
【题目】 As to the question what is a best age to learn a language, many would rush to the conclusion that it’s best to start young. Though it is true to some extent, now science offers a much more complex view of how our relationship with languages evolves over a lifetime-and there is much to encourage late beginners.

Broadly speaking, different life stages give us different advantages in language learning. As babies, we have a better ear for different sounds s as toddlers(幼儿), we can pick up native accents with astonishing speed. As adults, we have longer attention spans and important skills like literacy that allow us to continually expand our vocabulary, even in our own language. And a wealth of factors beyond ageing—like social circumstances, teaching methods, and even love and friendship—can affect how many languages we speak and how well.

“Not everything goes downhill with age, “says Antonella Sorace, a professor of developmental linguistics and director of the Bilingualism Matters Centre at the University of Edinburgh. She gives the example of what is known as “explicit learning”: studying a language in a classroom with a teacher explaining the rules. “Young children are very bad at explicit learning, because they don’t have the cognitive(认知) control and the attention and memory capabilities,” Sorace says. “Adults are much better at that. So that can be something that improves with age.”

A study by researchers in Israel found, for example, that adults were better at grasping an artificial language rule and applying it to new words in a lab setting. The scientists compared three separate groups: 8-year-olds, 12-year-olds, and young adults. The adults scored higher than both younger groups, and the 12-year-olds also did better than the younger children. They suggested that their older participants may have benefited from skills that come with maturity—like more advanced problem-solving strategies—and greater linguistic experience. In other words, older learners tend to already know quite a lot about themselves and the world and can use this knowledge to process new information.

1What is the correct understanding of the underlined sentence in paragraph 1?

A.We should stay up late to learn a language.

B.Late beginners strive hard to learn a language.

C.Late beginners can also learn a language well.

D.We should give much encouragement to late beginners.

2According to the passage, language learning is NOT affected by .

A.our inborn abilitiesB.our native accents

C.our cognitive controlD.our attention spans

3Why do the adults score higher than both younger groups in the test?

A.They have already known quite a lot about the words.

B.They draw upon their existing knowledge to help.

C.They have been taught the way to learn a language.

D.They are better at learning artificial language rules.

4What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To compare and evaluate.B.To examine and assess.

C.To argue and discuss.D.To inform and explain.








1句意猜测题。根据第一段中As to the question what is a best age to learn a language, many would rush to the conclusion that it’s best to start young. Though it is true to some extent, now science offers a much more complex view of how our relationship with languages evolves over a lifetime“对于学习语言的最佳年龄这个问题,很多人会匆忙得出结论:最好从年轻开始。虽然这在某种程度上是正确的,但现在的科学提供了一个更为复杂的观点,来解释我们与语言的关系是如何在一生中演变的。”由此推知,划线句意是“学语言晚的人也可以学好一门语言。”故选C。

2细节理解题。根据第二段中As adults, we have longer attention spans and important skills like literacy that allow us to continually expand our vocabulary, even in our own language.“作为成年人,我们有更长的注意力广度和一些重要的技能,比如读写能力,这些能让我们不断扩大词汇量,甚至是母语的词汇。”根据第三段中“Young children are very bad at explicit learning, because they don’t have the cognitive(认知) control and the attention and memory capabilities,” “小孩子在直接学习方面非常糟糕,因为他们没有认知控制、注意力和记忆能力,由此可知,语言学习受我们的天生的能力、我们的认知控制和我们的注意力的影响,而语言学习不受母语口音的影响。故选B。

3细节理解题。根据最后一段中The adults scored higher than both younger groups, and the 12-year-olds also did better than the younger children. They suggested that their older participants may have benefited from skills that come with maturity—like more advanced problem-solving strategies—and greater linguistic experience. In other words, older learners tend to already know quite a lot about themselves and the world and can use this knowledge to process new information.“成年人的得分比两组小孩都高,12岁的孩子也比更小的孩子表现得更好。他们认为,年长的参与者可能从成熟的技能中获益——比如更高级的解决问题的技巧——以及更丰富的语言经验。换句话说,年长的学习者往往已经对自己和世界有了相当多的了解,并且能够利用这些知识来处理新的信息。”由此可知,成年人在测试中的得分要高于两个年轻人是因为他们利用现有的知识提供帮助。故选B。

