

     Kelly Reeves was getting ready for a trip when her phone slipped into a sink full of water.
Panic moment! She quickly picked up the wet phone and tried to turn it on, but nothing worked.
Her first reaction? She got dressed, drove to the nearest store, and bought a new model at full price.    
     A new study finds that fear of losing your phone is a common illness. About 66 percent of those
surveyed suffer from nomophobia or "no mobile phone phobia". Interestingly, more women worry
about losing their phone than men.    
     Fortunately, there's a solution.    
     The first step is to figure out if you have nomophobia. Checking your phone too often is one thing,
but the true sign of a problem is that you can't conduct business or go about your routine when the fear
becomes so severe.    
     Do you go to unusual lengths to make sure you have your phone? That's another sign of a problem.
If you find you check your phone plenty of times per hour, or a total of an hour per day, there may be
a problem.    
     Some of the treatments are similar to those for treating anxiety attacks: Leaving the phone behind
and not checking e-mail or text messages, and then learning to tolerate the after anxiety. Even if this
leads to a high level of worry and stress, the solution is to push through the fear and learn to deal with
not having your phone.    
     Of course, there are also technological alternatives. Luis Levy, a co-founder at Novy PR, says he
uses an application called Cerberus that can automatically track the location of his phone. To find it, he
can just go to a Web site and see the phone's location.    
     He also insures his phone through a service called Asurion. The company's description of its product
reads like a prescription for anxiety: "60 million phones are lost, stolen or damaged each year. You'll
have complete peace of mind knowing that your phone is protected and you can quickly reconnect
with family,friends and work, as soon as the very next day!"

1. Why does the author mention Kelly's experience in the first paragraph?
A. To introduce the topic for discussion.
B. To inform us that mobile phones are useful.
C. To warn us that we should be careful.
D. To tell us we should get phones ready for a trip.
2. The underlined word "nomophobia" in Paragraph 2 means ________.
A. Habits of using mobile phones.
B. Fear of losing mobile phones.
C. Eagerness for new mobile phones.
D. Independence of mobile phones.
3. Which of the following is a way to treat nomophobia?
A. Avoiding using phone for some time
B. Learning more about modern technology.
C. Protecting one's phone against any damage.
D. Not using a mobile phone in one's daily work.
4. Why can the service called Asurion help to treat nomophobia?
A. It lets you know other people also lose their phones.
B. It will give you a new phone through insurance.
C. It enables you to reconnect with your acquaintance.
D. It gives you a prescription to treat nomophobia.
5. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Attitude toward mobile phone.
B. New mobile phone technology.
C. Disadvantages of mobile phone.
D. Solutions to nomophobia


Nelson Mandela

  Nelson Mandela is one of the great political leaders of our time.His lifelong efforts to the fight against racial(种族)oppression(压迫)in his country won him the admiration(钦慕)of millions worldwide, as well as the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.As the leader of South Africa’s anti-partheid(反种族隔离)movement, Mandela was a key player in helping to move his country toward multiracial government(多民族政府)and majority rule.

  Mandela’s long, hard struggle is a victory of dignity(尊严)and hope.He’s a man of true courage.If determination and patience were considered talents, Mandela would win hands down in any sort of competition.

  accomplishments(成就)& fame(名誉)

  Nelson Mandela’s greatest accomplishments were his role in ending apartheid, and becoming South Africa’s first elected black president.He has been the recipient(收件人)of dozens upon dozens of awards, prizes and honors from countless associations and organizations, but perhaps none more prestigious(声望很高)than the Nobel Peace Prize, which he shared with former South African President Frederik W.de Klerk, in 1993.

  He has been awarded several other major peace prizes, such as the UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)Peace Prize in 1991(also shared with F.W.de Klerk); the Africa Peace Award in 1995 and the International Gandhi Peace Prize in 2002.

  Mr.Mandela also received dozens of honorary degrees(名誉学位)from universities the world over, including the Universities of Bristol, Cambridge, Glasgow, London, Nottingham, and Oxford, as well as an Honorary Doctorate from the Sorbonne University in Paris(all in July 1996), and Harvard Business School’s Statesman of the Year Award in 1995-to name but a few.He has also been presented(赠送)with the key to cities such as Rome, Rio de Janeiro, London, Dublin, and Sydney, Australia(where he became the first person ever to receive the Freedom of that city).In July of 2002, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States highest civilian(公民)award.


  There’s something admirable about having been a leader fighting for a people’s freedom and equality in an unjust society.Mandela has become a worldwide symbol(楷模)of the struggle of the oppressed(被压迫者)over the oppressor.He has been celebrated in song by artists the world over, in many different languages.One entitled “Nelson Mandela”was recorded by British 2-Tone group The Special A.K.A(formerly The Specials); making the top 10 in the UK and a few other European nations in 1984.

