
Dr. Michael Prager, a leading Botox expert, said that a growing number of women are developing something called “computer face”. He also mentioned that professionals who worked long hours in front of a screen were ending up with saggy jowls(颚骨下垂),“turkey neck” and deep-set wrinkles(皱纹) on their forehead and around their eyes.
The Botox expert said that, of all his clients, office workers were most likely to show premature (过早的)signs of aging. “ If you are one of the unfortunate people who frown(皱眉)while you are concentrating on the screen then, over time, you will inevitably(不可避免地) end up with frown lines.' Dr. Prager said. “What is perhaps more surprising is the number of women with saggy jowls because they are sitting in one position for so long. If you spend most of the time looking down then the neck muscles shorten and go saggy, eventually giving you a second neck.”
Dr. Prager, who has a practice near Harley Street in London, said he encourages his clients(客户) to put a mirror next to their computer so they can see if they are frowning at the screen. “When people are stressed or thinking hard about something, then they will often put on agrumpy(脾气暴躁的)face' without even knowing what they are doing. When my clients put a mirror next to their desk, they are often shocked by the angry, frowning face which stares back at them.”
He said, “The women I am seeing at the moment have only been using computers at work for the last decade or so. But women in their 20s have grown up with them and use them for every single task. I think the problem is going to become much, much worse. In another ten years, they could be looking quite awful.”
Dr. Prager said there were several simple steps which could avoid “computer face” such as regular screen breaks and stretching the neck muscles. And, of course, there was always Botox. He said that, after a couple of sessions of Botox, the habit of “grumpy face” could be broken.
(1)According to the passage, which of the following are signs of aging?
A.Saggy jowls and short necks
B.Turkey neck and frown lines
C.Deep-set wrinkles and angry faces
D.Second neck and stressed muscles
(2)Why does Dr. Prager suggest a mirror for his clients?
A.To be aware of their “computer face”
B.To see if they have got a second neck
C.To make sure their make-up is perfect
D.To find more signs of premature aging
(3)From the last 2 paragraphs, we can know that_____
A.“computer face” is avoidable
B.we should give up using computers
C.we should break the habit of “grumpy face”
D.the younger generation is worse at computers

(1)细节理解题。根据第二段可知长时间使用电脑导致过早出现衰老迹象包括Turkey neck 和 frown lines,故选B。
(2)细节理解题。根据第三段he encourages his clients(客户) to put a mirror next to their computer so they can see if they are frowning at the screen.可知放一面镜子可知自己是否皱眉,是否生气,再根据第一段对于computer face 的解释可知A正确。
(3)推理判断。根据最后一段中Dr.Prager said there were several simple steps which could avoid “computer face” such as regular screen breaks and stretching the neck muscles一句可知通过一些措施可以避免形成“电脑脸”。可知答案A正确。


While I was waiting in line at a coffee shop earlier, a woman drove alongside the queue in a mobility scooter(踏板车). There was only a1space between the line of people and the tables, which she2to drive along. She drove over my foot and did not 3saying nothing at all.
I got annoyed and expected she would have4, but then I just decided to5it and got down to selecting which pastry(点心)to go with my coffee. The lady and I ended up sitting at adjacent(领近的)tables. She was on the end of a row so that she could park her 6. After about half an hour, when she had7her coffee, she got up and back onto her scooter. It8start. She tried to turn the key several times9she telephoned the place she purchased it from.
An engineer 10within five minutes. The place must have been local. I couldn't 11overhearing their conversation, and it turned out she had just 12the scooter that morning. This was her very first outing in it. She felt really13about driving it.14, she wasn't used to its speed, nor its 15, and this combination made it quite16to drive it through narrow gaps.
Suddenly, I felt 17for the lady. It really didn't 18me at all that she'd driven over my foot. I had made an assumption,19, that a person doing that should apologize.
Next time you're about to 20someone, pause for a second and remind yourself that people have judged you without knowing what was going on in your mind or your life.
(1)A.private B.vast C.public D.narrow
(2)A.attempted B.promised C.declined D.guaranteed
(3)A.call back B.give up C.look back D.cheer up
(4)A.ignored B.apologized C.explained D.forgiven
(5)A.dismissed B.made C.deserved D.inspected
(6)A.truck B.bike C.car D.scooter
(7)A.poured B.finished C.ordered D.purchased
(8)A.needn't B.shouldn't C.wouldn't D.mustn't
(9)A.so B.until C.unless D.before
(10)A.broke in B.turned up C.ran away D.settled down
(11)A.tolerate B.allow C.resist D.postpone
(12)A.collected B.stolen C.fixed D.abandoned
(13)A.concerned B.excited C.confident D.nervous
(14)A.Doubtfully B.Certainly C.Fortunately D.Surprisingly
(15)A.width B.length C.weight D.height
(16)A.cool B.convenient C.stressful D.desperate
(17)A.pleasure B.regret C.appreciation D.sympathy
(18)A.strike B.bother C.satisfy D.motivate
(19)A.otherwise B.therefore C.however D.besides
(20)A.judge B.hug C.persuade D.tease

