
The human nose is an underestimated tool. Humans are often thought to be  1___ smellers compared with animals, but this is largely because, unlike animals, we stand upright. This means that our noses are  2 to detecting those smells which float through the air,  3  the majority of smells which stick to surfaces. In fact though, we are extremely sensitive to smells, even if we do not generally realize it. Our noses are capable of  4 human smells even when these are  5  to far below one part in one million.
    6    , some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another, while others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers. This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate  7    smell receptors in the nose. These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send  8   to the brain. However, it has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell at first can suddenly become sensitive to it when  9    to it often enough.
  The  10  for insensitivity to smell seems to be that brain finds it  11   to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can  12  new receptors if necessary. This may also explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells we simply do not need to be. We are not  13    of the usual smell of our own house but we  14    new smells when we visit someone else's. The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors _ 15   for unfamiliar and emergency signals such as the smell of smoke, which might indicate the danger of fire.
1. A. sensitive
B. outstanding
C. insensitive
D. awkward
2. A. limited
B. committed
C. devoted
D. conducted
3. A. catching
B. ignoring
C. missing
D. tracking
4. A. distinguishing
B. discovering
C. determining
D. detecting
5. A. reduced
B. reserved
C. rescued
D. refused
6. A. Fortunately
B. Strangely
C Happily
D. Amazingly
7. A. unusual
B. particular
C. unique
D. typical
8. A. signs
B. information
C. messages
D. signals
9. A. subjected
B. left
C. drawn
D. exposed
10A. expectation
B. expression
C. extension
D. explanation
11.A convenient
B. competitive
C. inefficient
D. adequate
12.A introduce
B. gather
C. develop
D. produce
13.A sure
B. sick
C. aware
D tired
14.A tolerate
B. resist
C. neglect
D. notice
15.A available
B. reliable
C. valuable
D. suitable
1.C    2.A    3.C   4.D    5.A    6.B    7.B    8.C   9.D   10.D
11.C   12.D   13.C   14.D.  15.A
Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated unfairly? Have you ever bought something just because the salesman talked you into it?
Many people are afraid to assert(维护,坚持) themselves. Dr. Robert Albert, author of STAND UP, SPEAK OUT and TALK BACK, thinks it is because their self-respect is low. “There’s always a superior around------ a parent, a teacher, a boss who knows better.” But Albert and other scientists are doing something to help people assert themselves.
They offer assertiveness training courses, A. T. for short. In the A. T. course people learn that they have a right to be themselves. They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so. They learn to be aggressive without hurting other people.
In one way, learning to speak out is to get rid of fear. A group taking an A. T. course will help the timid person to lose his fear. But A. T. uses an even stronger motive to share the need. The timid person speaks out in the group because he wants to tell how he feels.
Whether or not you speak up for yourself depends on your self-respect. If your face is more important than you, you may feel less of a person. You start to doubt your answers to problems. However, once you get to feel good about yourself, you can learn to speak out.
小题1:The problem the writer talks about is that ________________.
A.some people buy things they don’t want
B.some people are afraid to speak up for their rights
C.there are too many superiors
D.some people don’t think enough of themselves
小题2:The cause of the problem talked about in the text is that _________.
A.some people have a low self-respect
B.there is always someone around who knows better
C.salesmen talk people into buying things they don’t want
D.people don’t share enough
小题3:The underlined word “timid” probably means “___________” in Chinese
小题4:One thing the A.T. course doesn’t do is to _____________.
A. share the need of people        B. show people they have a right to be themselves      
C. help people overcome fear      D. help people to assert themselves even if others suffer
完形填空 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D选项中,选出最佳选项。(每小题2分,共30分)
Computers have done us a lot since they turned up. In the future they will play a more important part in many __16__, such as education, transport, personal lives, scientific research and so on. Nowadays computers are being used in ___17__ and industry and can help the farmers to __18__ the conditions of the plants.
