








This term we have a volunteer project called “Big Brothers and Sisters”. It’s a home for the

In order to grow as a writer, you've got to be willing to risk it and every time you sit down to write. You've got to open and brave and curious. Whenever I'm asked, "When did you become a poet?" I'm always tempting to say, "When did you stop?"

We're all born poet. We all enjoy the sounds of language. Every new parent know that. We're all born with the need to "sound our barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world" as Whitman would have it.

Poetry is a natural part of our lives. It's not just everything we have to memorize and reciting in front of the class. Losing ourselves in a poem is one of the better ways of find out who we are. The act of writing brings us to that point of discovery, of discovering something we didn't know we knew when we wrote it.



In order to grow as a writer, you've got to be willing to risk it and(去掉) every time you sit down to write.  You've got to be open and brave and curious.  Whenever I'm asked, "When did you become a poet?"  I'm always tempted to say, "When did you stop?"

We're all born poets. We all enjoy the sounds of language. Every new parent knows that. We're all born with the need to "sound our barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world" as Whitman would have it.

Poetry is a natural part of our lives. It's not just something we have to memorize and recite in front of the class. Losing ourselves in a poem is one of the best ways of finding /ways to find out who we are. The act of writing brings us to that point of discovery, of discovering on the page something we didn't know we knew until we wrote it.

 and every time—去掉and



 poet- poets



 reciting- recite

 better ways-best ways




试题分析: every time 每次,这个短语在句中可以直接作为连词,后面接句子,无需再用连词,故and every time—去掉and


 temped有兴趣的,为形容词,指人,temped to 意为试图,故tempting-temped

 我们所有的额人出生都是诗人,we我们,复数人称,名词用复数形式,故poet- poets

 每个父母亲都知道这个。Every new parent为第三人称单数形式,故 know-knows


 and表示并列的关系,前后的动词用相同的形式,故将reciting- recite

 一种最好的方式,one of 表示…之一,后接形容词或是副词的最高级的形式,故better ways-best ways

 way of后接动名词,故将find-finding

 not …until直到…才,固定句型,故将when-until





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