A walk in one of the regional parks and forests is a great way to explore the diverse landscape of greater Wellington.
From coastal sands to historic paths,farmland to green native forest,the parks and forests offer a variety of countryside and scenery to suit all ages and levels of fitness.
Most of the walks offer the chance to take a break and enjoy picnicking or swimming.
What to take
Many of the walks go through areas exposed to winds and changeable weather.Please take with you some water and sun hat especially on walks marked with hiking symbol.Always take some warm clothing and a rain jacket.
All times stated are estimates for the return trip.
Where indicated, mountain bikes and horses riders may use tracks.
Opening hours
The parks and forests are open daily from 8 am till dusk.Parks or walks marked with a farm animal symbol may be closed for lambing Aug—Nov.Please check with the ranger or on our website www.gw.govt.nz.
Caring for your pack
●Pack in and pack out.Take your rubbish home and recycle it when possible.
●Keep dogs under control and remove droppings.
●Do not remove, disturb or damage native plants or animals.
●Light no fires.
●Poison may be laid in the parks and forests to control the field mouse.Do not remove notice or disturb baits, lures, trapping lines or the mousetraps.
(1)What can we know about the walk?
A.Visitors can dive when they rest.
B.People under 18 are not permitted to take part in it.
C.People can sightsee the seashore and farmland.
D.People can visit some famous people during the walk.
(2)It can be known from the passage that.
A.sun hat and warming clothing should be taken in case of the changeable weather
B.you can see far animals at any time
C.visitors have no access to riding horses
D.pets can walk as they wish
(3)What can we infer from the passage?
A.Rubbish should be thrown into the rubbish can in the parks.
B.Fires are not permitted in the parks.
C.There are lots of poisonous plants.
D.Field mice are the animals that most visitors want to see.
(4)The passage is most likely found in.
A.a government notice
B.a newspaper advertisement
C.a TV health program
D.a travel guidebook

A warm drink of milk before bed has long been the best choice for those wanting a good night's sleep. But now a study has found it really does help people nod off(打瞌睡)—if it is milked from a cow at night.
Researchers have discovered that “night milk” contains more melatonin(褪黑激素), which has been proven to help people feel sleepy and reduce anxiety(焦虑).The study, by researchers from Seoul, South Korea, involved mice being fed with dried milk powder(奶粉) made from cows milked both during the day and at night. Those given night milk, which contained 10 times the amount of melatonin, were less active and less anxious than those fed with the milk collected during daytime, according to the study published in The Journal of Medicinal Food.
Night milk quickened the start of sleep and caused the mice to sleep longer.
While the effect of cow milk harvested at different time has not been tested on humans up to now, taking melatonin drugs has been suggested to those who have trouble falling asleep at night.
Previous (以前的)studies have also showed that milk can be excellent for helping sleep because of the calcium content, which helps people to relax.
(1)According to the text, the mice fed with daytime milk_______.
A.started sleep more easily
B.were more anxious
C.were less active
D.woke up later
(2)Which of the following is true of melatonin according to the text?
A.It's been tested on mice for ten years
B.It can make people more energetic
C.It exists in milk in great amount
D.It's used in sleeping drugs
(3)What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Night Milk and Sleep
B.Fat Sugar and Health
C.An Experiment on Mice
D.Milk Drinking and Health
(4)How does the author support the theme of the text?
A.By giving examples.
B.By stating arguments.
C.By explaining statistical data.
D.By providing research results.

The Swedish Academy's mid-October announcement regarding literature seldom fails to cause second-guessing.
Bob Dylan was awarded the big prize this morning, and my social media has been alive with indignation ever since. The Nobel did not go to those excellent novelists but to a songwriter. Some of those same people are still protesting that last year it was warded to Svetlana Alexievich, a “journalist”. They have decided, for whatever reasons, that song lyrics(歌词) are not literature.
And people are upset because Bob Dylan is the voice of some generation other than theirs, because he works in a popular style, because he does not work in this minute's popular style, because he appeared on a car commercial that aired during the Super Bowl, because his songwriting skills dropped off — he was famous long ago, after all.
You may not think of Dylan as a poet, but Dylan created a climate in which lyrics were taken seriously. And Dylan accomplished something that few novelists or poets or for that matter songwriters have managed to do in our time: he changed the time he lived. Through words, with music, he affected the opinions and ambitions of hundreds of millions of people all over the world. The Nobel Prize in Literature cannot ever be all things to all people, and while this year's award failed to accomplish various possible objectives, it was not in any way misapplied.
(1)What does the underlined word “indignation” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
(2)Why are people upset about Dylan's being awarded?
A.He failed to represent any generation.
B.He didn't have good songwriting skills.
C.He played badly in the Super Bowl.
D.He is not popular any longer.
(3)Paragraph 4 mainly focuses on Dylan's _________.
(4)Which can serve as the title of the passage?
A.No dish suits all tastes
B.Great minds think alike
C.Misfortune may be actual blessing
D.Judge not according to the appearance

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