My father was a self-taught mandolin player. He was one of the best string instrument players in our town. Dad loved to play the mandolin for his families, who enjoyed listening to his play and_______the Tennessee Waltz, Hatbor nights, Silver Bells, and so on. Dad was always there, _______his time and efforts to see that his family had _______in their life. If he could give pleasure to others, he_______, especially his families. I had to mature into a man and have children of my own_______I realized how much he had sacrificed.

I _______ the United States Air Force in January of 1962. Whenever I come home on_______, I would ask Dad to play the mandolin. He could touch your soul with the _______ that came out of that old instrument. He seemed to _______when he was playing you could see his pride in his ability to play so well for his family.

While working at Todd Steel, Dad was __________in an accident. He got the third index finger of his left hand ________ between two pieces of steel. The doctor who operated________the finger could not save it, and Dad ended up having the tip of the finger________. He didn’t lose enough of the finger, ________it wouldn’t stop him picking up anything, but it did________his ability to play the mandolin.

After the accident, Dad would make________for why he couldn’t play. We wore him down and________he said “Okay, but remember, I can’t hold down on the strings________I used to”. ________, for the family it didn’t make any __________that Dad couldn’t play as well.

1.A. playing B. practicing C. singing D. dancing

2.A. donating B. devoted C. sacrificing D. speared

3.A. richness B. money C. fortune D. enough

4.A. could B. would C. might D. should

5.A. after B. before C. until D. unless

6.A. joined B. joined in C. attended D. participated in

7.A. leave B. vocation C. business D. Christmas

8.A. songs B. tones C. strings D. voices

9.A. say B. sing C. express D. shine

10.A. involved B. anchored C. engaged D. buried

11.A. examined B. fixed C. hidden D. broken

12.A. in B. for C. on D. with

13.A. cut down B. cut in C. cut off D. cut up

14.A. in that B. now that C. on which D. for which

15.A. make B. create C. impact D. increase

16.A. causes B. reasons C. excuses D. explanations

17.A. eventually B. constantly C. occasionally D. frequently

18.A. the way B. on the way C. in a way D. in one way

19.A. Instead B. However C. Still D. Moreover

20.A. sense B. difference C. mistake D. decision

It was a day in late June, gray and depressing, with clouds hanging low. My husband and I were driving to Nova Scotia, Canada, for a much-needed vacation. We traveled tiredly, hoping to_______rest and dinner before the rain came. Suddenly, on a lonely stretch of highway, the storm _______. Cascades of water shut us in, making driving impossible. We _______ onto the shoulder of the road and stopped.

Then, as though someone had turned off a celestial tap, it _______. A thin radiance, like a spray of gold, _______from the clouds. Every blade of grass was crystalline as the sun flashed on _______ drops. The very road shone, and a rainbow arched across the sky. It was as though this beam of color had been built for us _______. We could hardly speak for awe and joy.

A friend of mine has described a _______ experience. She had walked out on a lonely beach at twilight. It was a time of grief for her, and _______ was what she wanted. Offshore, across the darkening sea, she made out the ________ of an anchored fishing boat, and in it the figure of a man. My friend told me that after a while, she felt an intense and glowing sense of oneness with that ________ figure. It was as though sea and sky and night and those two solitary human beings were united in a kind of profound identity. “I was ________by joy,” she said.

________almost anything may serve as the motivation of such a feeling—stars shine on new snow; a sudden field of daffodils; a moment in marriage when hand reaches out to hand in the ________ that this other person speaks as you speak, feels as you feel. Joy may wait, too, just ________ danger when you have enough to face a situation and live it out. ________ the source, such experiences provide the most memorable moments of life.

What if these moments of joy are given to us to ________that this is the way we are meant to live? What if the clarity of joy is the way we should be seeing all the time? To many people, it seems almost wicked to feel this radiance in a world________as ours is. But most generations have known uncertainty and ________. The more damaged the world, the more we need to remember the luminous beauty at the center of life. Our moments of joy are ________that at the heart of darkness an unquenchable(不可遏制的) light shines.

Joy is the feeling that we have touched the edge of something far beyond ourselves.

1.A. reach B. purchase C. afford D. offer

2.A. struck B. attacked C. fell D. covered

3.A. pulled up B. pulled through C. pulled off D. pulled down

4.A. started B. ended C. paused D. disturbed

5.A. spread B. unfolded C. broadcast D. reflected

6.A. bright B. shrinking C. trembling D. thick

7.A. alone B. lonely C. only D. together

8.A. contrary B. different C. similar D. strange

9.A. discomfort B. loneliness C. despair D. pain

10.A. sightseeing B. scene C. image D. picture

11.A. silent B. peaceful C. quiet D. calm

12.A. overlooked B. overcome C. overtaken D. overdone

13.A. Apparently B. Purposely C. Accidentally D. Fortunately

14.A. imagination B. reputation C. innovation D. realization

15.A. against B. beyond C. within D. without

16.A. Whichever B. However C. Whatever D. Whenever

17.A. represent B. recall C. resemble D. reveal

18.A. threatened B. destroyed C. cursed D. interfered

19.A. opportunity B. happiness C. challenge D. benefit

20.A. proof B. version C. foundation D. comprehension

“Can’t hold a candle to” is a popular expression.When there wasn’t electricity,someone would have a servant light his way by holding a candle.The expression meant that the person who cannot hold a candle to you is not fit even to be your servant.Now,it means such a person cannot compare or compete.

Another expression is “hold your tongue.”It means to be still and not talk.“Hold your tongue”is not something you would tell a friend.But a parent or teacher might use the expression to quiet a noisy child.

“Hold out”is an expression one hears often in sports reports and labor news.It means to refuse to play or work. Professional football and baseball players “hold out” if their team refuses to pay them what they think they are worth.

The expression “hold up” has several different meanings.One is a robbery.A man with a gun may say,“This is a hold up.Give me your money.”Another meaning is to delay.A driver who was held up by heavy traffic might be late for work.Another meaning is for a story to be considered true after an investigation.A story can hold up if it is proved true.

“Hold on” is another expression,which means wait or stop.As you leave for school,your brother may say,“Hold on,you forgot your book.” It is used to ask a telephone caller to wait and not hang up his telephone.

Our final expression is “hold the line.”That means to keep a problem or situation from getting worse—to hold steady.For example,the president may say he will “hold the line on taxes.”He means there will be no increase in taxes.

1.The expression “can’t hold a candle to” can be used when _______.

A. some footballers refuse to play a game

B. someone else is wanted on the phone

C. someone is not qualified for a position

D. someone was delayed by heavy traffic

2.The tune of the phrase “hold your tongue” is probably a little_______.

A. amusing B. polite

C. unfriendly D. offensive

3.If some teachers “hold out”,they probably______.

A. change their attitude B. refuse to work

C. make a compromise D. show their devotion

4.Which of the following sentences can convey positive meanings?

A. I was late as I was held up by a hold up.

B. Hold on!You have to pay the bill,sir.

C. You can’t even hold a candle to Michael.

D. I promise to hold the line on house prices.

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