
【题目】Sometimes,you may “hate” poetry and fear to analyze a poem. Here are some tips which help you analyze a poem:

1. Select the poem carefully. In a poem analysis, you will generally be given a selection of two or three poems. You must pick one to analyze.Be careful. 【1】 Sometimes the shorter poems are very difficult poems. Often, longer poems are more like stories.

2. Research the poet. There will be research already performed on the poet you’ve selected. 2 Often the poet’s personal life has a direct impact on his or her works.

3. Research the poem. If you are analyzing a poem, it is probably quite well-known. Research and read about the poem. Other literary criticism (文艺评论) can help you in your analysis. 3 You must come up with a new thought, a new analysis, for the poem. Simply copying someone else’s ideas will not be enough.

4. 4 . Organization, as always, is the key to all essay writing and analysis. Your outline should consist of an introduction, a thesis statement (论点), three pieces of analysis, and a conclusion to bring it all together. Put these basic sentences into an outline structure, which will make the writing of the paper much easier.

5. Write the paper. 5 Follow your outline and you will have no trouble completing this assignment.

A. However, remember not to copy, or ignore the original poem.

B. Many students select short poetry as their preference for analysis.

C. Communicate with other readers first.

D. Create an outline.

E. Read about the poet’s life, history and style as you begin your analysis.

F. Become familiar with the different poem structures before you finish the analysis.

G. Once you have researched your poet, poem, and organized your thoughts, you are ready to write.









【2】分析推断题。根据后一句:Often the poet’s personal life has a direct impact on his or her works. 通常,诗人的生平对于她或他的作品有着直接的影响。可以推断要阅读作者的人生、历史和风格。故选E

【3】分析推断题。根据该空后两句You must come up with a new thought, a new analysis, for the poem. Simply copying someone else’s ideas will not be enough.你需要提出一个对于诗的新的想法,一种新的解析方式。只抄袭别人的想法是不够的。可以推断出A.然而,记得别去抄、或者忽略原诗。

【4】分析推断题。根据该空后一句 Your outline should consist of an introduction, a thesis statement (论点), three pieces of analysis, and a conclusion to bring it all together. 你的大纲应该包括一个引言、一个论点、三条分析、还要有一个结论把它们整合起来。可以推断,这里是跟大纲有关,故选D



【题目】A well-developed class website can save teachers a lot of time in the long run, improving both student-teacher and parent-teacher communication while providing a repository(储藏室) of all classroom documents for future use. Although some extra time during the school year is required, once the site is up it needs just minor adjustments each new year. Have a question? Get an answer from online technology support now.

Decide which type of software you will use to create a class website. Microsoft has many applications that can be used to create websites, such as Publisher, Word and Expression Web. Some web hosting sites also have simple editing tools you can use instead of a formal program.

Find a place to host your class website. Your Internet provider often provides about some small space for a personal website for free, and many other free website hosting companies are on the Internet.

Consider using a template(模版)for your first attempt at website design. Most templates also come with a selection of color and graphics already in place so you can concentrate on content instead of design. It will contain basic sections with your specific class information.

Add content to your website. You need to have announcement sections for both parents and students, a syllabus or class rules area, homework assignments or a calendar, and maybe a links section for learning more about in-class topics and playing educational games.

Decorate your website with graphics, clip art, background, cool fonts(字体)and other decorative items. It’s best to find a theme you like, such as ducks or fire hydrants, and make your design elements all stick with your theme. If you think that is too attractive, go for an abstract look. Remember to keep it simple since too much color and graphics make a site look busy and detract from its usability.

【1】According to the article, a class website is of great help in ______.

A. playing computer games

B. storing class documents

C. communicating between students and teachers

D. reducing the teachers’ time to run the website

【2】When you first create your class website, you are advised to ______.

A. buy a small space for the website

B. put all the class information on it

C. make it as appealing and colorful as possible

D. focus more on some details rather than design

【3】The best title could be ______.

A. Advantages on Setting up A Class Website

B. Reasons for Setting up A Class Website

C. How to Decorate A Class Website

D. How to Create A Class Website

【4】The article is probably taken from a ______.

A.novel B. poster C. magazine D. guidebook

【题目】Ask anybody out there, what is the most important thing in his life Fame, Fortune and Money, and there is a chance that he is going to say, money, because with that, fame and fortune comes quite easily. On the other hand, if you add “family” to these three choices given above, there is a chance that 99% of the people are going to put their family first, especially if they happen to be ladies!

The main reason is because nature has created a woman to be the cherisher and the nurturer (哺育者) of the family, while the man is the hunter and protector of his little family. That is the natural rule which has come down through thousands of years. Even if a person happens to be a comparatively worldly-wise person and has no idea of taking on the responsibility of a family, he has a picture of a tight little loving unit in his subconscious (潜意识).

