
Richard’s father died when he was five. Later on he lost his mother. An old woman felt sorry for the poor boy and often helped him. Of course he had no money to go to school. He had to work for a rich farmer. The man paid him nothing except food and clothes.__ _ He found some old books near the school and taught himself to read and write.

___It connected the village and the town. One morning people found there was a big stone on it. It stopped them from going to town. They had to move it away, or they had to cross the mountain if they had something to do in the town. But the stone weighed thirty tons at least and the strongest young men couldn’t do that.  ___

Richard looked at it carefully for a while and said, “I have a way to move it away.” But few men believed him. ____ Night fell and people went home. Only the boy stayed there. To their surprise, the villagers found the stone was gone the next morning. They didn’t know which spirit had moved it away.__ __

“How could he?” the rich farmer called out. “He’s only fifteen! He couldn’t move it at all!”

“He dug a big hole beside the stone”, said the old woman, “And then he could easily push it into the hole!”

Looking at each other, the farmers couldn’t say a word.

A. The old woman said Richard had done it all.

B. There seemed to be nothing strange in village.

C. There was a narrow path between two mountains.

D. They discussed for a long time, but nobody knew what to do.

E. The boy hoped he could do something for the villagers some day.

F. Some farmers even laughed at the boy.

G. But the boy didn’t lose heart.

Culture shock is a special disease for people who have suddenly moved to a foreign country.   【小题1】  .
Culture shock is caused by the anxiety that results from losing all familiar signs of social communication.【小题2】    When to shake hands and what to say, when we meet people, when and how to give tips, how to do shopping, when to accept and refuse invitations, when to take statements seriously and when not. These signs, which may be words, gestures, facial expressions, or customs, are acquired(获得) by all of us in the course of growing up and as much a part of our culture as the language we speak or the beliefs we accept.  【小题3】    .
Now when a person enters a strange culture, all or most of these familiar signs are removed. No matter how broadminded will you may be, a series of supports have been knocked from under you, followed by a feeling of failure in much the same way.【小题4】 “The ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad.” When foreigners in a strange land get together to complain about the host country and its people, you can be sure that they are suffering from culture shock.
Another phrase of culture shock is regression(退化). The home environment suddenly becomes very important. To the foreigner, everything becomes unreasonably beautified. All the difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered.   【小题5】    .

A.Nowadays a lot of people work at home.
B.The children are taught to respect different cultures .
C.Like most illnesses, it has its own symptoms(病症) and cures.
D.It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality.
E. First they reject the environment which causes discomfort.
F. Those signs include many ways in which we are used to the situation of daily life.
G. All of us depend on hundreds of these signs, most of which we do not carry on the level of conscious awareness(察觉).


Here are five letters from readers listed in 1-5. All the greetings and signatures are left out. Suppose you are a secretary of the magazine CR (Crazy English Reader), for each one find a suitable reply from A-F. Mark the correct letter (A-F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra reply which you don’t need to use.

   1. I am a reader of CR. Recently I found students translate some articles of CR. I appreciate your offering an opportunity to us beginners to practise using English. So I want to ask how they can obtain these articles and translated them for you, and what qualities you require. Thank you.

   2. I love your Crazy English Reader magazine! It provides valuable data for work in our English teaching. My wife and I are teaching Conversational English so I’ve been giving you a bit of a plug at our middle school. I told the students to “get a copy!” It’s good stuff! Fantastic!

     3. I’m one of Yao’s fans from Guangzhou. I have read the Yao Ming articles in No.7 Crazy English Reader. I want to know his correspondence address and the official website. Could you please tell me? Thank you very much indeed.

     4. First of all, I must say thank you very much to all the CE Reader editors who gave us a really good English magazine. Secondly, I want to give you a piece of advice. In each passage, you gave us some new words with their Chinese translation. However, as far as my knowledge, I think you should give us not only the Chinese meaning but also the English meaning so as to know the words more accurately. Thank you!

     5. I am an editor of the English Monthly of our school. I have a question that is how to say the position of the paper e.g., 总编 责任编辑 and so on. I hope you can help me to tell me the word in English. The more the better. Thank you so much! I love the book very much. Now, I do this work, I need study more information about this work, if you have time, please email me. Thank you.

Thank you for your suggestion. We may try that in some future issues of CR. I think the best way to improve your reading vocabulary is to be able to guess the meaning of the word from the other words around it. Also, if you have an English dictionary, it’s good to look up the words and then mark them down in a notebook and review them later on. Then if you really want to learn how to use the words, try using them in conversation or in writing. Hope this helps.

