

1What is the man worried about?

A.His biology project.B.His history grade.C.His physics exam.

2How does the woman feel toward the man?







M:Hi,Maria.What have you been doing recently?

W:I’ve been busy with my biology project.What about you?

M:I’m okay,but I’m kind of stressed today.

W:Oh,dear,why is that?

M:Well,I have two big exams tomorrow - history and physics.History is OK.But the physics exam is worth 30% of my grade,so I’m quite nervous about it.

W:You’re always well prepared for exams.Just relax! You ‘ll do fine.

M:Oh,thank you.


【题目】 Earlier this summer, after packing my rucksack for a wild-camping holiday, I gazed at my belongings, and made a final adjustment to the contents of my bag.1

I quickly emailed my travel companion, a photographer friend called Jacob to make sure I could have some pictures of our trip afterwards, so I could pop a few up on Instagram when I returned. And then I set off, feeling — for the first time in a number of trips — that I was genuinely escaping the stresses and strains of my everyday life.2Because the way stress locates us, these days, is via our phones.

3However, I've realized that for a holiday really to function as a holiday, I need an escape from social status anxiety , from caring about “likes”, and from having to photograph every tiny detail of life to prove our existence. When we overshare a glossy version of our trip online, we miss out on talking about our trips when we return, which is part of the joy of travel. Posting in the moment denies us this opportunity to relive (回味) our experience, and prolong that holiday feeling.4

During my three-day Insta-break, my stress levels decrease quickly within 24 hours.5I made mental notes of funny moments, cultural observations, tips and when I returned, I had interesting, detailed chats with friends about my time away.

A.I also changed how I processed the trip itself.

B.So I am fully supportive of screen-free holidays.

C.I took out my iPhone, and threw it under my bed.

D.1 would lose track of my coworkers, my friends and my family.

E.None of them could touch me for the next three glorious days.

F.So this summer, as you plan your trip, ask if you can delete Instagram.

G.As a travel writer, abandoning my phone for my holiday felt like the extreme betrayal.

【题目】How to Shine at a Job Interview

The smart job seeker needs to get rid of several standard myths about interviewing before starting to look for a job. 1

Myth 1: The aim of an interview is to obtain the job offer.

Only half true. The only aim of an interview is to obtain the job you want. 2 Unfit job seekers, however, become so used to meeting employers' expectation that they often easily accept jobs that they don't want. So before you work for an employer, be sure you want the job.

Myth 2: Try to control the interview.

Nobody “control” an interview - neither you or the interviewer - although one or both parties often try. Then it becomes a fake exchange between two human beings; no business deal is likely to be made. Remember, you can't control what employers think of you, just as they can't control what you think of them. So hang loose when interviewing: 3

Myth 3: 4

Study the effective conversationalists: They interrupt and were interrupted. An exciting conversation always makes us feel, free - free to interrupt, free to disagree ? to agree enthusiastically. We feel comfortable with people who allow us to be natural. Employers will either like or dislike you, but at least you will have made an impression. And the way to make an effective impression is to feel free to be yourself, which frees your interviewers to be themselves.

Myth 4: Always be well groomed and dress yourself fashionably.

Only half true. 5 However, some interviewers might not appreciate the way you “decorate” yourself or, possibly, the positions you are applying for would require more reserved personalities, which, to some interviewers, can be revealed from your appearance. Therefore, the more cautious solution would be to keep to the happy medium - neither appear too “modern” nor too “conservative”.

A.Never interrupt the interviewer.

B.It is good to appear clear and neat or well-groomed when you go to an interview.

C.Thus, the job seeker finds an ideal job.

D.Never dominate the interview.

E.That often means rejecting the job offers you don't want.

F.You are expected to respect each other.

G.Here are some untruths and tips to help you do your best at your interview.

【题目】 The idea that history is an outdated course of study that will lead to limited career options has spread. 1 It is a wonderful way to prepare for a successful future. Here are a few reasons why it’s important that today’s students continue to learn about the past.

Understanding where people come from is key in understanding who we are. 2 It’s deeply influenced the world and its citizens. For this reason, it’s important to understand history in order to understand why people are the way that they are.

3 Through history classes, you can experience a change in the way you think. You’ll look at things from a new angle, as you understand the world in a new way. In the end, this change can improve your ability to assess and understand situations, make educated decisions, and learn how to weigh the consequences linked with each choice before you.

Learning from the past prevents future mistakes. 4 From wars to fashion to political trends, historians are often able to make predictions about the future based upon the past. By having a firm grasp on what happened in the past, today’s generation can better prepare for a brighter future by making the right decisions — instead of repeating old mistakes.

5 The idea that a degree in history can’t lead to a good career is untrue. In fact, students who graduate with degrees in history can become lawyers, business owners, foundation leaders, and non-profit leaders. Besides, history degrees can lead to working as an educator, a leader in a historical organization, a writer, an editor, a journalist, or a producer of multimedia materials.

A.You will understand the world much better.

B.History degrees can lead to well-paying careers.

C.Many people don’t know well about themselves.

D.Learning history can change how you think.

E.But the truth is that studying history is still important.

F.The idea that history repeats itself is rooted in truth.

G.History has shaped cultures, attitudes, and social structures.

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