More and more computers will come into our daily life with the __19__ of science and technology. If you want to change money or pay your electricity bills, you won’t have to go to the __20__. A computer and a telephone will help you. It can also help you to do the housework and it can even __21___ human voices and carry out the instructions. It is __22__ that the majority of the labor force will work at home. People will be able to use the videophone for conferences. This can help us to save a lot of energy and ___23__. It is said that trains in Japan will have no __24___, because they’ll be well __25___ by computers, which can also tell the best ___26__ between trains.
Computers programs for __27__ whole texts are already well developed. You can ___28__ the name of a certain subject and a __29__ list of book titles will __30__ on your screen. You may choose whichever you want.
D.post office
Harry’s father bought a magazine which gave its readers information about all kinds of products and helped them make the best choice while buying.
Harry borrowed his father’s magazine when he needed a new computer. “I’ll read it and choose the best one.” He said.
The magazine described these computers.
The DGT PC450
The BNK 975XF: AT $3,200

This computer comes with lots of good software. However it does not have much memory and is rather slow. At $2,850 it’s not very good value for money.

This is the most expensive computer we tested. However it is also the most reliable (可靠的). It is very fast and has lots of memory. It is worth the extra money if you can afford it.

At only $1,900. It has lots of memory and is quite fast. However it broke down twice while we were testing it and we cannot recommend (建议) it for reliability.
     Harry chose the BNK 975XF. “I know it’s expensive,” he said, “but it will be with me for a long time and do everything I want it to do.”
小题1: Harry wants to buy a computer, so he borrowed ___________ from his father.
A.a magazine about all kinds of productsB.a computer magazine
C.a shopping bookD.a book about all kinds of computers
小题2: ____________ doesn’t have much memory and is rather slow.
A.The BNK 975XFB.The DGT PC450
C.The CGP 8PTD.Harry’s computer
小题3: The CGP 8PT is _____________ among the three kinds of computers.
A.the fastestB.the most expensive C.the cheapestD.the slowest
小题4:Harry chose the BNK 975XF because _________.
A.it is the most expensiveB.it has lots of good software
C.it has much memoryD.it would work for him for a long time
Vans, Keds, Dollies—they sound like the names of rock bands, but if you have teenagers, you'll know they're actually the latest in teenage footwear.
But experts are now warning that the current shoe fashions will be causing teenagers discomfort in the short term and storing up years of foot, knee and back pain in the future.
Here, the experts identify the problems caused by teenagers' shoe choice.
Slip-on shoes with elastic (弹性的)sides are particularly popular among teenage boys - with Keds and Vans the most sought-after brands.
The main problem is that they are just too flat—so flat that the heel, which strikes the ground first, also becomes damaged and painful.
The worst shoes of all are such light and thin dolly shoes. The problem is partly their flatness, as with Keds and Vans. However ballet pumps, which have no string or heel, have other specific problems.
“As the shoe has no fastening device, it relies on the toes to keep the shoe on, causing an awkward gait(步法), this leads to short- and long-term problems such as calluses(茧子), heel and knee pain.”
These shoes can also cause problems with gait. They may look good, but the heels on these are so high they can force the wearer's body weight forward, making them very unstable.
Teens who wear these shoes regularly are also in danger of joining those millions of women with constant back pain.
So what do podiatrists(足科医生)have on their wish list, especially for everyday wear?
Something in a natural, breathable fabric, with a string to hold it on, with a small heel and a deep toe-box that does not press the toes, such as Clark's, Marks & Spencer or Rhino.
If your teen insists on wearing 'bad' shoes, get them some simple foot orthotics(矫形器) in the shoes. These support and correct the movement of the foot and, properly fitted by a podiatrist, can often transform their walk and halt the damage.
小题1: Of all the shoes mentioned in the passage, which can cause the worst problems?
A.Marks & Spencer.B.Wedges & Stilettos.
C.Keds and Vans.D.Ballet Pumps.
小题2: Which pair of shoes may not be found on the podiatrists’ wish list?

小题3: The underlined word “halt” in the last paragraph probably means _______.
小题4: From this passage we can infer _______.
A.trendy shoes may ruin teenagers’ health
B.fashionable shoes all have orthotics in them
C.experts are strongly against wearing popular shoes
D.podiatrists are expert at producing branded shoes
小题5: In which column of Mail Online can you find this passage?
