public has started to consider the way to enhance Chinese literature's global presence.

The prize indicates that Chinese contemporary authors and their works are getting the world's attention, which promp ts writers and amateurs to continue their work, according to Wang Meng, a renowned Chinese writer. But "the prize came a little late," said Xue Yongwu, dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Journalism and Communication with Ocean University of China (OUC). There have been many accomplished writers of modern and contemporary literature in China, including Lu Xun, Ba Jin and Mao Dun, who should have won the prize earlier, he noted. China's splendid ancient literature, which extends thousands of years, has been widely acknowledged across the world. However, the contemporary literature failed to get enough recognition from outside the country due to its short history and complex political influences, he explained. Language has also been a barrier. Only a small proportion of Chinese literature has been translated into foreign languages, mainly English. The quality of some translated editions needs improvement, said Xue.

In addition to language skills, translation requires high-level comprehension and explanation of culture and art. It's hard for people without any literature background to produce a translation that fully reserves the aesthetic(美学的) sense of the original version, according to Ren Dongsheng, professor with the College of Foreign Languages of OUC. The 57-year-old writer is known for his description of Chinese rural life. The settings for his works range from the 1911 revolution, Japan's invasion to Cultural Revolution. Mo combines hallucinatory(幻觉的) realism with folk tales, which is more appealing to the taste of Western readers than the styles adopted by many of his peers, such as Yu Hua, Su Tong and Wang Shuo, said Zhang Hongsheng, dean of the Literature Department of the Communication University of China.

  However, "Nobel Prize is not the unique standard to judge the achievements of a writer. Prizes presented by different organizations adopt various evaluation criteria," said Xu Yan, a literature critic. The quality of a literary work is always judged by the topic, language, structure, the way of story-telling, imagination and some other significant elements. People's tastes vary from different social background and cultural mechanism, she added.

  Chinese contemporary literature, which appeared in 1949, has seen a trend of diversification since the country adopted the market economy in 1992. "The prize is a positive sign that the West begins to recognize Chinese literature. But it's an acknowledgement of individual efforts, and Chinese literature revival still has a long way to go," said Zhang. Xue called upon Chinese writers to produce quality works with international perspectives. Good literature should reveal social problems and people's concerns while create the beauty of art. "The society should provide favorable environment for the growth of Chinese writers," he stressed. Seeking increasing world attention requires Chinese writers to maintain the national characteristics and uniqueness. "Chinese elements are the last to lose in successful writings," Zhang said.

  China's book market has witnessed booming sales of Mo's masterpieces over the past days. Zhicheng Classic Bookstore, registered at T-Mall of China's largest online retailer Taobao.com, said 1,500 volumes of Mo's latest novel Frog were sold out in six hours after Mo won the prize. The store has received 1,200 reservation orders by 3:30 pm Friday. The book, about China's family-planning policy, also moved up to 14th from 560th on the list of the most populous book at the Amazon.cn withinin two days. Cao Yuanyong, deputy editor-in-chief of Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing Group, said the company is producing the new edition of a collection of Mo's 16 works, which is expected to refill the empty shelves of many book retailers in a week.

50. The article is mainly about_________.

A. Mo Yan's Nobel win sparks piracy concerns

B. Mo Yan's hometown to hail Nobel success

C. Mo Yan sees income soar following Nobel win

D. Mo Yan sparks discussion about Chinese literature

51. The underlined word “renowned” in Paragraph 2 means _______

A. well-known   B. critical     C. fantastic    D. admirable

52. Which of the following is NOT the reason for Chinese contemporary literature failed to win the Nobel in the past from the opinions of Xue Yongwu?

A. Short history  B. Individual efforts  C. Political influences D. Language translation

53. According to Zhang Hongsheng, what is the main characteristics of Mo Yan’s works?

A. Combining hallucinatory realism with folk tales.

B. His description of Chinese urban life

C. Settings from the 1911 revolution, Japan's invasion to Cultural Revolution.

D. Providing different social background and cultural mechanism

54. In order to make Chinese contemporary literature better acknowledged across the word, what is the most important from the opinions of Zhang Hongsheng?

A. International characteristics B. International perspectives

C. Chinese elements           D. Favorable environment

55. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. New edition of a collection of Mo's 16 works has been sold out.

B. Only online bookstores sold out his works after Mo won the prize.

C. The novel Frog was listed the most populous book at the Amazon.cn.

D. Mo Yan’s works are bestsellers in the bookstores at present.

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