
I don’t think Jim saw me; he ______ into space.

A. just stared B. was just staring

C. has just stared D. had just stared




试题分析:句意:我觉得吉姆刚才没有看见我,他一直在盯着天空。A. just stared 一般过去时 B. was just staring 过去进行时 C. has just stared 现在完成时D. had just stared过去完成时。根据吉姆刚才没看见我得知这里考查刚才一直做某事,用过去进行时。故选B。




Most of us are used to seasons. Each year, spring follows winter, which follows autumn, which follows summer, which follows spring. And winter is colder than summer. But the earth goes through temperature cycles over much longer periods than those that we experience.

Between 65,000 and 35,000 years ago, the planet was much colder than it is now. During that time the temperature also changed a lot, with periods of warming and cooling. Ice melted during the warm periods, which made sea levels rise. Water froze again during the cold periods.

A new study from Switzerland sheds light on where ice sheets melted during the ice age.

It now seems that the ice melted at both ends of the earth, rather than just in either northern or southern areas. This surprised the researchers from the University of Bern.

Scientists have long assumed(认为) that most of the ice that melted was in the Northern hemisphere(半球) during the 30,000-year long ice age. That belief was held because the North Pole is surrounded by land, while the South Pole is surrounded by the Antarctic Ocean. It is easier for ice sheets to grow on land. If surrounded by sea the ice can easily just slip into the ocean instead of building up.

The researchers used a computer model to look at ways the ice could melt and how it might affect sea levels. They compared these results to evidence of how temperatures and currents actually changed during that time.

The model showed that if it was only in the Northern hemisphere that ice melted, there would have been a bigger impact(影响) on ocean currents(洋流) and sea temperatures than what actually happened. Studies suggest that melting just in the Southern hemisphere would have been impossible, too.

The only reasonable conclusion, the scientists could make, was that ice melted equally in the North and the South.

It is still a mystery as to what caused the temperature changes that caused the ice to melt.

1.The underlined phrase “sheds light on” (in paragraph 3) can be replaced by .

A. throws doubts on

B. beats down on

C. makes it clear

D. makes light of

2.We can infer from the passage .

A. the ice can easily just slip into the ocean

B. melting just in the Northern hemisphere would have been impossible

C. volcanoes caused the ice to melt

D. researchers often use the computer models help their research work.

3.The scientists are not sure .

A. what caused the temperature changes

B. where ice sheets melted during the ice age

C. how long the ice age lasted

D. what the earth is made up of

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. A computer model

B. Studies show ice melted equally in the North and the South during the ice age

C. Most of the ice melted in the Northern hemisphere during the 30,000-year long ice age.

D. A survey result


(1) Mr. Brown (the motorist) (驾车人)

At about 9:20 p.m. on October 14th, I was driving along Market road in the direction of Midwick. I wanted to go to Sturham to collect my wife, who had been visiting some friends. I prepared to turn into Sturham Road, which was on my right. In the distance, I saw the lights of a car moving towards me but it was a long way from me. I put out my hand to show that I was going to turn right. Then I started to turn slowly towards Sturham Road. Suddenly there was a loud noise on the passenger’s (near) side of the cars. I stopped the car and got out. A motor-cycle (摩托车) had hit my car. The motor-cyclist had been thrown over the car. He was injured, so I ran to a shop to phone for help.

(2) Mr. Smith (the injured motor-cyclist)

On the evening of October 14th, I was going home along Market Road towards Newtown. I was riding my motor-cycle. I was going slowly because some of the street lights were out and the road was wet and slippery. Just before Sturham Road, a car suddenly drove right across my path. The driver did not flash his light to give a warning. I would not turn in time, so I hit the side of the car. When I woke up, I was lying in a hospital in Market Road.

(3) Mr. Lee (another motor-cyclist)

At about 9:10 p.m. on October 14,I left my home in Midwick. Ten minutes later I was riding my motor-cycle along the Marker Road. I was going to Newtown. There was a motor-cycle about 40 meters in front of me. It was not going very quickly. The man on it was riding near the curb(路边) but I was near the center of the road. The motor-cycle in front of me tried to turn to his right but there was no time. He hit the car and was injured. There was no car going along in front of us or put by the road.

1.Which of these pictures exactly shows the scene of the accident?

X=the place where the motor-cycle hit the car.

(Note: Cars and motor-cycles always keep to the left in England.)


2.Which of these statements about the accident is probably correct?

A. The accident was caused by the carelessness of the first motor-cyclist.

B. The lights of the car moving towards Mr. Brown made him unable to see.

C. Mr. Brown knocked down a motor-cyclist on purpose (故意).

D. Mr. Brown wrongly thought that the lights of two motor-cycles were those of a car.

3.It seems probable from the statements that Mr. Brown ______.

A. gave no signal to show that he was turning right

B. failed to give a proper (适当的) signal at that time

C. did not give any signal until he was actually turning

D. flashed his light to show that he was going to turn

4.We would find that Mr. Brown’s car was damaged on its _____ side.

A. left B. right

C. front D. driver’s


Something in chocolate could be used to stop coughs and lead to more effective medicines, say UK researchers.

Their study found that theobromine, found in cocoa, was nearly a third more effective in stopping coughs than codeine, which was considered the best cough medicine at present.

The Imperial College London researchers who published their results online said the discovery could lead to more effective cough treatment. “While coughing is not necessarily harmful(有害的) it can have a major effect on the quality of life, and this discovery could be a huge step forward in treating this problem,” said Professor Peter Barnes.

Ten healthy volunteers(志愿者) were given theobromine, codeine or placebo, a pill that contains no medicine, during the experiment. Neither the volunteers nor the researchers knew who received which pill. The researchers then measured levels of capsaicin, which is used in research to cause coughing and as a sign of how well the medicine are stopping coughs.

The team found that, when the volunteers were given theobromine, the capsaicin need to produce a cough was around a third higher than in the placebo group. When they were given codeine they need only slightly higher levers of capsaicin to cause a cough compared with the placebo.

The researchers said that theobromine worked by keeping down a verve activity(神经活动), which cause coughing. They also found that unlike some standard cough treatments, theobromine caused no side effects such as sleepiness.

1.According to Professor Barnes, theobromine ______.

A. cannot be as effective as codeine

B. can be harmful to people’s health

C. cannot be separated from chocolate

D. can be a more effective cure for coughs

2.What was used in the experiment to cause coughing?

A. Theobromine. B. Codeine. C. Capsaicin. D. Placebo.

3.We learn from the text that volunteers in the experiment _____.

A. were patients with bad coughs

B. were divided into the three groups

C. received standard treatments

D. suffered little side effects

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. Codeine: A New Medicine B. Chocolate May Cure Coughs

C. Cough Treatment: A Hard Case D. Theobromine Can Cause Coughs


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