







Last week I went to a movie, it was very touching. It was a sad movie about a mother and her sons. When the child was a little boy, the mother was very poor that she had to send him to a rich couple which had no children. The boy received a very good education and twenty years later he became doctor. In his hospital, he has a patient, who was an old lady. He didn’t care too much about her, for she could hardly afford for the medical care. One evening, the lady died quietly of a serious illness and on her bed the doctor found a letter, in it he discovered the truth and felt the love of a great mother. He wanted to call her “mom”, and it was too late. Everybody in the theatre was moving to tears.


"Ok," I said to my daughter as she bent over her afternoon bowl of rice. "What's going on with you and your friend J.?" J. is the leader of a group of third-graders at her camp—a position Lucy herself occupied the previous summer. Now she's the one on the outs, and every day at snack time, she tells me all about it, while I offer up the unhelpful advice all summer long.

"She's fond of giving orders," Lucy complained. "She's fat," Lucy mumbled(含糊地说)to the bowl "We are going upstairs," I said, my voice cold, "We are going to discuss this." And up we went.

I'd spent the nine years since her birth getting ready for this day, the day we'd have to have

the conversation about this horrible word. I knew exactly what to say to the girl on the receiving end of the teasing(嘲笑),but in all of my imaginings, it never once occurred to me that my daughter would be the one who used the F word一Fat.

My daughter sat on her bed, and I sat beside her. “How would you feel if someone made fun of you for something that wasn't your fault?” I began. “She could stop eating so much,” Lucy mumbled, mouthing the simple advice a thousand doctors and well-meaning friends and relatives have given overweight women for years.

"It's not always that easy,” I said. “Everyone's different in terms of how they treat food”

Lucy looked at me, waiting for me to go on. I opened my mouth, then closed it. Should I tell her

that, in teasing a woman's weight, she's joined the long, proud tradition of critics who go after any woman with whom they disagree by starting with "you're ugly" and ending with “no man would want you and there must be something wrong with any man who does"?Should I tell her I didn't cry when someone posted my picture and commented, “I'm sorry, but aren't authors who write books marketed to young women supposed to be pretty?”

Does she need to know, now, that life isn't fair? I feel her eyes on me,waiting for an answer I don't have. Words are my tools.Stories are my job.It's possible she'll remember what I say forever, and I have no idea what to say.

So I tell her the only thing I can come up with that is absolutely true.I say to my daughter,

“I love you, and there is nothing you could ever do to make me not love you. But I'm disappointed in you right now. There are plenty of reasons for not liking someone. What she looks like isn't one of them.”

Lucy nods, tears on her cheeks.“I won't say that again,”she tells me,and I pull her close,

pressing my nose against her hair. We are both quiet, and I don't know if I have said the right thing. So as we sit there together, shoulder to shoulder, I pray for her to be smart.I pray for her to be strong. I pray for her to find friends,work she loves, a partner who loves her, and for the world not to deprive(剥夺)her of the things that make her who she is,for her life to be easy, and for her to have the strength to handle it when it's not. And still, always,I pray that she will never struggle as I've struggled, that weight will never be her cross to bear. She may not be able to use the word in our home, but I can use it in my head. I pray that she will never get fat.

1.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 indicates that Lucy___.

A. has turned against her friend J.

B. often makes fun of her friend J.

C. gets along well with her friend J.

D. has begun to compete with her friend J.

2.Why does the author want to discuss with Lucy?

A. Because she is really shocked at Lucy's rudeness.

B. Because she wants to offer some other helpful advice.

C. Because she has prepared the conversation for nine years.

D. Because she decides to tell Lucy a similar story of her own.

3.What does the author want to tell her daughter?

