
Ask any American what he/she is doing on Sunday, February 7 and the answer is likely to be either hosting or attending a Super Bowl Party. Played for the title of the National Football League Champion, Super Bowl is the most watched annual television program in the United States.

That's because Super Bowl which is celebrating its Golden Anniversary this year, is more than just a 60-minute football game—it is a well-designed production that features half-time performances, fireworks shows and television ads that people discuss for days.

But most important of all, it is the day to set aside all diets and enjoy foods one would normally avoid or at least not consume at the same time. It should, therefore, come as no surprise that Super Bowl Sunday is one of the biggest food consumption days in the U.S. — Second only to Thanksgiving.

The noshing will start early in the day, long before matches begin and continue long after the 2016 NFL Champions have retired to celebrate.

As a result, it is estimated that on Sunday, the nation will consume 1.2 million pounds of potato chips, 8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips, 3.8 million pounds of popcorn and 3 million pounds of nuts.

When the real hunger pains start to hit, they will seek out comfort foods. Not surprisingly, pizza tops the list. Chicken wings are also very popular. It is estimated that almost 1.3 billion wings will be consumed on Super Bowl Sunday. Other favorites include bacon, hot dogs and burgers.

But the food consumption is not without consequences. Data released indicates that antacid (解酸药) sales increase by 20% on the Monday following the big game. Additionally, over seven million Americans call in sick. It is no wonder that fans have been urging the government to declare Super Bowl Monday a holiday.

1.Why does Super Bowl become the most popular television program?

A. It is the longest football game.

B. It is hosted by famous film stars.

C. It contains the most wonderful ads.

D. It involves in various performances.

2.Which can replace the underlined word “noshing” in Paragraph 4?

A. playing B. eating

C. competing D. resting

3.Which comfort food is consumed the most?

A. Hot dogs. B. Pizza.

C. Nuts. D. Chicken wings.

4.What bad result might Super Bowl Sunday lead to?

A. Lots of food is wasted.

B. Public disorder is caused.

C. Some people have an upset stomach.

D. Many people lose their work.


In an effort to discourage people from using plastics, scientists have been hard at work inventing alternative packaging products.

The idea of using seaweed(海草) to make eco-friendly water bottles has been around for a few years. Recently, Ari Jonsson took his invention—a water bottle made from red seaweed—to show off at a festival. The bottles will only hold their shape as long as they are filled. As soon as these bottles are empty they will begin to break down, though they would be perfectly safe to eat. Ari Jonsson's bottles are a step closer to a widely used alternative to the current plastic ones.

The eatable water container is not the only product to add to our image of the future. Narayana Pessapaty has also created eatable spoons. After the success of his spoons, Mr. Pessapaty is ready to expand and introduce forks and chopsticks to his menu. His aim is to largely reduce the amount of plastic waste, which is a huge problem for waste sites all over the world, It is a product that may take up t0 500 years to break down, and recycling companies worldwide are struggling to deal with it.

Aside from the obvious benefits to the environment, this new packaging is also cheap to produce and therefore cheap to buy. Even better is the fact that similar eatable cutlery can be made at home, possibly a science project for children or just fun with friends. Why not experiment and create your own recipes?

1.Why do scientists invent alternative packaging products?

A. To make people's life more convenient.

B. To show off their inventive talents.

C. To change the way we picnic outside.

D. To reduce the amount of plastic waste.

2.What makes Art Jonsson's water bottles eco-friendly?

A. They can be made at home.

B. They are cheap to produce and buy.

C. They will hold their shape when they are filled.

D. They will break down themselves when empty.

3.What do Ari and Narayana's inventions have in common?

A. They are convenient to carry.

B. They are safe to eat.

C. They can be used for a short time.

D. They are heavier than plastics.

4.What can be inferred from this passage?

A. Home-made eatable cutlery is likely to be popular.

B. Eatable cutlery will completely replace plastics in the near future.

C. No recycling companies can break down plastic waste.

D. It's unsafe for individuals to invent eatable cutlery at home.

Stop Negative Talk

“I’m so fat,” one of your friends says. The girl next to her joins in, “Well, I hate my hair today.” Without thinking, you respond: “No, you are not fat! I am fat. And my hair is flat and boring.”1.