  Personal style

  As a president, Mandela sported the typical garb(服饰)of high-ranking government officials: expensive, well-tailored(缝制精致的)suits.Now retired(退役)from public life, Mandela the elder statesman dresses in an ordinary way.

  He attends many activities, often where he is the guest of honor, in bright, colorfully patterned(典型的)traditional African robes(长袍)or shirts all the better for getting down when the music begins.


Mandel was not only admired(钦慕)for his long fight against ________but also for ________.


How many peaceful prize has Mandela got?He has got________ in 1991, ________in 1995 and ________ in 2002.


Mandela is a man full of ________and his greatest success was to play a part in getting rid of ________ and to be elected ________.


  The British Isles

  To the west and off the European Continent, there are thousands of islands on the continental shelf(大陆架).They are generally called the British Isles.Of all these isles, the largest one is called Great Britain.For convenience’s sake, it is often shortened to Britain.Still further the west of Great Britain is the second largest island known as Ireland.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(U.K.)is made up of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and a number of smaller islands around them.The total area of the country is some 240 000 square kilometers with a population of about 57 million.

  Great Britain runs nearly 1000 kilometers from south to north and extends, at the widest part, about 500 kilometers from west to east.Its area is some 230 000 square kilometers.Great Britain is traditionally divided into three parts, or countries:England in the south, Scotland in the north, and Wales in the southwest.There are discernible(可辨别的)differences between them even now.

  England is the largest and most developed of all the three.Its area, about 130 000 square kilometers, takes up nearly 60% of the whole island.Its population is more than 46 million which makes up 85% of the country’s whole population.The importance of England is so great in Britain that some foreigners just say “England” when they mean Britain.The same is true of the custom of speaking of the British people as the English who are the majority in the United Kingdom.

  Scotland is the second largest both in area and population.It has an area of about 78 760 square kilometers, less than 30% of the whole island and with a population of 5 million, less than one tenth of the whole population.

  Wales is the smallest of the three both in area and population.In area,20 700 square kilometers, it makes up less than 9% of the total area while its population, 2.7 million, does not exceed 5% of the whole.


The British Isles is made up of ________.

[  ]


the European Continent and Great Britain


the U.K.and the Republic of Ireland


England, Scotland and Wales


thousands of islands to the west and off the European Continent


Which of the following figures shows the correct position of Great Britain?

[  ]






From the third paragraph we can infer that Great Britain has a population of about ________ million.

[  ]










Which of the following figures shows the correct area of Great Britain?________


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]


England is five times larger than Wales in area.


England is five times larger than Scotland in area.


Scotland is five times larger than Wales in area.


The UK is five times larger than Wales in area.

A lot of management training each year for Circle K Corporation, a national chain of convenience stores. Among the topics we address in our course is the retention(保护力) of quality employees-a real challenge to managers when you consider the pay scale(标准)in the service industry. During these discussions, I ask the participants(参加者), “What has caused you to stay long enough to become a manager?” Some time back a new manager took the question and slowly, with her voice almost breaking, said, “It was a $19 baseball glove.”
Cynthia told the group that she originally took a Circle K clerk job as an interim(临时的) position while she looked for something better. On her second or third day behind the counter, she received a phone call from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. He needed a baseball glove for Little League. She explained that as a single mother, money was very tight, and her first check would have to go for paying bills. Perhaps she could buy his baseball glove with her second or third check. When Cynthia arrived for work the next morning, Patricia, the store manager, asked her to come to the small room in the back of the store that served as an office. Cynthia wondered if she had done something wrong or left some part of her job incomplete from the day before. She was concerned and confused.
Patricia handed her a box. “I overheard you talking to your son yesterday,” she said, “and I know that it is hard to explain things to kids. This is a baseball glove for Jessie because he may not understand how important he is, even though you have to pay bills before you can buy gloves. You know we can’t pay good people like you as much as we would like to; but we do care, and I want you to know you are important to us.”
The thoughtfulness, empathy and love of this convenience store manager demonstrates vividly that people remember more how much an employer cares than how much the employer pays. An important lesson for the price of a Little League baseball glove.
56.Among many of the problems in the service industry, what is talked about in this passage, is___
A.how to ensure his employees’ high pay
B.how to attract more customers
C.how to look carefully after the employees
D.how to keep the good employees from leaving
57.Although a new manager, Cynthia would do her job well in keeping quality employees because she________.
A.had mastered all the courses for the manager
B.had already formed good relationship with the employees
C.know the way how to deal with her employees
D.had her own personal experience
58.This passage shows us that to run a business well it is necessary for managers to let their employees know________
A.how much they can get for their job.
B.what good positions they can get later
C.they are very necessary to the business  
D.they are nice as well as useful
59.The story told in this passage tells us that employees care about____________   
A.only how large a pay they can get
B.love from the managing people rather than only money
C.if their children could be properly taken care of
D.what position they can be offered

