
N=Nicola   A=Annie

N:  Hi, Ann. How do you like your new place?

A:  I like it a lot. It’s (76) c        to school ― it only takes about ten minutes by bike. But how did you know that I moved?

N:  Bob told me about it. Actually, I’m (77) i               because I’m looking for a place to move (78) m       right now.

So how is the rent? Is it (79) r      ?

A:  Yes, I think so. It’s especially low because I do housecleaning once a week for the landlady.

N:  That sounds like a good idea. How do you get (80)a       with the landlady?

A:  Fine. Actually I don’t see much of her. We (81)s_________ the kitchen but it seems she’s not in there much when I’m there.

N:  How did you (82) f         the place?

A:  (83) T        an ad in the newspaper. I didn’t spend too much time (84) l       . I hear that the university housing office has a good rental list. I’d check over there if I were you.

N:  Thanks for the idea. I really want to get settled.

A:  Good (85) l          !



76. ____________


77. ____________

78. ____________

79. ____________



80. ____________


81. ____________


82. ____________

83. ____________

84. ____________



85. ____________

76. close        77. interested         78. myself              79. reasonable        80. along       

81. share        82. find                 83. Through           84. looking             85. luck


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