A. It is not easy to take the doctors' advice to eat less.

B. People shouldn't complain because life is unfair.

C. People shouldn't be blamed for their appearance.

D. She herself was once一laughed at for her appearance.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that ___ .

A. the author is a fat but good-looking woman

B. the author earns a living by writing stories

C. the author will stop loving her daughter for what she said

D. the author's daughter agreed with her from.the very beginning

5.We can learn from the last paragraph that

A. Lucy is deeply moved by her mother's prayer

B. a mother's prayer will shape her daughter's attitude towards life

C. the author allows her daughter to use the F word in her head

D. the author hopes her daughter will never have weight trouble

6.The author's attitude towards her daughter can be best described as

A. satisfied and friendly

B. indifferent but patient

C. loving but strict

D. unsatisfied and angry

Dogs Don't Tell Jokes - By Louis Sachar

Twelve-year-old Gary Boone knows he was born to be a comedian. He never stops joking, regardless of the fact that nobody laughs much and his classmates think he is stupid. Therefore he had no real friends at school. Due to being laughed at by his classmates, Gary Boone thought winning the school talent show would be his dream of proving himself to be a real comedian, but on the big night his dream went wrong with funny results.

Winners Never Quit - By Mia Hamm

Mia Hamm, American soccer champion, tells a true-to-life inspiring story of learning that winning and losing aren't as important as being part of a team. More than anyone, soccer superstar Mia Hamm knows the value of teamwork. She shares this lesson, paired with energetic pictures by Carol Thompson, and this story is perfect for soccer kids and their soccer moms.

Shack let on s Incredible Voyage - By Alfred Lansing

The astonishing adventure of polar explorer Ernest Shackleton's survival for over a year on the ice-bound Antarctic seas, as Time t magazine put it, "defined heroism". To write the authoritative story, Lansing consulted with ten of the surviving members and gained access to diaries and personal accounts by eight others. The book has a first-hand account, expanded with maps and illustrations especially for this edition.

The Alchemist - By Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, continues to change the lives of its readers forever. It tells the magical story of Santiago, an Andulusian shepherd-boy (牧童) who desires to travel in search of treasure. The story of the treasures Santiago finds along the way teaches us about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts and above all, following our dreams.

1.From Shackletoris Incredible Voyage, we know the main character ______.

A. is a writer for Time magazine

B. is a survival of one polar exploration

C. has left a lot of diaries and accounts

D. has formed a close friendship with Alfred Lansing

2.If you want to know more about teamwork, you can read ______.

A. Dogs Don't Tell Jokes B. Shackletoris Incredible Voyage

C. Winners Never Quit D. The Alchemist

3.What do we know about The Alchemist?

A. It has an everlasting influence on its readers.

B. It gives people magical power over their dreams.

C. It tells a story of how to find treasures.

D. It is mainly about the wisdom of listening to others.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Guide for Teenagers

The teenage years can be tough, and it’s normal to feel sad every now and then. But if these feelings don’t go away or become so intense that you can’t handle them, you may be suffering from depression.1..

Try not to isolate yourself

When you’re depressed, you may not feel like seeing anybody or doing anything. Just getting out of bed in the morning can be difficult, but isolating yourself only makes depression worse. 2. Spend time with friends, especially those who are active.

Keep your body healthy

Making healthy lifestyle choices can do wonders for your mood. Ever heard of a "runners high"? Physical activity can be as effective as medications for depression, so get involved in sports, ride your bike, or take a dance class. Any activity helps! 3.As for food, make sure you’re feeding your mind with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Avoid alcohol and drugs.

You maybe try drinking or use drugs in an effort to escape from your feelings and get a "mood boost," even if just for a short time. However, substance use can not only make depression worse, but can cause you to become more depressed. 4.. You will need special treatment for your substance problem.


Stress and worry can lead to depression. Talk to a teacher if exams or classes seem overwhelming. In addition, if you have a health concern you feel you can’t talk to your parents about, see a doctor. A health professional can help you approach your parents and guide you toward appropriate treatment. If you’re dealing with relationship, friendship, or family problems, talk to an adult you trust.

A. Ask for help if you are stressed.

B. Even a short walk can be beneficial.

C. Turn to your parents for help.

D. As you get out into the world, you may find yourself feeling better.

E. In short, drinking and taking drugs will make you feel worse---not better---in the long run.

F. The more exercise you do, the healthier you will be.

G. Help is available and you have more power than you think.

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Every person needs energy to go about the day and continue to function correctly. To get this energy, you eat, and your body changes the food into the nutrients and energy you need to survive. Your metabolism (新陈代谢) is directly related to how quickly and efficiently your body creates this energy, and if it takes too long, the food gets stored as fat. A slow metabolism will leave you with less energy and more weight than you probably desire.