4目的意图题。根据第一段中As to the question what is a best age to learn a language, many would rush to the conclusion that it’s best to start young. Though it is true to some extent, now science offers a much more complex view of how our relationship with languages evolves over a lifetime-and there is much to encourage late beginners.对于学习语言的最佳年龄这个问题,很多人会匆忙得出结论:最好从年轻开始。虽然这在某种程度上是正确的,但现在的科学提供了一个更加复杂的观点,来解释我们与语言的关系是如何在一生中演变的——还有很多值得鼓励的地方。”由此可知,这篇文章的目的是告知和解释。故选D。


【题目】 Few people doubt the value of developing students' thinking skills. A focus on critical thinking is common in education. In the Australian Curriculum, critical thinking and creative thinking are known as “general capabilities”. The US has a similar focus through their “common core".

Many approaches to developing critical thinking are based on Philosophy for Children. One strategy that has a large impact on students' ability to analyse and evaluate arguments is argument mapping, in which a student's reasoning can be visually displayed by capturing the inferential pathway from assumption to conclusion. This type of argument-based intellectual engagement can show high outcomes in terms of the quality of thinking in any classroom. Research also shows deliberate attention to the practice of reasoning in the context of our everyday lives can be significantly improved through targeted teaching.

Teachers at one high school in Australia, who have much training in critical thinking teaching methods, developed a task that asked students to determine Australia's greatest sports person. Students needed to construct their own criteria for greatness. To do so, they had to analyze the Australian sporting context, create possible evaluative standards, explain and justify why some standards would be more acceptable than others and apply these to their candidates. They then needed to argue their case with their classmates to develop criteria that were solid, defensible, widely applicable and produced a choice that seized significant and relevant aspects of Australian sport.

Researchers looking at the gains made in a single term of teaching critical thinking with argument mapping said the critical thinking gains measured are close to those that could be expected to result from three years of undergraduate education. Students who are taught to think well also do better on subject-based exams and standardized tests than those who do not.

In terms of developing 21st century skills, which includes setting up students for lifelong learning, teaching critical thinking should be core business.

1Which of the following can explain the underlined word “capturing" in Paragraph 2?


2Whats the purpose of Paragraph 3?

A.To construct the criteria for being great.

B.To acknowledge the teachers' outcomes.

C.To present how to teach critical thinking.

D.To emphasize the importance of reasoning.

3What is the author's attitude toward teaching critical thinking?


4What does this text imply?

A.Teaching methods should vary among schools.

B.Research on education deserves more attention.

C.Critical thinking should be valued in education.

D.Concepts of critical thinking aren't well received.

【题目】 You don’t have to break your back to create a yard that’s both beautiful and kind to Mother Nature. These environmentally smart ideas will turn your home turf(草地)into a little slice of Eden. 1

Let the grass grow. Cut grass less often, so it gets a few inches longer than you’re used to. 2 That’s because roots will grow deeper and grass thicker, which means fewer pests, less disease, and a decreased need for chemical intervention.

Water the grass right way. Water before 10 a. m. , when the air is cool and not as much moisture will be lost to evaporation. 3 Water near the base of plants, slowly delivering the good stuff right to the roots. For lawns, water long and deep once a week.

Get keen on composting(制堆肥). Compost isn’t called gardener’s gold for nothing. It keeps kitchen leftover out of landfills and enriches soil with much-needed nutrients. 4 Veggie and tea bags, eggshells, dry leaves, and untreated grass clippings are all fair game.

5 Honeybees help pollinate(授粉) 75 percent of our flowering plants and nearly 75 percent of our food crops. There is increasing evidence that many of the vital pollinators are in decline. Creating a garden that includes plants that flower at different times of the year will benefit pollinators throughout the growing season. Whenever possible, choose native plants with a variety of flower colors and shapes.