They tell a story about a successful millionaire businessman who died and the whole city came to pay its respects. One of his business competitors, met the son and said, “We are really going to miss your father. You see, I knew your father well.” And the son replied, “You happen to be really lucky there, because I never did.” So, you might be an extremely successful person in your own right upon Wall Street, but if your little child fails to come running out to welcome his daddy at the end of the day to be swung up in his father’s arms and held there lovingly and protectively, you come in the “nothing” category in the business of life.

Many people are under the impression that taking on the responsibility of the family is quite tiresome, but they do not know what it takes to be a parent. It is very easy to be a biological father or a biological mother, but the real mother and the real father is that person who stays awake all night when the baby is teething, teaches him right from wrong, is there to hold him when he takes his first steps, and in every way shows that he is there to cherish (珍惜) and protect the little one from harm.

There was a man who did not believe in family, because of an unhappy childhood. But he found a faithful woman to love him unconditionally. The moment he picked up his little baby, he said, “Well son, welcome to the world! I am here to teach you what your mama has taught me, and we shall both protect you, when you need our help. I will teach you to be a good, just and fair man.”

1The writer writes Para.1 to _________.

A. introduce the topic B. raise a question

C. present the survey D. make a comparison

2What does the underlined expression “loving unit” ( Para.2) most probably refer to ?

A. Lover. B. Family. C. Child. D. Life.

3In the writer’s view, the millionaire businessman ________.

A. won respect from the whole city

B. was fortunate to have a loving son

C. achieved great success in his life

D. was a failure in the business of life

4It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

A. men care little about their families

B. a happy childhood shapes a good man

C. family responsibility means a great deal

D. a faithful wife makes a family complete

5What might be the title for the passage?

A. What More Could a Family Be About

B. How Should We Parent a Child

C. How to Take on Your Responsibility

D. What Contributes to One’s Success

【题目】 BEIJING—Apple Inc is one step closer to beginning sales of iPad2 tablet computers with cellular network compatibility (兼容) for the first time in the Chinese mainland, where the consumer-electronics giant is in the midst of an aggressive expansion.

According to China’s Telecommunication Equipment Certification Center, a device by Apple with third-generation high-speed wireless data capabilities was issued the network access license needed for the company to begin official sales in China.The device, listed under model number “A1396”, is compatible with the 3G standard WCDMA, and would work with the cellular network operated by Apple’s local iPhone partner, China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd.

China Unicom declined to comment.

Apple already offers the 3G iPad2 in Hong Kong through its partners, but currently only offers Wi-Fi versions of the device in the Chinese mainland.Still, consumers in China, which according to research firm IDC surpassed the US as the world’s largest PC market in the second quarter, have been purchasing 3G tablets through unofficial channels.

Separately, Apple spokeswoman Carolyn Wu said on Sept 6 that the company’s first Hong Kong store, set to open this quarter, will be located in the city’s central shopping and business district in the International Finance Center’s upscale (高档的) IFC mall, a commercial center and sightseeing spot along the city’s waterfront.Wu also said that Apple is planning a new store in Shanghai later this quarter, which will be its biggest store in China.She declined to give more details or to comment on the 3G iPad2.

Apple currently has four full-service Apple stores in the mainland, which receive the most traffic of any Apple stores in the world.The company otherwise relies on resellers to get its products into the market.

The new stores reflect Apple’s confidence in rising demand for its products such as smart phones and tablet computers.Sales in the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan helped boost (增长) the company’s third-quarter results, newly appointed Chief Executive Tim Cook said in July.China revenue (收益) surged (激增) six-fold to about $3.8 billion during the three months ended June 25.

“This has been a substantial (重大) opportunity for Apple and I firmly believe that we’re just scratching the surface right now,” Cook said at the time, referring to strong sales in China.“I see an incredible opportunity for Apple there.”

From China Daily 2011-09-08

【1】According to the news, which of the following statements is true?

A.WCDMA is not the only 3G standard in the world.

B.Apple Inc sells its products in the market of the Chinese mainland all by its own stores.

C.The consumers in China can only get iPad2 of Wi-Fi versions.

D.Chinese mainland is the second largest PC market in this year’s second quarter.

【2】Which one of the following phrases can replace the underlined word in paragraph 1?

A.in the interests of B.in the front of

C.in the process of D.in the case of

【3】How many full-service Apple stores are there in China?

A.4. B6. C.8. D.Unknown.

【4】By saying “we’re just scratching the surface right now”, Cook means ________.

A.they don’t know much about China’s market

will sell more products and gain more profit in China

C.they need to obtain more permission from China’s government

D.they ignored the rural market in China

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