
It was a normal Monday morning at an assembly(集会)The headmaster was ?? ? ?? the students on important things in life and about?? ? ? ourselves to what is important to usThis is?? ? ? the story went: An old man lived in a certain part of LondonHe would wake up every morning and go to the?? ? ?? and would get the train right to Central Londonand then sit at the street corner and beg

He did this every single?? ? ? for almost 20 yearsHis house was dirty and a stench(恶臭) came out of the house and it smelled horriblyThe neighbors could not stand the?? ? ? any-moreso they asked the police officers to clear the placeThe officers?? ? ?? the door and cleaned the houseThere were small bags of?? ? ? all over the house that he had collected over the yearsThe police ?? ? ?? the moneyand soon realized that the old man was a(n)?? ? ? They waited outsideexpecting to share the good news with him

When he arrived home that eveninghe was?? ? ? by one of the officers who told him that

there was no need for him to beg any more ?? ? ?? he was a rich man now. He said?? ? ?? ,went into his house and locked the doorThe next morning he woke up ?? ? ?? ,went to the subway, got into the trainand sat at the street comer and?? ? ?? to beg.

?? ? ?? , this old man had no great plansdreams or anything?? ? ?? for his lifeWe learn nothing from this story?? ? ?? staying focused on the things we enjoy doingcommitment. We should remain ?? ? ?? to our course. Just keep it in mind that commitment ?? ? ?? wealth

1.Ascolding???????? Bconsulting????????? Caddressing?????? Dadvising

2.Aexposing??????? Bcommitting???????? Ccomparing?????? Dconnecting

3.Ahow??????????? Bwhy?????????????? Cwhere?????????? Dwhen

4.Amarket????????? Boffice????????????? Csubway????????? Dshelter

5.Ahour??????????? Bday??????????????? Cweek??????????? Dmonth

6.Asmell?????????? Bhouse?????????????? Cman?????????? Dpolice

7.Aknocked at?????? Bknocked over??????? Cbroke up???????? Dbroke into

8.Amoney????????? Bwaste?????????????? Cfood??????????? Dfish

9.Akept??????????? Btook??????????????? Ccounted???????? Dpresented

10.Abeggar????????? Bthief??????????????? Cofficer????????? Dmillionaire

11.Acaught????????? Bmet??????????????? Cwarned????????? Dquestioned

12.Athough????????? Bunless????????????? Cuntil??????????? Das

13.Anothing????????? Banything?????????? Csomething??????? Deverything

14.Aas well????????? Bas early???????????? Cas usual???????? Das much

15.Adetermined?????? Bcontinued?????????? Cmanaged??????? Dhesitated

16.AEventually?????? BFortunately????????? CGenerally?????? DObviously

17.Aprecious???????? Bcomplex??????????? Cavailable??????? Dsignificant

18.Arather than?????? Bother than?????????? Cmore than?????? Dless than

19.Ahonest????????? Bopen?????????????? Ctrue??????????? Dequal

20.Aattracts???????? Bkeeps?????????????? Closes?????????? Dpossesses

























1.C 考查动词辨析Ascolding责备;Bconsulting商量;Caddressing演讲;Dadvising建议。 句意:这是例行的周一集会,老师在对学生讲话。讲话的内容是关于人生中重要的事情和如何把自己的一生致力于对自己重要的事情上,所以选C项。

2.B考查动词辨析 Aexposing暴露;Bcommitting犯错,承担;Ccomparing比较;Dconnecting联系;句意:讲话的内容是关于人生中重要的事情和如何把自己的一生致力于对自己重要的事情上,所以选B项。

3.A考查特殊疑问词。句意:这个故事是这样的。考查表语从句引导词,This is how the story went意思是故事是这样的,固定句型,所以选A项。??

4.C 考查名词辨析Amarket市场;Boffice办公室;Csubway地铁;Dshelter遮蔽处,根据下方提到The next morning he woke up ?? ?? ,went to the subway, got into the trainand sat at the street comer and?? ?? to beg.故选C项。

5.B 考查名词辨析 Ahour小时;Bday天;Cweek星期;Dmonth月。句意:他20年来每天都做这样的事情。根据句意,20年来每天做同样的事情,故选B项。

6.A 考查名词辨析Asmell味道;Bhouse房子;Cman男人;Dpolice警察。句意:他的邻居不能忍受这样的味道。根据上文提到His house was dirty and a stench(恶臭) came out of the house and it smelled horribly? 房子很脏,也很臭,所以邻居不能忍受了,故选A项。

7.D考查动词短语辨析Aknocked at 敲;Bknocked over偷窃;Cbroke up解体;Dbroke into闯入。句意:警察进来并且打扫这个房子。根据句意可知当时老人并不在家,所以是警察闯进来的,故选D项。??

8.A考查名词辨析。Amoney金钱;Bwaste垃圾;Cfood食物;Dfish鱼;句意:在房子有许多袋子,装满了钱。根据下方提到The police ?? ?? the money可知这里面是钱,故选A项。?

