




参考词汇:精神的 spiritual ; 物质的 physical; 真朋友 true friend; 假朋友 false friend.



Friendship is a very important part in people’s life. There are many different kinds of friendship. Not only can humans provide friendship for each other, but also animals sometimes show their friendship to their masters. If somebody owns a valuable friendship, he or she will receive at least two types of goodness in spiritual and physical sides. For example, when you feel down, maybe your friend—music can make you out of the despair. When you are lack of money occasionally, your friends like parents or brothers or sisters can lend you a hand. But it is true that friendship can be divided into the true one and the false one just as there are good friends and bad friends.





1.使用高级句型:not only放句首用部分倒装Not only can humans provide friendship for each other, but also animals sometimes show their friendship to their masters.;it做形式主语的用法 But it is true that friendship can be divided into the true one and the false one just as there are good friends and bad friends.。 2.使用了重要短语:at least 至少;For example例如;lack of缺少。



It was a summer’s evening and I went to the English corner. I walked towards the small area where the English corner is held, in fact in front of our dorm (宿舍) building.

"Nice to meet you, Miss. I’m Tom." His nice attracted me. I turned and saw a tall and good-looking boy. I was about to tell him my when the others came, saying hello to the boy. Tom the group. Our changed from sports to music. by the wide range (范围) of his knowledge, I could not help ____ what a well-educated person he was.

Our moved on. I noticed that Tom one topic after another, but that he didn’t do all the ____. He listened quietly and was enough to let others finish what they wanted to say. He was different from who used the English corner to show off(炫耀). I didn’t what he said, but just looked at him. Before I it, the other people had , and it was just Tom and I standing there.

I took a deep breath and looked at Tom in the eye. I he was the person I had been waiting for. When we parted he said, "I hope I’ll you again soon." But that didn’t happen.

I was very busy with my studies. However, , standing in the summer heat, I look towards the place, and think about Tom and the we met. Although he will never again, he will always/span> be in my mind.

【1】A. only B. just C. still D. yet

【2】A. face B. food C. voice D. mouth

【3】A. name B. address C. class D. school

【4】A. hated B. moved C. joined D. left

【5】A. topics B. stories C. games D. words

【6】A. Pleased B. Surprised C. Excited D. Covered

【7】A. knowing B. thinking C. laughing D. imagining

【8】A. conversation B. experiment C. exercise D. idea

【9】A. refused B. suggested C. answered D. understand

【10】A. writing B. showing C. acting D. talking

【11】A. difficult B. polite C. smart D. happy

【12】A. that B. it C. these D. those

【13】A. turn to B. listen to C. worry about D. complain about

【14】A. accepted B. opened C. realised D. heard

【15】A. stayed B. gone C. stopped D. sat

【16】A. cried B. described C. felt D. chose

【17】A. call B. find C. teach D. see

【18】A. forever B. never C. sometimes D. always

【19】A. evening B. noon C. afternoon D. morning

【20】A. sing B. appear C. stand D. leave

【题目】根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Everyone can help to save the world

We are all environmentalists now. We all know about acid rain and the ozone hole. 【1】 As consumers we have the power to make decisions which will contribute to a better world and it is in our power to do what we can to protect the earth.

2 In this way we have the power to influence retailers (零售商) to sell us these so-called “green” products. Therefore, the supermarkets have understood the message and are now trying to improve their environmental image. They are turning to less wasteful and recyclable packaging. The range of “green” products will continue to expand to meet the growing demand. This message has also reached the manufacturers. 3 They have realized that protecting the environment may start as an advertising campaign but in the hands of intelligent people it can become a very profitable business. Besides, we can do more.

Furthermore, we also know there are other areas where all of us can make a positive contribution to a cleaner, healthier and safer environment. 4 There are a number of ways we can do this. For example, we now know how important it is to have our homes well insulated (隔热). We should choose the best energy efficient technology, such as modern light bulbs which can reduce electricity consumption by 80% over the older ones. We must also work hard to reduce the amount of rubbish we produce. We all produce tons of rubbish and waste disposal has become a big problem. As an environmentally-conscious consumer we should buy products which do not have so much packaging. Also, we should try to avoid non-returnable goods at all costs. In Scandinavia and Germany, for example, plastic bottles and cans are now returnable goods.

