
2.The program'Heart with Yushu,Love Has No borders"to1d touching stories about rescue volunteers,whose brave deeds_____________ never be forgotten.(  )

分析 "心系玉树,爱是无国界的"这个节目讲述了关于营救志愿者们感人的故事,他们的英雄事迹是一定不能被忘记的.

解答 答案D.
A项"能够,可以";B项"可能,可以";C项"需要";D项"必须,必定";根据题干中的"The program'Heart with Yushu,Love Has No borders"to1d touching stories about rescue volunteers"可知,"心系玉树,爱是无国界的"这个节目讲述了关于营救志愿者们感人的故事,我们一定要大力弘扬他们的英雄事迹,学习他们的大无畏的精神,永远都不能忘怀,因此D项符合语境,故选D.

点评 本题考查情态动词.解答此类题目关键是要读懂句意,并且对每个情态动词的基本用法和特殊用法都要熟知,然后根据语境辨析锁定答案.

12.We live in central Phoenix,near the canal.Every day I used to see a homeless old man and his dirty little dog hanging out down there.
I would tell my husband we should give him food for the little dog.It wouldn't have been a problem; we have our own"mini farm"of animals!He would say"OK!"but then blow the idea off because of our business.
Being in Phoenix,Arizona,you can just imagine how hot it gets here,but his winter was really chilly!I had just come from KFC with take-out food for dinner.As I was turning by the canal,the man and his dog were sitting right there all bundled up(穿暖).Even the dog had a coat on!Not even thinking about it,I pulled into the parking lot along the canal and piled up a plate of chicken with all the fixings for the man and his little dog.I gave it to him with a soda and a bottle of water for the little dog.He said,"Thank you,sweetie.You are an angel."And there were tears filling his eyes!I told him he was so welcome,and then went home.
When my husband dug into the KFC gag he asked,"Were you hungry,or what?"I told him what I did and he said,"Only you!"Then he told me I had done a good thing.
A few weeks later,we were walking along the canal and found the man walking to me,with his little dog.He asked whether I would mind adopting (收养) the dog.With tears in eyes,he said it had got too hard for him to care for the dog.He added that he was planning on heading to Washington State but his dog wouldn't have been up to it,so he hoped to give it to me."Only you!In this city,you are the only person I can believe in!"
Now,every time I watch and pat the puppy lying near the fireplace,I will recall the old man's words and wish him good luck.
71.The author and her husband didn't help the old man at the beginning becauseC  
A.they had a farm of animals to feed    
B.they didn't have food even for themselves.
C.they worked busily and often forget it.
D.they were unwilling to help a man with a dog.
72.What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 3?A
A.She gave the old man some food on a cold day.
B.She met the old man after finishing her dinner.
C.She offered the old man nothing but chicken.
D.She burst into tears after helping the old man.
73.What did the author's husband feel when she told him what she had done?B
A.Thankful       B.Delighted       C.Indifferent          D.Disappointed
74.Why did the old man hope to give the dog to the author?B
A.Because he knew the author was also a dog lover.
B.Because the author was the person he could trust.
C.Because the author was the only person he knew.
D.Because he believed that his dog liked the author.
75.What can we infer from the ending of the passage?D
A.The author refused the old man's request.
B.The author misses the old man and his dog.
C.The author feels the old man was very lucky.
D.The author adopted the old man's dog.
17.Dear Mr.Price,
    I have eaten in your restaurant many times and have always been happy with the food and service,but what happened last Saturday made me very angry.It was my son's birthday so we ordered a no-smoking table at your restaurant for 7:30 p.m.We arrived on time but were told that our table was not yet ready.At 8:00 p.m.,we were given a table in the smoking area.I asked to move but I was told that there were no other tables.A lot of people were smoking so it was uncomfortable and unhealthy.
    The first waitress,Janet,was very polite and helpful.She gave us free drinks for waiting so long.Our food also came quickly and looked fresh and tasty.When my wife had eaten most of her meal,she found a little insect in her vegetables.She was surprised and wanted to leave.At first,the waitress told us it was a piece of garlic(大蒜).When we told her that garlic does not have legs,she said sorry and took the food away.
    We asked for the bill,expecting not to pay for my wife's meal.Nobody came.After 15 minutes,I asked to see the manager.The head waiter told us that he was on holiday.I complained again about the terrible insect.He told me Janet had finished work.He didn't believe my story and gave me a bill for the three meals including my wife's.I argued with him but had to pay in the end.
    The waitress,Janet,was always friendly,but I would like an apology(道歉)from your impolite head waiter and a full refund(退款)for our meal.It cost $68.Until then,I will not be eating at your restaurant or recommending it to anyone.
    You can contact me on 742-3254 or through e-mail if you want more information.
    Thank you for your attention.
    Yours sincerely,
    Raymond Yuen
38.How did Mr.Yuen feel about the restaurant before last Saturday?A
A.Pleased.B.Disappointed    C.Interested.D.Concerned.
39.According to the passage,which of the following is true?B
A.Mr.Yuen had his birthday party at the restaurant.
B.Mr.Yuen paid for all the meals they had ordered.
C.Mr.Yuen was satisfied with the service and food.
D.Mr.Yuen argued with the manager of the restaurant.
40.Mr.Yuen wants Mr.Price toD.
A.say sorry to him        
B.pay for his bill
C.fire the head waiter     
D.get the head waiter to apologize
41.This is basically a letter ofD.

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