9.C考查动词辨析。Akept保持;Btook带来;Ccounted数;Dpresented 呈现。句意:警察数了数这些钱。根据语境可知,当警察看到这些钱,帮他数了数,故选C项。

10.D考查名词辨析Abeggar乞丐;Bthief贼;Cofficer长官;Dmillionaire百万富翁。句意:警察意识到原来这个老人是个百万富翁。根据下方提到 They waited outsideexpecting to share the good news with him他们等在门外,期待着告诉老人这个消息,所以选D项。

11.B考查动词辨析Acaught抓住;Bmet遇到;Cwarned警告;Dquestioned提问。句意:当老人晚上回到家时,他遇到其中一个警察。根据语境They waited outsideexpecting to share the good news with him他们等在门外,期待着告诉老人这个消息,所以老人会遇到警察。故选B项。?


13.A 考查代词辨析Anothing什么也没有;Banything任何事情;Csomething一些事情;Deverything一切。句意:老人什么也没有说,回到屋子,锁上门。根据下方提到The next morning he woke up ?? ?? ,went to the subway, got into the trainand sat at the street comer and?? ?? to beg.第二天老人又去乞讨了,可知当时老人什么也没有说。

14.C 考查固定短语。Aas well也; Cas usual象往常一样;句意:老人象往常一样,去地铁,坐车,去市中心。与上文想照应,老人20年来一起这样做,虽然警察帮他数了钱,知道他很有钱了,但他仍然象往常一样,按部就班去做他自己的事情,故选C项。

15.B 考查动词辨析。Adetermined决定;Bcontinued继续;Cmanaged管理;Dhesitated犹豫。句意:第二天老人象往常一样,去地铁,坐车,去市中心,继续乞讨。根据上文提到The next morning he woke up ?? ?? ,went to the subway, got into the train,可见老人又象往常一样,所以选B项。


17.D考查形容词辨析Aprecious珍贵的;Bcomplex复杂的;Cavailable可利用的;Dsignificant有意义的;句意:很明显对老人来说,没有计划没有梦想,甚至对他来说没有什么意义。根据后方提到staying focused on the things we enjoy doing集中注意力在喜欢的事情相对比,不要没有什么意义,所以选D项。?

18.B考查短语辨析。Arather than而不是;Bother than除了;Cmore than不仅仅;Dless than少于;句意: 从这个故事中我们没有学到任何东西,除了一直把注意力集中到喜欢的事情上。根据句意选B项。


20.A考查动词辨析。Aattracts 吸引;Bkeeps保持;Closes失去;Dpossesses拥有。句意:一定别忘了,专心致志带来财富 。在这个句子中commitment是承诺,专心,献身。作者想表达人年轻的时候,总是不断地更换志向,不能专一于某个目标,结果往往没有什么真正的成功。坚定不移地朝既定的合理的目标前进,才会获得成功。



James was a curious young man. Everywhere he went, he liked to observe things and to __21__ people—what they did, what they said and what they wore. Subconsciously, he was making quick __22__ all the time. He couldn’t really __23__ it; it just happened.

For example, he once saw a man whose body was __24__ with tattoos(文身). That man was strong and walked proudly. James imagined his __25__ people up, sometimes with sticks and sometimes with his hands, speaking __26__ words each time he opened his mouth. A troublemaker, perhaps, James __27__ to himself.

Sometimes James felt __28__ for judging others this way, but that feeling was __29__ and never really lasted.

Then, one day, he saw a woman seated alone in a café. The woman was __30__, quite fat, and although she was not __31__, James could tell she was a short lady. __32__, James glanced across at her, looking at her from top to bottom. As his eyes reached her __33__, he got a shock.

There she was, on her left foot, wearing a platform shoe that was at least 3 inches high. __34__ could such a little middle-aged lady who was average-looking at best be so vain as to wear high platforms? Look beautiful? In that short moment of time, __35__ thoughts flowed through James’ mind.

A second later, James’ eyes naturally moved across to the lady’s right foot. And there, he got an even bigger __36__. ----It was a flat shoe. She was not vain; she had a birth defect(缺陷) ----uneven length of her legs. If anything, she deserved __37__ and understanding, certainly not blame, not even mental ones.

James was __38__ with guilt. It was a(n) __39__ lesson he learned about not __40__ conclusions, about not judging people, especially so quickly.

