
He never complains about the difficulties he has in life. ,he always has ways to overcome them.

A.However B.Otherwise C.Instead D.Therefore




试题分析:句意:他从不抱怨他生活中的困难,相反地,他总是有办法克服。四个选项的含义分别是:A.However然而,B.Otherwise否则,C.Instead 相反地,D.Therefore因此,所以选C。




[1]It is now possible to watch live sport on television on any day of the week,and the current amount of reporting will undoubtedly increase further in years to come. This is certainly having an influence on the live sports events themselves, and there are both benefits and shortcomings to this.

[2]Why has there been such growth in televised sport?For one thing, with digital broadcasting, there are now many more TV channels than there were even ten years ago. Moreover, sport has become an important form of entertainment, appealing to both men and women.

[3]What are the benefits of this state of affairs?One obvious advantage to the profession is the addition of money provided by television companies. Large football clubs benefit financially from TV income and the top players can command very large salaries. Less popular sports also receive money that can be used in training and awareness ­raising. What’s more,there is a health benefit to some of the population,because through televised sport, more people have become interested in actually playing sport.

[4]However, ________ if so much sport is on television. Considering football again, many small clubs have suffered financial losses recently, as they cannot compete with the large ones. There has been a general falling in ticket sales, especially among smaller clubs. Fewer people attend live matches nowadays, preferring to watch from the comfort of their living room. And ticket prices have risen greatly.

[5]To sum up, while televised sport has created many opportunities and benefited certain people and clubs very much, it has also been responsible for changing the nature of live sports events for ever.

1. What is the main idea of the text?(no more than 8 words)


2.Complete the following statement with words from Paragraph 2. (no more than 3 words)

There has been a great increase in TV channels in the past few years with the help of ___________________________________________________________________________________

3.Point out the advantage of televised sport which does not concern money in Paragraph 3. (no more than 3 words)


4.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)


5.What does t he word “it” (Line 2,Paragraph 5) probably refer to?(no more than 3 words)



I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase, my father following with two more. By the time I got to the third floor, I was tired and at the same time feeling lonely. Worse still, Dad a step and fell, sending my new suitcases down the stairs. “Damn!” he screamed, his face turning red. I knew was ahead. Whenever Dad's face turns red, !

How could I ever him to finish unloading the car screaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls, girls I would have to spend the of the year with? Doors were opening and faces peering out (探出), as Dad walked close behind. I felt it in my bones that my college life was getting off to a(n) start.

“ the room quickly,” I thought. “Get him into a chair and calmed down.” But then again, would there be a chair in Room 316? Or would it be a(n) room?

I turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open, with Dad complaining about a hurting knee or something. I put my head in, expecting the . But to my , the room wasn’t empty at all! It had furniture, curtains, a TV, and even paintings on the walls.

And there on a well-made bed sat Amy, my new , dressed neatly. Greeting me with a nod, she said in a soft voice, “Hi, you must be Cori.” Then, she the music and looked over at Dad. “And of course, you’re Mr. Faber,” she said, . “Would you like a glass of iced tea?” Dad’s face turned decidedly before he could bring out a “yes”.

I knew then that Amy and I would be and my first year of college would be a success.

1.A. took B.minded C.missed D.picked

2.A.rooling B.passing C.dropping D.turning

3.A.suffering B.difficulty C.troubled D. danger

4.A.go head B.look out C.hold on D.give up

5.A.lead B.help C.encourage D.get

6.A.after B.without C.while D.besides

7.A.best B.beginning C.end D.rest

8.A.with difficulty B.in a hurry C.with firm steps D.in wonder

9.A.fresh B.late C.bad D.unfair

10.A.Search B.Find C.enter D.Book

11.A.small B.empty C.new D.neat

12.A.Finally B.Meanwhile C.Sooner or later D.At the moment

13.A. yet B.only C.even D.still

14.A.worst B.chair C. best D.tea

15.A.regret B.disappointment C.surprise D.knowledge

16.A.roommate B.classmate C.neighbour D.companion

17.A.turned on B.turned down C.played D.enjoyed

18.A.questioning B.wondering C.smiling D.guessing

19.A.red B.less pal C.less red D.pale

20.A.sisters B.friends C.students D.fellows


A new study has found no evidence that sunscreen, commonly used to reduce the risk of skin cancer, actually increases the risk.

Researchers from the University of Iowa based their findings on a review of 18 earlier studies that looked at the association between sunscreen use and melanoma(黑素瘤). They said that they found flaws in studies that had reported associations between sunscreen use and higher risk of melanoma.

Most health experts believe that by protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, sunscreen helps prevent skin cancer, which is increasing in incidence(发生率)faster than any other cancer in the United States.

But questions have been raised about sunscreen and whether it may have the opposite effect, perhaps by allowing people to remain exposed to the sun longer without burning.

The researchers said that among the problems with some earlier studies is that they often failed to take into account that those people most at risk for skin cancer—people with fair skin and freckles(雀斑), for example—are more likely to use sunscreen. As a result, it may appear that sunscreen users get cancer more often.

The studies, which generally relied on volunteers to recall their sunscreen use, were also unable to prove how well the products had been applied, said the new study.

1.The underlined word “flaws” in the 2nd paragraph most probably means .

A. evidencesB. factsC. faults D. failures

2.People with fair skin and freckles .

A. seldom use sunscreen

B. are more in danger of skin cancer

C. can be free from the harm of the sun

D. often expose themselves to the sun

3.We can learn from the passage that .

A. sunscreen users get skin cancer more often

B. the volunteers have proved the effect of sunscreen

C. the new study was based on the experiences of volunteers

D. the number of skin cancer patients is increasing in America

4.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

A. Sunscreen to Prevent Skin Cancer

B. Sunscreen to Increase Skin Cancer

C. Skin Cancer Caused by Sunscreen

D. Skin Cancer Caused by Freckles


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