
8.For many people,history classes are seen as no more than requirements for getting degrees in chemistry,biology,business,marketing,etc.(16)FBelow are a few reasons why it's crucial that today's people continue to learn about the past.
Understanding where people come from plays a key role in understanding.
Who they are(17)GFor this reason,it's extremely important to learn history in order to understand why people are the way that they are.
    Through history classes,you can experience a shift in the way you think.(18)CIt's important to developing minds to be able to consider problems from different angles.Finally,this shift can improve your ability to analyze and understand situations,to make educated decisions and to learn how to weigh the consequences related to each choice before you.
(19)DThe idea that history repeats itself is rooted in truth.From wars to fashion to political trends,historians are often able to make predictions about the future based upon the past.By having a deep understanding of what happened in the past,today's people can better prepare for brighter futures by making the right decisions-instead of repeating old mistakes.
    Many people may not believe that a degree in history can lead to a well-paying job.In fact,students who graduate with degrees in history can become lawyers,business owners,think tank (智囊团) members,educators,leaders in historical organizations,writers and so on.(20)A

A.Whichever you take,it can provide a comfortable life.
B.Learning about history can change how you think.
C.That means you look at things from a new point of view.
D.Learning from the past prevents future mistakes.
E.The key to enjoying the study of history is to find classes that interest you.
F.But the truth is that studying history is a wonderful way to prepare for a successful future.
G.History has shaped cultures,attitudes and social structures; it has shaped the world and its citizens.

分析 文章讲述了历史的重要性,建议我们学习历史可以获得很都好处,也给你带来高收入的工作.

16.F 细节题.根据前句的内容For many people,history classes are seen as no more than requirements for getting degrees in chemistry,biology,business,marketing对于很多人来说,历史课被当做仅仅是要求在化学、生物等学科上获得要求,但事实情况并非如此,故选F.
17.G 推理题.从For this reason,it's extremely important to learn history in order to understand why people are the way that they are.学习历史很重要,让我们明白为什么人们会成为现在的人,故历史塑造文化、态度等.
18.C 细节题.根据前句Through history classes,you can experience a shift in the way you think通过历史,可以改变你思考的方式,故选C.
19.D 概括题.根据该段的内容可知,从历史学习到很多经验,可以让你避免重复犯的错误,故选D.
20.A 细节题.通过最后一段的第一句话Many people may not believe that a degree in history can lead to a well-paying job很多人不相信历史可以带来很多高收入工作,如:律师、教育家等,不管哪一个都给你提供舒适的生活,故选A.

点评 考察学生的推理判断能力和联系上下文的能力,在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.此类的填空题一定要联系上下文,根据上下文的内容加上自己的理解,再作出正确的判断.

2.The main cause of death and disability in the US Stroke(中风)is the main cause of death and disability in the United States.Every 45seconds,someone in America has a stroke.(36)DIt is the nation's third leading cause of death,ranking behind diseases of the heart and all forms of cancer.The following is something more about stroke.
Definition and description of a stroke
Stroke is a type of cardiovascular disease.It affects the arteries(动脉) leading to and within the brain.A stroke occurs when a blood vessel(血管) that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is either blocked by a clot or bursts.(37)E.So stroke forms.
The American Stroke Association has identified several factors (因素) that increase the risk of stroke.The more risk factors a person has,the greater the chance that he or she will have a stroke.Some of these you can't control,such as increasing age,family health history,race,and previous stroke.(39)F.Factors resulting from lifestyle or environment can be improved with a health care provider's help.
Breakthroughs in treatment
A stroke can happen to anyone at any moment.In fact,about 600,000people have strokes every year.(40)CHowever,recent breakthroughs have led to new treatments.For the treatments to work,the person must get to a hospital immediately.

A.Risk factors of a stroke.
B.Warning signs of a stroke.
C.For many years,there was no hope for those suffering a stroke.
D.Every 3.1minutes,someone dies of one.
E.When that happens,part of the brain cannot get the blood and oxygen it needs.
F.But you can change or treat other risk factors to lower your risk.
G.The more common kind of stroke is caused by a blood clot that blocks a blood vessel in the brain.
13.The clothes you wear.The food you eat.The color of your bedroom walls.Where you go and how you get there.The people you hang around with.What time you go to bed.What do these things have in common?You're asking.They're just a few examples of many hundreds of things that your parents controlled for you when you were a child.
As a kid,you didn't have a say in everything; your parents made decisions about everything from the cereal you ate in the morning to pajamas you wore at night.And it's a good thing,too---kids need this kind of protection on their own.
But finally,kids grow up and become teens.And part of being a teen is developing your own identity---one that is separate from your parents'.But as you change and grow into this new person who makes his own decisions,your parents have a difficult time adjusting(调整).
In most families,it is this adjustment that can cause a lot of fighting between teens and parents.And issues like the type of friends you have or your attitudes to partying can cause bigger arguments,because your parents still always want to protect you and keep you safe,no matter how old you are.
The good news about fighting with your parents get more comfortable with the idea that their teens have a right to certain opinions.It can take several years for parents and teens to adjust to their new roles,though.In the meantime,focus on communicating with your parents.
Sometimes  this  can feel impossible---like they just don't see your point of view and never will.But talking and expressing your opinions can help you gain more respect from your parents.
Keep in mind,too,that your parents were teens once and that in most cases,they can relate to what you're going through.

27.In the first two paragraphs,the writerD.
A.complains that parents control kids too much\
B.proves that kids have no right to give their opinions
C.describes how carefully parents look after kids
D.explains that it is necessary for parents to control kids
28.A lot of fighting breaks out between teens and parents becauseA.
A.parents aren't used to losing control of kids
B.teens like to have everything decided
C.parents blame teens for not respecting them
D.teens are eager to develop their own identity
29.The underlined word"this"in Paragraph 6may refer to"C".
A.arguing with friends                    
B.fighting with your parents
C.communicating with parents              
D.adjusting to new roles
30.In the writer's opinion,parents control teens in order toB.
A.prevent them from having their own ideas   
B.protect them from being hurt
C.make them respect parents in the family     
D.make sure that children have a good future.

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