A. greet                            B. watch                       C. meet                 D. cheat

A. mistakes                B. progress                   C. judgments         D. promises

A. help                      B. get                           C. accept               D. keep

A. faced                            B. covered                    C. filled                D. charged

A. cheering                B. dressing                   C. beating              D. holding 

A. humorous                     B. modest                     C. bad                   D. cautious

A. thought                 B. proved                            C. explained          D. told

A. curious                  B. guilty                       C. excited              D. happy

A. temporary                     B. strange                     C. permanent         D. deep

A. young                   B. middle-aged             C. old                   D. pretty

A. speaking                B. standing                   C. sitting               D. walking

A. Therefore                     B. However                  C. As well             D. As usual

A. feet                       B. hands                       C. eyes                  D. legs

A. When                    B. Why                        C. How                 D. What

A. inspiring                B. blaming                   C. persuading         D. defending

A. pleasure                 B. honor                       C. comfort             D. shock

A. love                      B. award                      C. sympathy          D. respect

A. hit                        B. started                      C. equipped           D. struck

A. new                      B. valuable                   C. interesting         D. difficult

A. denying                 B. reaching                   C. leading to          D. jumping to

I have lived in Falmouth for about 10 years. I had moved several times before finding Falmouth,  36   setting in one place for a long time. My favorite experience of Falmouth was when I   37   to deliver Thanksgiving dinner to families or individuals unable to drive or suffering from illness. It was (a)n   38   experience.
Volunteers checked in, lined up and followed the   39   given. There were many people working. How they manage all of this is quite amazing. The   40   of such an event is inspiring.
The best part of the day was delivering the food to homes.   41  , they had enough drivers and no assignment for us.   42  , the gentleman in front of us checking in had six meals to deliver. So my husband and I   43   him, offering to help him fill his box and take the meals to his car. He was   44   and we began our task. When he was   45     to deliver his quota(配额,限额), he handed us one of the delivery cards, saying, “Since this is your first time, I want you to be able to feel the   46   that comes from meeting the people.” I   47   that I was somewhat nervous at this first   48  . Who knows what I might find behind a stranger’s door.
We rang the doorbell and were met by an extremely   49   man. He asked us inside and from the hallway, I could see the silver   50  of a walker approaching. We saw a little old lady. She expressed deep gratitude for the delivery.   51   she had been diagnosed with cancer, she has had trouble getting out. She could not have been any more gracious and handed me a beautiful scarf she had made and an envelope of   52   to the homeless. Can you imagine? Cancer, unable to get out to gather dinner and she still   53   such deep gratitude. We   54   but not before we hugged goodbye. The gentleman that was kind enough to give us one of his deliveries was   55  . This was the best part.
36. A. still                   B. never                      C. even                 D. ever
37. A. volunteered           B. failed                      C. pretended        D. happened
38. A. confusing       B. strange             C. amazing           D. secret
39. A. troubles             B. helpers             C. directions         D. cars
40. A. hope            B. reason              C. goal                 D. harmony
41. A. At once             B. For this reason   C. At first             D. Shortly afterwards
42. A. However            B. Furthermore     C. Therefore         D. Otherwise
43. A. cheated              B. approached       C. passed            D. remembered
44. A. disappointed       B. sympathetic      C. angry                      D. grateful
45. A. allowed            B. forced            C. refused           D. driven
46. A. regret              B. panic                C. surprise          D. joy
47. A. forgive              B. admitted           C. dreamt             D. hoped
48. A. expression        B. embarrassment   C. task                D. agreement
49. A friendly              B. cruel              C. worried            D. depressed
50. A. wings            B. legs                C. rings              D. lines
51. A. Unless             B. If                   C. Although               D. Since
52. A. thanks                  B. tickets             C. donation         D. advice
53. A. hid                  B. exhibited          C. saved              D. exchanged
54. A. left                  B. promised               C. met                  D. greeted
55. A. risky            B. challengeable     C. right               D. stupid

 Last weekend  I was out walking with my dog. She loves wandering around and seeing           we meet, so it becomes a social walk rather than an exercise.

    Then we      0ur neighbour who was preparing to sell her house.  She was busy getting ready for her open house(看房时间)that afternoon . After talking a little we went our separate ways .I could tell it was a(n)       day for her.

    After I got home, I quickly      some of the wonderful  lavender(薰衣草) in my garden

Wonderful! They smelled good and  the purple             were so pretty. I wrapped some packing paper around the bunch and           it to my neighbor for her open house. I loved her expression           she saw me there with a bunch of lavender!  It             made me happy. It made her stop and take a deep       and maybe reduced her stress for a second

The next day I had a note in my mailbox from my neighbor thanking me for my         . She said everybody commented on how wonderful her house smelled She said the       0f kindness I showed helped           some of the stress she was feeling. Her note was like a big hug to me.

    Never        that it's the gift from the heart that is the most        .I think sometimes we hesitate(犹豫) to do the         acts of kindness because we may think  they aren't anything but actually they are probably the  best gift

1.A. dogs          B. people         C. scenes               D. food

2.A. came across   B. came up       C.   came to           D.   came into

3.A.  exciting     B. natural         C.  active              D.  difficult

4.A. bought       B. cut              C. raised               D. buried

5.A. leaves         B. grass            C. flowers              D. roots

6.A. took          B. posted           C. placed              D. moved

7.A. because       B. when            C. until                D. if

8.A. hardly        B. probably         C. merely             D. completely

9.A. breath .        B. sigh            C. look                D. step

10.A. idea          B. kindness         C. activity              D. matter

11.A. form          B. desire          C. act                  D. service

12.A. Lose          B. realize          C. warn                D. remove

13.A. forget          B. consider        C. change              D. mention

14.A. honest         B. friendly        C. valuable             D. expensive

15.A. total           B. true            C. easy               D. simple


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