Your basal metabolic rate (基础代谢率) is the amount of energy your body consumes while you're resting. When people say they have a slow metabolism, they mean they have a slow basal metabolic rate. Increasing this number is possible through exercise and muscle building.

According to Metabolism-Advice. com, as your age, your basal metabolic rate will lower as your body begins to deteriorate (衰退). At the age of 30, your body will stop producing the high levels of growth hormone it previously produces. Your body senses that it's done growing at 30, so it uses the resources elsewhere. Unfortunately, that means that your muscle will deteriorate more rapidly than before. While you can’t block age's effects or your metabolism, you can fight against it with regular exercise that builds muscle.

Although muscle deteriorates quicker with age, a lack of exercise will hurt your metabolism at any age. The muscle developed during exercise is vital to maintaining a healthy body with a normal basal metabolic rate. Therefore, while cardiovascular(心血管的)exercise will burn fat during the work out, building muscle will wisely allow your body to use more calories to give you healthy energy instead of stored fat.

Another large factor that determines your basal metabolic rate is your eating habits. Metabolism-Advice. com suggests eating small meals every two to three hours. This will make sure that your metabolism is constantly working throughout your day. Another large factor is how healthily you eat. Taking in the required calories for your amount of daily activity will help keep your metabolism from lowering, but taking in too many calories may lead to fat.

Title: About slow metabolism

I . Definitions

●metabolism—how quickly and efficiently your body creates the energy for it

to function correctly

●basal metabolic rate—the amount of 1. by your body when you're resting

●slow metabolism-slow basal metabolic rate

II. 2. of slow metabolism

●giving a person less energy

●getting a person to 3._______________

III.4. of slow metabolism

●deterioration of your body 5. exercise

●unhealthy 6..

●unhealthy diet

IV. 7. to slow metabolism

●8..____________________ to build muscle

●eating more often but 9.____________________

●10._________________ your body requires for the daily activities

Americans are a strange people. They work like mad, then give away much of what they earn. They play until they are exhausted, and call this a vacation. They live to think of themselves as hard-hearted business men, yet they are push-overs for any hard luck story. They have the biggest of nearly everything including government, motor cars and debts. Yet they like to think of themselves as little people, average men, and they would like to cut everything down to their own size. They show off their tall buildings, high mountains, long rivers, big state, the best country, the best world, the best heaven. Yet they also have the most traffic deaths, the most waste, and the most liars.

When they meet, they are always telling each other, "Take it easy," then they rush off like crazy in opposite directions. They play games as if they were fighting a war, and fight wars as if playing a game. They marry more, and go broke more often. They love children, animals, mother, work, excitement, noise, nature, television shows, comedy, high pace, sports, the underdog, the hero, the flag, Christmas, jazz, shapely women and muscular men, classical recordings, crowds, comics, cigarettes, warm houses in winter and cool ones in summer, thick beefsteaks, coffee, ice cream, informal dress, plenty of running water, do-it-yourself, and a working week limited to forty hours or less.

They crowd their highways with cars while complaining about the traffic, troop to movies and television while blaming the quality and the advertisements, go to church but don't care much for sermons (布道), and drink too much in the hope of relaxing—only to find themselves drunk into even bigger dreams.

There is of course, no typical (典型的) American. But if you added them all together and then divided by 226, 000, 000 they would look something like what this chapter has tried to describe.

1.What may be the best title of the passage?

A. The Americans. B. Life in America.

C. Strange people. D. Great America

2.What is the meaning of the underlined sentence in Para.1?

A. They like listening to bad luck stories.

B. They push the interesting stories away.

C. They can easily be moved by sad stories.

D. They are informed of good luck stories often.

3.Which one of the following is probably NOT what the Americans love?

A. noise B. advertisement

C. smoking D. fresh water

4.In what way did the author write this passage?

A. By comparison. B. By giving examples.

C. By experimenting. D. By telling stories.

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