Detectives often look for footprints when they try to solve crimes. Scientists use footprints, too—dinosaur footprints when they try to figure out how dinosaurs lived and moved.
Dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago. Today scientists work to solve the mysteries of these ancient animals.
Footprints, or tracks(脚印), are an important way to learn about dinosaurs. Christian Meyer of the Natural History Museum in Basel, Switzerland, calls dinosaur tracks “the closest thing to a movie” of dinosaurs.
“They tell us something about the size of the animal, the way they were walking…they tell us something about their speed,” Meyer said.
Tracks also show that dinosaurs sometimes traveled in groups. Traveling in groups probably helped dinosaurs protect themselves from enemies. Plus, some meat-eating dinosaurs may have hunted in groups, much like wolves do today. Being in a group could help dinosaurs work together to kill large animals.
Dinosaur footprints can be as small as a few inches across, but they can also be as big as a few feet across. Dinosaur footprints have been found throughout the world at over 1,500 sites, including a T. Rex footprint in New Mexico. “Trackways” are groups of footprints.
And scientists aren’t the only ones finding dinosaur tracks—kids can, too! Eleven-year-old Mark Turner and nine-year-old Daniel Helm discovered dinosaur tracks in British Columbia, anada. Soon scientists began studying the tracks.
Scientists and other people interested in studying dinosaurs are working to save the trackways from activities like construction and mining.
小题1:The passage mainly tells us that_______.
A. there were really dinosaurs on the earth millions of years ago
B. dinosaurs were the most frightening animals in the past
C. dinosaur footprints are important in learning about dinosaurs
C. why dinosaurs died out millions of years ago
小题2:By studying footprints scientists can know the following EXCEPT _______.
A.how big the dinosaur wasB.what color the dinosaur was
C.how fast the dinosaur could runD.how the dinosaur walked
小题3: By working in groups, some meat-eating dinosaurs_______.
A.made the hunting of large animals easily
B.could travel a long way without being lost
C.could protect themselves from being hunted by wolves
D.could get to a place faster
小题4: From the last paragraph we can infer that some human activities like mining_______.
A.are helpful to the study of dinosaurs
B.can help scientists solve many mysteries
C.can lead to the discovery of the footprints
D.can destroy the footprints of the dinosaur
Some futurologists have assumed that the vast increase of women in the workforce may portend(预示)an increase in divorce. The opposite of this concern is that the outlook of becoming a multi-paycheck household could encourage marriage. The earning ability of a woman can make her more attractive as a marriage partner.
The increase in divorce rates follows to the increase in women working outside the home. Yet, it may be wrong to jump to any simple cause-and-effect conclusions. The effect of a wife’s work on divorce is no less cloudy than its effect on marriage decisions. The realization that she can be a good provider may increase the chances that a working wife will choose divorce over an unsatisfactory marriage. But the reverse is equally reasonable. Tensions grounded in financial problems often play a key role in ending a marriage. By raising a family’s standard of living, a working wife may strengthen her family’s financial and emotional stability.
Psychological factors also should be considered. For example, a wife blocked from a career outside the home may feel caged in the house. She may view her only choice as seeking a divorce. On the other hand, if she can find fulfillment through work outside the home, work and marriage can go together to create a stronger and more stable union.
A working wife may rob a husband of being the master of the house. Meanwhile, an attractive woman who finds her value in work may play an important role in a stable marriage. Depending upon how the couple reacts to these new conditions, it could create a stronger equal partnership or it could create new insecurities.
小题1: If women find fulfillment through work outside the home, _________.
A.they are more likely to control their marriage partners
B.their husbands are expected to do more housework
C.their marriage ties can be strengthened
D.they tend to put their career before marriage
小题2:One reason why women with no career may seek a divorce is that ________.
A.they feel that they have been robbed of their freedom
B.they are afraid of being bossed around by their husbands
C.they feel that their partners fail to live up to their expectations
D.they tend to suspect their husbands loyalty to their marriage
小题3: Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

小题4:Which of the following statements can best summarize the author’s view in the passage?