第三部分:阅读理解 (共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)
Foreign Media Praise China's Earthquake Relief
The Wall Street Journal Asia Edition (U.S.), the Globe and Mail (Canada), the Guardian (U.K.), among other foreign news agencies, have recently published articles on China's earthquake relief. They have all praised the earthquake relief efforts made by the Chinese government.
The Wall Street Journal Asia Edition published an article on May 21 saying that on the eighth day of the most serious natural disaster to hit China in decades, rescuing survivors from the ruins had been quickly replaced by the formidable challenge of helping them. The article said that people overseas have been deeply impressed by earthquake relief efforts by the Chinese government.
The Associated French Press (AFP) reported on May 21 that China has become more open amid the campaign.
Aircraft loaded with relief supplies from Ukraine, Russia, the United States, Singapore and other countries have arrived in disaster areas in southwestern China.
The Associated Press (AP) published an article on May 21 reporting that China is making great efforts to deal with a formidable task caused by the earthquake how to provide temporary shelter for so many people. The article said that many tents have been built; and food and medical care are provided to the people whose lives have been completely disrupted (混乱) by the earthquake.
The Global and Mail of Canada published an article on May 20 that said the rapid earthquake relief work in Sichuan demonstrates China's powerful economic strength.
An article carried in the British Guardian said that one week after the Sichuan earthquake, China began a three-day national mourning period at 14:28 on May19, and all Chinese people stood in silence for three minutes in memory of the victims.
The ongoing search and rescue action is encouraged by one miraculous survivor after another. Chinese officials said that, so far, no epidemic had occurred after the earthquake.
1. How many press media are mentioned in the article?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
2. What is the best title of the passage?
A. Foreign media praise China's earthquake relief
B. the rapid earthquake relief work in Sichuan demonstrates China's powerful
economic strength
C. the most serious natural disaster to hit China in decades
D. Tens of thousands of people’s lives have been completely disrupted by the
3. According to the passage, what is the most pressing task in the earthquake-hit areas?
A. rescuing survivors
B. providing temporary shelter and food for the victims
C burying dead bodies
D. clearing away the ruins
4. What is the possible meaning of the underlined word  “formidable” in paragraph 4?
A. very difficult     B. glorious     C. light   D. pressing



What if you arrived home to find a delicious hot meal waiting for you,prepared by your very own kitchen robot? It might sound like science fiction,but professors at the university of Tokyo have taken the first steps toward making that scenario a reality.The team recently introduced a humanoid kitchen robot that can pour tea and other drinks into cups and serve them to guests.When teatime is over,the robot can also wash the dishes and put them away.

In California,another interesting kitchen robot has been developed.Called the Ready-bot,it can pick up objects and either store them in cabinets or put them in the trash.It also carries a separate floor-cleaning robot that can operate by itself.Unlike the Japanese robot,Readybot is not humanoid.Instead,it looks more like a large box with arms and wheels.[来源:Z|xx|k.Com]

Readybot was created by engineers and designers who established a club called the Readybot Challenge.They believe that in the future millions of robots will be needed in homes to perform ordinary household tasks.Readybot is just the first step in their plan to create a robot that can tackle jobs not only in kitchens but in other rooms of homes and in offices as well.

Clearly there are technological hurdles to overcome before robots can cook a complete dinner,and there are also many safety concerns.Not everyone(especially parents)would be comfortable with the idea of robots in their house,manipulating hot pans and sharp knives.The European Commission recently funded a project to study these concerns.

56.What does the writer imply about the Japanese robot?

A.It performs fewer functions than readybot can.

B.it looks more like a person than Readybot does.

C.It speaks more languages than Readybot does.

D.It costs 1ess to manufacture than Readybot does.

57.Where do the engineers and designers hope that Readybot will operate in the future?

A.On spacecraft                                                      B.In automobiles

C.On playgrounds                                               D.At companies

58.What does the writer imply about parents?

A.They have shown tremendous interest in kitchen robots.

B.They don’t have strong opinions about kitchen robots.

C.They might think that kitchen robots could be dangerous.

D.They can’t wait to buy kitchen robots for their homes.

59.According to the writer,what has the European Commission done for the project?

A.It has built factories                                                B.It has printed manuals

C.It has hired workers                                                D.It has provided money


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