
Please Beat Me

I once had the opportunity to meet Dan Miller, an Amish neighbor of mu dad. He told me that years ago my dad had______to him that his apple trees looked beautiful but weren’t producing any apples. After listening______, Dan told my dad to go home, grab a hammer and give his trees a severe beating around the________He said they needed to have something to______them up-that life had been too______and they needed a challenge to come alive. While this seemed contrary ____the careful fertilizing, watering and nurturing my dad had been giving his prized trees, he ____the wisdom of his Amish neighbor.

The next year the trees produced so heavily that my dad saw branches______under the weight of the number of apples. With a little research I now find that this is a______approach. We know that roses,_______left to themselves, will grow leaves but few_______ The best way to get them to produce what they are______to do is to cut them back severely and annually ____ growing roots.

Is there a_______in this for us? Every day I hear from people who have had all the______—famous university degrees, fine homes, cars and positions. And they suspect the easy life they’ve been given is keeping them from the_______of adventure that would release the best version of themselves.

Are you taking the “______” route in life to avoid the stresses and challenges that are trying to release your biggest______?

And no, you probably don’t need to find someone to______you or to create a stressful situation in your life. I know that in mine, those things have just______consistently. But I hope I’m getting smarter in seeing “What does this make possible?”

1.A. complained B. suggested C. explained D. reported

2.A. angrily B. gladly C. anxiously D. carefully

3.A. root B. trunk C. branch D. field

4.A. cut B. bring C. wake D. send

5.A. easy B. long C. hard D. busy

6.A. with B. to C. for D. in

7.A. proved B. doubted C. trusted D. learned

8.A. hanging B. waving C. flying D. breaking

9.A. crazy B. mysterious C. strange D. common

10.A. if B. because C. unless D. though

11.A. fruits B. roses C. grasses D. bushes

12.A. approved B. scheduled C. expected D. exposed

13.A. put down B. dig up C. pull out D. cut off

14.A. lesson B. skill C. secret D. fact

15.A. chances B. advantages C. results D. concerns

16.A. course B. price C. challenge D. danger

17.A. rough B. short C. familiar D. safe

18.A. harvest B. courage C. emotion D. knowledge

19.A. comfort B. support C. love D. beat

20.A. sorted out B. left out C. shown up D. set down


“Smombies”—people walking while staring at their smart phones—are very real and a growing cause for concern. Tired of having to constantly alert both locals and tourists to pay more attention to their surroundings to avoid serious accidents, authorities of a small German town have come up with a more positive solution—embedding(嵌入) traffic lights in the pavement to make them visible to people constantly looking down at their phones.

The seemingly ridiculous safety measure was put in place. Authorities in Augsburg decided to act, installing ground level traffic lights at two tram(有轨电车) stops last Tuesday. The lights flash red every time a tram is approaching, or when the regular traffic light turns red. “We realized that the normal traffic light isn't in the line of sight of many pedestrians these days,” said Tobias Hermes, a city administration official. “So we decided to have an additional set of lights—the more we have, the more people are likely to notice them.”

Some Augsburg residents appear to be quite happy with the idea.“I think it makes sense,” Jack Smith said, speaking to The Augsburger Allgemeine. “One always sees young people these days running over red lights. This makes it more obvious that you need to stop.”

Others, however, found the need for ground traffic lights disturbing and even frightening. “I find it scary that smart phone users are so engrossed that they need to install lights in the ground so that they notice the tram coming,” one person told the local paper.

But do this kind of pavement?embedded lights actually work? Well, if one interviewed teenager is to be believed, not really. “To be honest I didn't even notice it,” he told The Augsburger Allgemeine. “Maybe it'd be useful at night, but yeah, I didn't realize it was there until just now.”

The word “smombie”—a mashup of the words smart phone and zombie—was born in Germany. It was voted “youth word of the year” in 2015, but the serious consequences of this behaviour are no laughing matter.

1.Which of the following about “smombies” is TRUE?

A. It refers to people who are fond of walking.

B. It refers to people who are looking at phones while walking.

C. It refers to people who concern others very much.

D. It refers to people who hate locals and tourists.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “engrossed” in Paragraph 4?

A. Disturbed. B. Frightened.

C. Addicted. D. Encouraged.

3.What may be the best title for the text?

A. Ground traffic lights for people looking at smart phones

B. Effective ways to educate people to obey traffic rules

C. The meanings of ground traffic lights

D. The serious problem of traffic safety

Ask any American what he/she is doing on Sunday, February 7 and the answer is likely to be either hosting or attending a Super Bowl Party. Played for the title of the National Football League Champion, Super Bowl is the most watched annual television program in the United States.

