
2.The town has changed so much that it is _____ recognition.(  )

分析 小镇变化太大了,都认不出来了.

解答 答案:C 
句意表达的是变化太大,很难辨认出来;by用方法,within在范围内,beyond超越,under在下面;beyond recognition超出了能辨认的范围,故选C.

点评 介词用法灵活,搭配较多.学习时要注意积累,对常考的搭配结构要注意掌握.

13.While some dictionaries define the word"right"as"a privilege"when used in the context of"human rights",we are talking about something more basic.Originally,people had rights only because of their membership in a group,such as a family.Then,in 539 BC,Cyrus the Great,after conquering the city of Babylon,did something totally unexpected-he set all slaves free and let them return home.Moreover,he declared people should choose their own religion.Cyrus'statements are about the first"human rights"declaration in history.
    Every person has certain basic rights,simply by the fact of being human.These are called"human rights"rather than a privilege,which can be taken away at someone's sudden desire.They are"rights"because they are things you are allowed to be,to do or to have.These rights are there for your protection against people who might want to harm or hurt you.They are also there to help us get along with each other and live in peace.
  Yet many people,when asked to name their rights,will list only freedom of speech and belief and perhaps one or two others.There is no question that these are important rights,but the full scope of human rights is very broad.They mean choice and opportunity.They mean the freedom to get a job,adopt a career,select a partner of one's choice and raise children.They include the right to travel widely and the right to work without trouble,abuse and threat of arbitrary (霸道) dismissal.They even embrace the right to leisure.
  In ages past,there were no human rights.Then the idea turned up that people should have certain freedoms.And that idea,following World War II,resulted finally in the document called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the thirty rights to which all people are entitled. 

(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in No more than 10 words)
78.In 539 BC,people were greatly surprised by Cyrus'ssetting slaves free and allowing people to choose their religion.
79.A privilege is different from Human rights in that itcan be taken away at someone's sudden desire.
80.How long have human rights officially existed?(For) 70 years
81.What's the main idea of the passage?The development/evolution/history of human rights.

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