A.Many will save your money, too.

B.Dry leaves add nutrients to the soil.

C.Give bees the green-carpet treatment.

D.Make the backyard as beautiful as possible.

E.Watering in late afternoon is the next best option.

F.It also reduces dependency on chemical fertilizers.

G.It will help it survive dry periods of time in warmer months.

【题目】 When a person dies, his body decays (腐烂). Skin and flesh disappear and as time goes on, only a skeleton is left. A mummy is the dead body of a person or an animal that has been preserved (保存) by wrapping cloth or other material around it.

Mummies have been found all over the world, most of them in Egypt. However, other cultures in South America and Asia also mummified their dead persons.

The oldest mummy ever found dates back to 6,000 years before Christ. The British Museum in London currently displays the oldest Egyptian mummy, dating back to 3,400 BC. The British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the remains of Tutankhamun in 1922, probably the most famous mummy in the world.

Today scientists study mummies with special equipment and X-ray machines. They discover more about the bodies of ancient people and how they lived. They can also find clues to what they ate and what kind of disease they had.

Mummification also happens because of extreme weather. Mummies have been found in the cold regions of the world, including the Alps and the Himalaya mountains. Salt water also helps preserve bodies. Mummies have been found in deserts and in peat bogs (泥潭沼泽). The most famous natural mummy is tzi, the Iceman, found in a glacier on the Austrian-Italian border in 1991.

1What is the main idea of Para. l?

A.The concept of a mummy.B.The value of a mummy.

C.The history of the mummy.D.The way to preserve a mummy.

2Which of the following is true about the remains of Tutankhamun?

A.It is a natural mummy.

B.It was discovered about a century ago.

C.It dates back to 6,000 years before Christ.

D.It may be the most famous mummy in Europe.

3What can scientists discover with special equipment and X-ray machines?

A.How ancient people ate.

B.Where ancient people lived.

C.How the skin and flesh disappeared.

D.What kind of disease ancient people had.

4Which is the negative(否定的) factor to mummification?

A.Coldness.B.Dry heat.

C.Warm climate.D.Salt water.


Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years, but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going. When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers, small, tightly knit (联系) groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other. Some language experts believe that 10,000 years ago, when the world had just five to ten million people, they spoke perhaps 12,000 languages between them.

Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to become farmers, and their languages too became more settled and fewer in number. In recent centuries, trade, industrialization, the development of the nation-state and the spread of universal compulsory education, especially globalisation and better communications in the past few decades, all have caused many languages to disappear, and dominant languages such as English, Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over.

At present, the world has about 6,800 languages. The distribution of these languages is hugely uneven. The general rule is that mild zones have relatively few languages. Often spoken by many people, while hot, wet zones have lots, often spoken by small numbers. Europe has only around 200 Languages: the Americas about 1,000. Africa 2,400; and Asia and the Pacific perhaps 3,200, of which Papua New Guinea alone accounts for well over 800. The median number (中位数)of speakers is a mere 6,000, which means that half the worlds languages are spoken by fewer people than that.z.x.xk

Already well over 400 of the total of, 6,800 languages are close to extinction(消亡), with only a few elderly speakers left. Pick, at random, Busuu in Cameroon (eight remaining speakers),Chiapaneco in Mexico(150). Lipan Apache in the United States(two or three)or Wadjigu in Australia (one, with a question-mark): none of these seems to have much chance of survival.

1What can we infer about languages in hunter-gatherer times?

A. They developed very fast. B. They were large in number.

C. They had similar patters. D. They were closely connected

2Which of the following best explains "dominant " underlined in paragraph 2?

A. Complex. B. Advanced.

C. Powerful. D. Modern.

3How many languages are spoken by less than 6, 000 people at present?

A. About 6,800. B. About 3,400.

C. About 2,400. D. About 1,200.

4What is the main idea of the text?

A. New languages will be created.

B. Peoples lifestyles are reflected in languages

C. Human development results in fewer languages.

D. Geography determines language evolution.

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