It is easy for people to engage in self-critical conversations, and once it starts there is often pressure for you to join in.2. Maybe it is because “just talking” feels harmless. But before you know it, those opinions flow out of your conversations and into your life, where they start eating away at your self-respect.

3. When you start talking about yourself in a negative way, you are not only affecting your self-respect, but your friends’! When you criticize yourself, your friends might think you have the same standards for them. You have heard that it is important to treat others the way you want to be treated, but there is also value in treating yourself like you treat your friends. If you wouldn’t criticize your friend for the same thing, chances are that you are being too hard on yourself. So, don’t start it.

But what if someone else starts? For example, your friend feels insecure about how well he played in his soccer game, so he puts himself down: “I suck at soccer.”4. Ask him, “Do you really think that? Why?” Maybe he is actually upset about a comment someone made, or is just getting down on himself over one bad play. Whatever it is, talking through the real issue will help him more than slipping into another negative talk.

It is important to talk to your friend about your insecurities, but make sure you are not talking about them just to put yourself down.5. Instead of just focusing on the negative, talk about what makes you and your friends beautiful and unique—including what you love about your body and what you have accomplished. When you show yourself love, you set yourself as an example, and everyone benefits from you positively.

A. Negative talk affects self-respect.

B. Criticizing yourself helps nobody.

C. But why do we hesitate to praise ourselves?

D. But why is it acceptable to talk so negatively?

E. All it takes is just one comment and the negative talk starts.

F. It is better to resist negative conversations and create more balanced ones.

G. Before everyone puts himself down, see if you can get to the root of the problem.

Please Beat Me

I once had the opportunity to meet Dan Miller, an Amish neighbor of mu dad. He told me that years ago my dad had______to him that his apple trees looked beautiful but weren’t producing any apples. After listening______, Dan told my dad to go home, grab a hammer and give his trees a severe beating around the________He said they needed to have something to______them up-that life had been too______and they needed a challenge to come alive. While this seemed contrary ____the careful fertilizing, watering and nurturing my dad had been giving his prized trees, he ____the wisdom of his Amish neighbor.

The next year the trees produced so heavily that my dad saw branches______under the weight of the number of apples. With a little research I now find that this is a______approach. We know that roses,_______left to themselves, will grow leaves but few_______ The best way to get them to produce what they are______to do is to cut them back severely and annually ____ growing roots.

Is there a_______in this for us? Every day I hear from people who have had all the______—famous university degrees, fine homes, cars and positions. And they suspect the easy life they’ve been given is keeping them from the_______of adventure that would release the best version of themselves.

Are you taking the “______” route in life to avoid the stresses and challenges that are trying to release your biggest______?

And no, you probably don’t need to find someone to______you or to create a stressful situation in your life. I know that in mine, those things have just______consistently. But I hope I’m getting smarter in seeing “What does this make possible?”

1.A. complained B. suggested C. explained D. reported

2.A. angrily B. gladly C. anxiously D. carefully

3.A. root B. trunk C. branch D. field

4.A. cut B. bring C. wake D. send

5.A. easy B. long C. hard D. busy

6.A. with B. to C. for D. in

7.A. proved B. doubted C. trusted D. learned

8.A. hanging B. waving C. flying D. breaking

9.A. crazy B. mysterious C. strange D. common

10.A. if B. because C. unless D. though

11.A. fruits B. roses C. grasses D. bushes

12.A. approved B. scheduled C. expected D. exposed

13.A. put down B. dig up C. pull out D. cut off

14.A. lesson B. skill C. secret D. fact

15.A. chances B. advantages C. results D. concerns

16.A. course B. price C. challenge D. danger

17.A. rough B. short C. familiar D. safe

18.A. harvest B. courage C. emotion D. knowledge

19.A. comfort B. support C. love D. beat

20.A. sorted out B. left out C. shown up D. set down

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