A.The stability of marriage and the divorce rate may reflect the economic social position of women.
B.Even when economically independent, most women have to struggle for real equality in marriage.
C.In order to secure their marriage women should work outside the home and remain independent.
D.The effect of the growing female workforce on marriage varies from case to case.
  Do you now who Stefani Germanotta is? Perhaps not, but you’ll almost certainly know the star called Lady Gaga, a 24-year-old American famous for her cutting edge pop videos and strange fashion sense. She was the biggest winner at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Madrid on November 7, 2010. Her awards included the best female artist and the best song.
Her popularity doesn’t end there. The BBC reports that the University of South Carolina has a sociology course about the life, work and rise to fame of Lady Gaga. The course is due to start in spring 2011. “We’re going to look at Lady Gaga as a social event,” said professor Mathieu, who will teach Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame.
Germanotta, in fact, is a college student. She learned to play the piano by age 4. At age 17, she was one of the only 20 young people to get early admission to New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, the famous music school. Yet after her second semester, she took a big risk—she decided to quit and concentrate on a music career. But hwo did she manage to go from nowhere to supar star in just two years?
She may well have had a plan for the top. She created “The Ultimate Pop Burlesque Show” with another artist. It was the first of many strange images. The pair gained enough attention to get a spot at a famous music festival in Chicago. Later, a record company signed Germanotta.
While Lady Gaga enjoys popularity, there are critics accusing her of regularly using rude language in her lyrics(歌词) and wearing overly sexy clothing.
小题1: According to the article, Lady Gaga is famous for _______.
A.her fashion showsB.her strange images
C.her talents in universityD.her winning awards
小题2: Which of the following is the correct order for the stages of Gaga’s career?
a. She appeared in a music festival in Chicago   b. She won the award—the best female
c. She decided to quit school                 d. She created a show with another artist
e. She was signed by a record company         f. Her success has become a university course
小题3:The main reason why Lady Gaga could become famous is that ______.
A.she knew her dream of lifeB.she knew what she would do next
C.she learned music at a young ageD.she ws brave enough to quit university
小题4: From this passage, we can infer that ________.
A.a good performance in university may lead to one’s success.
B.cooperation with other artists is important in becoming successful
C.Lady Gaga will become less famous because of her lyrics and clothing
D.Professor Mathieu believes that Lady Gaga’s success is worth studying
There are many rights to make sure that people will be treated fairly when they are suspected or accused of a crime. Sometimes these rights are called "due process of law". In using these rights, a person should have the help of a lawyer.
You have a right to protect against unreasonable searches and seizures. The police generally may not search you or your home, or take things you own, without a "warrant". A warrant is a paper which states, very exactly , the place to be searched and the things to be taken. Sometimes, however, the police will not need a warrant to search you or your property. If an officer sees you committing a crime, or if he has a good reason to believe you have committed a serious crime, he may arrest you and search you and the area right around you without a warrant.
If you invite a police without a warrant to come into your house and he finds proof of crime, the evidence may be used against you in court. If you do not want an officer to search you or your home and he does not have a warrant, tell him that you do not give him the right to search. However, if the officer will not listen, do not try to stop him. It is dangerous to resist and it may be illegal to do so. Any evidence which a policeman gets during an unlawful search and seizure cannot be used against you.
Police officers must act reasonably and fairly at all times. They should use physical force only when it is needed to arrest someone to enforce a law. They may not use physical violence to "teach someone a lesson".
小题1:   According to the passage, a "warrant" is______.
A.an identification card B.an access card
C.an official written orderD.a special license
小题2:   In which case can the policeman use the evidence he gets against you in court?
A.He makes an unreasonable search of your home and gets the evidence.
B.He is allowed to search your home with no warrant and finds proof of crime.
C.He gets the information you do not want to give him by using physical force.
D.He obtains the information from you when you are alone with him.
小题3: The police can use physical force only when____.
A.they want to teach the habitual thief a lesson
B.they catch the criminal on the spot
C.the suspect talks back
D.the criminal resists arrest
小题4: The passage centers around____.
A.the rights of citizensB.the importance of warrants
C.the duty of the policeD.criminal cases

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