
【题目】It’s been a difficult year. My daughter, my dog and I lost our home. We’ve depended upon the kindness of others to provide temporary(临时的)shelter.

1 At one point, I felt as though my daughter might be better off without me. If she were placed with a rich family, she would have a good life. I was unable to provide a good life for her. 2 She went from having a beautifully decorated bedroom of her own, to having temporary shelter. She doesn’t complain(抱怨) that I can’t afford to give her the extra things she would love to have.

Today I dug through the changes at the bottom of my purse and bought her a lollipop (棒棒糖) at the store. She’d had her eye on it the entire time we were in line to pay for it. It was anold-fashioned one that cost $1.00. 3 It was the end of the month and I only had $1.35 left to my family. However, she’d been such a good girl, and I really thought she deserved a special treat.

Then I reached into my purse and counted out enough for the lollipop. You would have thought I gave her the key to the magic kingdom! “ Thank you, Mommy! You’re the best mommy!” 4

All at once, the cloud of worries and despair that had hung over me lifted. 5 I was ready to continue my journey, willing to face whatever challenges may lie ahead.

A. I really couldn’t afford it.

B. I became upset at my loss.

C. I could see tears shining in her eyes.

D. She cried with joy as she hugged me with all her strength.

E. However, she never complains, although she has every right to.

F. I wouldn’t have any money coming until the first day of next month.

G. I knew without doubt at that very moment that I was the family that my little girl needed.













考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据It was anold-fashioned one that cost $1.00.可知那是一个很旧的款式,只要1美元,但是我负担不起。故选A。


考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据上句:谢谢妈妈,你是最好的妈妈。可知,D.项,(She cried with joy as she hugged me with all her strength. 她充满力量地拥抱着我,高兴得哭了起来。符合题意。




【题目】The Children’s Book-Show Competition is a chance for young readers to be writers.

Reading, it seems, is coming back in fashion, if a survey by the famous National Literacy Trust (the NLT) is true. It shows that the percentage of children who admit enjoying reading has grown for the first time in the past 8 years.

So it’s a good time to launch a competition that includes a shed-load of new books for schools as prizes. The Children’s Book-show Competition, backed by The Independent, is taking to the roads again from the start of next term, with a nation-wide tour of 15 big cities, featuring a line-up of a dozen children’s writers and illustrators (插图画家) aiming to persuade pupils to follow their footsteps.

The competition, launched by the children’s writer and illustrator Jessica Souhami, has two categories: the under-nine’s and nine to 13-year-olds.

Children are asked to choose their favorite fairy or folk tale and set it in an extraordinary place.

Then they are to retell it with the aid of drawings and writings—whether it is set at sea, on a distant planet, in the future or in the past. The closing date for the competition is 30th November.

“Tell your tale in pictures and in words, ”say the organizers of the competition. “It can be in a picture book or comic-book format.”

The winner of each competition will receive a signed copy of a book by each of the 12 authors involved in this year’s tour, plus 150 worth of books for their school. The runners-up will receive a signed copy of Souhami’s new book.

1What can we know about the Book-show Competition?

A. It will be held by the famous NLT. B. It will be held in different cities.

C. It has never been organized before. D. Children of all ages will join in it.

2The underlined word “backed” in Paragraph 3 means ________.

A. started B. promoted

C. supported D. reported

3Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. The survey by the NLT is definitely true.

B. The winner of each competition will receive a signed copy of Souhami’s new book.

C. 12 children’s writers and illustrators are involved in this year’s tour.

D. The survey by the NLT shows that the number of children who enjoy reading is much larger than before.

4The author’s purpose of writing this passage is to ________.

A. encourage young readers to become writers

B. persuade all children to join in the competition

C. promote children’s books by famous writers

D. introduce the Children’s Book-Show Competition

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