That's because Super Bowl which is celebrating its Golden Anniversary this year, is more than just a 60-minute football game—it is a well-designed production that features half-time performances, fireworks shows and television ads that people discuss for days.

But most important of all, it is the day to set aside all diets and enjoy foods one would normally avoid or at least not consume at the same time. It should, therefore, come as no surprise that Super Bowl Sunday is one of the biggest food consumption days in the U.S. — Second only to Thanksgiving.

The noshing will start early in the day, long before matches begin and continue long after the 2016 NFL Champions have retired to celebrate.

As a result, it is estimated that on Sunday, the nation will consume 1.2 million pounds of potato chips, 8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips, 3.8 million pounds of popcorn and 3 million pounds of nuts.

When the real hunger pains start to hit, they will seek out comfort foods. Not surprisingly, pizza tops the list. Chicken wings are also very popular. It is estimated that almost 1.3 billion wings will be consumed on Super Bowl Sunday. Other favorites include bacon, hot dogs and burgers.

But the food consumption is not without consequences. Data released indicates that antacid (解酸药) sales increase by 20% on the Monday following the big game. Additionally, over seven million Americans call in sick. It is no wonder that fans have been urging the government to declare Super Bowl Monday a holiday.

1.Why does Super Bowl become the most popular television program?

A. It is the longest football game.

B. It is hosted by famous film stars.

C. It contains the most wonderful ads.

D. It involves in various performances.

2.Which can replace the underlined word “noshing” in Paragraph 4?

A. playing B. eating

C. competing D. resting

3.Which comfort food is consumed the most?

A. Hot dogs. B. Pizza.

C. Nuts. D. Chicken wings.

4.What bad result might Super Bowl Sunday lead to?

A. Lots of food is wasted.

B. Public disorder is caused.

C. Some people have an upset stomach.

D. Many people lose their work.

Spain Environmental Project

Full Description

Greenheart Travel? Casita Verde (Green House) is an incredible eco-center situated in a beautiful valley near the village of San Jose, Ibiza. This great Mediterranean island is renowned for its rich culture and incredible scenery. Casita Verde is considered an experiential eco-education center, and showcases the best practices for sustainable living and alternative energies. The center includes almost 14 acres of working farm land created to demonstrate ecological development powered by wind and sun energy.

How You Will Make a Difference:

—Maintain and improve the farm facilities

—Install an alternative energy system

—Promote environmental awareness among visitors

—Cook delicious, organic meals for visitors

—Learn farming that emphasizes the use of renewable natural resources and the enrichment of local ecosystem

Assist with Sunday community visit/meals

Dates: Flexible dates available

Duration: 1 to 12 weeks

Cost Details: fee includes: housing, fool, medical insurance, in-country staff support, pre-departure orienta-tion, in-country orientation, 24-hour emergency contact

A Great Opportunity for: Teens/Professionals

Skills Needed/Experience

Participants should have an active interest in environmental studies/ecology, and strong desire to contribute to the international effort to protect the environment. Those who are interested in it must have extensive hands-on conservation experience and be willing to live rustically(淳朴地)in an alternative community. Some knowledge of Spanish is helpful but not required.

1.What do we know about Casita Verde?

A. It covers about 14 acres in size.

B. It is powered by renewable resources.

C. It is the center of a beautiful valley.

D. It develops its unique culture.

2.What can you do in Casita Verde?

A. Teach visitors how to grow organic plants.

B. Help the local promote environmental awareness.

C. Prepare organic meals for visitors on Sunday.

D. Make research into an alternative energy system.

3.Who are the intended readers of the text?

A. Travelers. B. Famers.

C. Workers. D. Volunteers.

Much meaning can be conveyed, clearly, with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.

Do you have such kind of experience? In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too long. And if he is sensing that he is being stared at, he may feel uncomfortable.

The same in daily life. If you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is anything wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward others’ stare at you that way. Eyes do speak, right?

Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive. But things are different when it comes to stare at the opposite sex. If a man glances at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to move his gaze, his intentions are obvious, that is, he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he is admiring her.

However, the normal eye contact for two people engaged in conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking, to tell him that he is attentive.

If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking, as if he tries to dominate you, you will feel uncomfortable. A poor liar usually exposes himself by looking too long at the victim, since he believes in the false idea that to look straight in the eye is a sign of honest communication. Quite the contrary.

In fact, continuous eye contact is confined to lovers only, who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show affection that words cannot express.

Evidently, eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the specific situation.

1.Which of the following behaviors is proper according to the passage?

A. To the opposite sex, stare at him or her.

B. To a stranger, avoid looking at him or her.

C. In a conversation, look at the listener all the time.

D. Make eye contact depending on the relationship and different situations.

2.If two persons exchange eye contact gently for long, what is probably their relationship?

