Dear Lucy,Last Monday,a monitor election held in our class. We had all been waited for this big day,especially the two candidates,Liu Dong and Wang Hong. An election started with their speech. While Liu impressed us with his confidence,but Wang satisfied us with her detailed plans for the class. After which,we all placed our votes in the box one by one. Exciting,we waited for the result to come. Finally,results showed that Wang Hong won the election. As we applaud for Wang,she came up to the front to thank us and to promise us a better tomorrow for our class.
Did something interesting happen there in Britain? I hope to hear of you soon.
Yours,Lin Li
Dear Lucy,Last Monday,a monitor election A held in
our class. We had all been waited for this big day,
especially the two candidates,Liu Dong and Wang Hong. An election started with their speech. While
The speeches
Liu impressed us with his confidence,febt Wang satisfied us with her detailed plans for the class.
After which,we all placed our votes in the box one
by one. Exciting,we waited for the result to
come. Finally,A results showed that Wang Hong
the won the election. As we applaud for Wang,she
came up to the front to thank us and to promise us a
better tomorrow for our class.
Did something interesting happen there in
Britain? I hope to hear of you soon.
Yours,Lin Li