The best way for you to learn the different positions in a newspaper or magazine is to get a copy of an all-English magazine or newspaper and then copy down the different positions. There are also titles such as Managing Editor, reporter, Copy Editor, Photo Editor and Layout Editor. I hope this helps. If you have some more specific questions, you can send them to me and I’ll try to answer.

C.The best way to reach Yao directly is through his home team, the Shanghai Sharks. You can write him at 2570 Xietu Road, Shanghai. For more information on Yao, you can look at the sports section in sina. com. I hope this helps. Another idea is that you can try to write Yao while he’s living and playing in Houston. You can try to reach Yao in the US at:   Yao Ming   Compaq Centre 10  Houston, TX 77046

Thank you for being such a careful reader of CR. Yes, you’re right we made a mistake in the writing of that Chinese word. Each issue we try to read very carefully each article and its translation to make sure there are no mistakes, but unfortunately a few mistakes always get by. But you encourage us to keep improving, so thank you.

Yes, we do have several students who help us translate some of the articles in our magazine. We contact these translators directly after interviewing their translation work. Afterwards we assign the articles to them for translation. If you are interested in being one of our translators you can send us some information about yourself and a sample of your translation work.

Thank you for helping us to promote CR. We’re glad it’s helpful to your students. We always try to include articles that reflect real life. It’s our hope that CR will not only improve student’s English but also open up a different worldview.


Section C

Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each paragraph.  There is one extra heading which you do not need.(本题请涂在答题卡上)


A.The disadvantage(s) of credit cards.

B.Clever choice of credit cards.

C.The benefits credits cards bring.

D.Avoidance of economic trouble by using credit cards wrongly.

E. People’s misunderstanding about credit cards.

F. Ways to save on the interest.


80.______ Although credit cards are already a more acceptable part of the financial dealings, they are still regarded, especially in the time of a serious economic crisis, by many as being a major part of the “live now pay later” system.  Along with hire-purchase regulations, credit cards, according to some, provide encouragement to spend more money.  However, it’s only the fool who is dominated by the temptation to live, temporarily at least, beyond their means, and such people would no doubt manage to do so even without credit cards.

81.______ Advertising campaigns have already promoted a growing realization of the advantages of these small pieces of plastic.  They avoid the need to carry large amounts of cash and are always useful in emergencies.  And the monthly credit card bill is a loyal booker keeping your monthly purchase record and indicating your buying habits.

82.______ All the credit card organizations charge interest on a monthly basis which may work out as high as two percent a year.  But sensible purchase using a card can mean that you obtain up to seven weeks interest-free credit.  Using the card abroad, where items frequently take a long time to be included on your account, can extend this period even further.

83.______ It is worthwhile consulting more credit card companies before deciding on a particular credit card.  It is necessary to consider the amount of credit granted, interest rates, which may vary slightly; the number and range of outlets, though most cards cover major stores.

84.______ Undoubtedly, if used wisely, a credit card can cost nothing, or at lease help to tide you over a period of financial difficulty.  However, we should also remember that the wrong use of the little plastic may drag us deep into financial troubles.  More than half of the American personal bankruptcy(破产) and credit failure cases are connected with the wrong use of the credit card.  Therefore, every time you open your wallet and reach for a credit card, remember to ask yourself:” Is the item necessary to me?” and “Do I really need so many credit cards?” 



Richard’s father died when he was five. Later on he lost his mother. An old woman felt sorry for the poor boy and often helped him. Of course he had no money to go to school. He had to work for a rich farmer. The man paid him nothing except food and clothes.__ 1._ He found some old books near the school and taught himself to read and write.

_2.__It connected the village and the town. One morning people found there was a big stone on it. It stopped them from going to town. They had to move it away, or they had to cross the mountain if they had something to do in the town. But the stone weighed thirty tons at least and the strongest young men couldn’t do that.  _3.__

Richard looked at it carefully for a while and said, “I have a way to move it away.” But few men believed him. __4.__ Night fell and people went home. Only the boy stayed there. To their surprise, the villagers found the stone was gone the next morning. They didn’t know which spirit had moved it away.__ 5.__

“How could he?” the rich farmer called out. “He’s only fifteen! He couldn’t move it at all!”

“He dug a big hole beside the stone”, said the old woman, “And then he could easily push it into the hole!”

Looking at each other, the farmers couldn’t say a word.

A. The old woman said Richard had done it all.

B. There seemed to be nothing strange in village.

C. There was a narrow path between two mountains.

D. They discussed for a long time, but nobody knew what to do.

E. The boy hoped he could do something for the villagers some day.

F. Some farmers even laughed at the boy.

G. But the boy didn’t lose heart.


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