A. Boss and employee. B. Lovers.

C. Teacher and student. D. Strangers

3.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Don’t stare at others B. Body language is important

C. Eyes can speak D. Eye contact benefits you

I still remember my kindergarten teacher Mrs White, although I don’t remember much about what we learned in her class. My mother once told me that we used to______a lot. And I would bring back what I wrote and she could see there were so many ______. But no red corrections. And always a star. Sometimes _______ a “Good”,which would make my heart soar (高涨)with _______, But it worried my mother, so one day when she met Mrs White, she asked her why she never_______ the wrong spellings of words.

Mrs White replied,“The children are just beginning to get ______about using words, about forming sentences. I don’t want to ______that enthusiasm with red ink. Spelling and grammar can wait. The wonder of words won’t…”Maybe she didn’t say it ____ like that. It was long ago. But I did grow up learning to use words with loving_____ like that.

I _____now and think Mrs Whites was a rather ______ teacher. She encouraged the joy,_____ and excitement of expression-however faultily-like that. I used to_____ “beautiful” a lot. Never could I quite remember that the “e”went ____ the “a”. ____ my teacher in high school very much._____ eventually the e’s and a’s settled into their ____ places. I am glad I didn’t ____ on them though. “Pretty” is_____ to spell but it doesn’t hold as much as you mean sometimes. And thanks to Mrs White, I had no ____ about writing what I meant even if I couldn’t quite spell it out. Because life isn’t Pretty. It’s Beautiful.

1.A. listen B. speak C. write D. read

2.A. marks B. stars C. words D. mistakes

3.A. even B. naturally C. especially D. particularly

4.A. happiness B. sadness C. discouragement D. disappointment

5.A. found B. corrected C. ignored D. remembered

6.A. worried B. excited C. anxious D. nervous

7.A. keep B. create C. stop D. make

8.A. really B. carefully C. totally D. exactly

9.A. fear B. confidence C. pride D. content

10.A. look forward B. look after C. look back D. look for

11.A. extraordinary B. strict C. hardworking D. careless

12.A. delight B. wonder C. relief D. satisfaction

13.A. mistake B. misuse C. misunderstand D. misspell

14.A. behind B. after C. before D. below

15.A. annoyed B. pleased C. frightened D. confused

16.A. So B. But C. And D. Or

17.A. right B. wrong C. good D. bad

18.A. stand B. keep C. wait D. rely

19.A. funnier B. harder C. nicer D. easier

20.A. interests B. hope C. worries D. sadness

When a leafy plant is under attack, it doesn’t sit quietly. Back in 1983,two scientists,Jack Schultz and Ian Baldwin, reported that young maple trees getting bitten by insects send out a particular smell that neighboring plants can get. These chemicals come from the injured parts of the plant and seem to be an alarm.What the plants pump through the air is a mixture of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds,VOCs for short.

Scientists have found that all kinds of plants give out VOCs when being attacked .It’s a plant’s way of crying out.But is anyone listening?Apparently.Because we can watch the neighbours react.

Some plants pump out smelly chemicals to keep insects away.But others do double duty .They pump out perfumes designed to attract different insects who are natural enemies to the attackers.Once they arrive,the tables are turned .The attacker who was lunching now becomes lunch.

In study after study,it appears that these chemical conversations help the neighbors .The damage is usually more serious on the first plant,but the neighbors ,relatively speaking ,stay safer because they heard the alarm and knew what to do.

Does this mean that plants talk to each other? Scientists don’t know. Maybe the first plant just made a cry of pain or was sending a message to its own branches, and so, in effect, was talking to itself. Perhaps the neighbors just happened to “overhear” the cry. So information was exchanged, but it wasn’t a true, intentional back and forth.

Charles Darwin, over 150 years ago, imagined a world far busier, noisier and more intimate(亲密的) than the world we can see and hear. Our senses are weak. There’s a whole lot going on.

1.What does a plant do when it is under attack?

A. It makes noises. B. It gets help from other plants.

C. It stands quietly D. It sends out certain chemicals.

2.What does the author mean by “the tables are turned” in paragraph 3?

A. The attackers get attacked.

B. The insects gather under the table.

C. The plants get ready to fight back.

D. The perfumes attract natural enemies.

3.Scientists find from their studies that plants can .

A.predict natural disasters B.protect themselves against insects

C.talk to one another intentionally D.help their neighbors when necessary

4.what can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The word is changing faster than ever.

B.People have stronger senses than before

C.The world is more complex than it seems

D.People in Darwin’s time were more imaginative.

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