In conclusion it is important to emphasize once again the rise of consumer power. We must realize that we are all part of the problem. 5

A. We can all reduce energy consumption at home and so cut the emissions from power systems.

B. For example, when we walk into a supermarket we can choose to buy environmentally friendly products and reject products which damage our planet.

C. There are some other ways to protect the environment.

D. Companies are developing environmentally friendly products that maintain a high quality and a low price.

E. But what are we doing about these problems?

F. Nevertheless we must also realize that we have the responsibility to be part of the solution.

G. Everybody has the duty to contribute to a cleaner world.

【题目】根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

How to improve your vocabulary

Vocabulary is a key part of learning a new language.__ 【1】 _ Maybe you cant learn a hundred new words a day, but you can learn one or two a day, totaling thousands of new words over the years. Here are some tips for building up your vocabulary.

Make a plan to learn new words. If you want to improve your vocabulary more quickly, you have to make at least a small promise.___2__

Make you vocabulary practical(实用的). __ 3__ For example, learn more of your trade language---- the words that are commonly used in your business or hobby or vocation(职业). Find better, fresher, clearer words to express what your friends are talking about.

_ 4_ As you read, if you come across a new word that you dont understand. Dont miss it. Take the time to look it up in a dictionary. Write it down and use it later.

When you learn a word, use it immediately and frequently. Put your new word into conversation with as many different people as you can._ 5 __ Use it in sentences. Write it on a card and practice it while waiting for red lights.

A.Repeat it to yourself.

B.Theyre highly reusable

C.Start learning where you are.

D.Decide to learn one new word every day or two.

E.When youre writing something, use a dictionary frequently

F.Start by learning the words that can express whats most important to you.

G.The more you read, the more words youll see, and the more youll understand.

【题目】The English writer Samuel Johnson famously said, “You find no man who is willing to leave London. No, sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London all that life can afford.” More than two centuries have passed since Johnson’s age, but his words still ring true. Here, you’ll find the historic Tower of London and the Tate Modern both considered must-sees. Shakespeare’s sonnets(十四行诗) are still being uttered by actors. Londoners most certainly still look up to the royals, but they also rock out to Coldplay and Lily Allen. And while they still sip tea, they now drink Starbucks, too.

How to Save Money in London

Find the free attractions. Many of London’s top things to do, including the National Gallery, Hyde Park and the Portobello Road Market, are absolutely free to enjoy.

Ride the Tube. Taking taxis will add up quickly, so buy a pay-as-you-go Oyster Card and travel on London’s underground system, nicknamed the “Tube”.

Dine smart. Corridors like Brick Lane offer fantastic cultural food for bargain prices; fish and chip shops are a cheap standby and takeaway food costs less than dine-in.

London Culture & Customs

London is one of the fashion capitals of the world, and its residents tend to reflect that. Practically, pack an umbrella for the rainy days and a scarf for the cold ones. As for tipping, restaurants and cafes will usually add a 10-to-15-percent service charge to the bill. If a service charge is not allotted(指定), it’s customary to tip the same (between 10 and 15 percent). If you’re drinking at a pub or wine bar, tipping is flexible. And in a taxicab, tip the driver to the nearest pound or about 10 percent of the cost.

London Dining

London used to be highly criticized for its heavy and common menu items. Now, London is considered as one of the most gourmet cities in the world. And with its melting pot of cultures, it’s not difficult to see why. London offers everything from modern British to Malaysian. For Indian food, we suggest visiting the curry houses on Brick Lane. If you want a real high tea experience, book reservations at the Ritz, at Fortnum & Mason, or at the Dorchester but be sure to dress the part. Pub culture is still alive and well, so if you have a hankering for fried fish and salty chips (or French fries), you’ll still find them here. And for a quick bite, exchange a few pounds for a kebab, a quick sandwich or some to go sushi, which can be found in restaurants throughout the city.

【1】What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. Life in London is exciting but tiring.

B. Londoners are traditional and fashion conscious.

C. Many well-known writers like to live in London.

D. Coffee is more popular with Londoners than tea.

【2】 The underlined word “hankering” in the last paragraph can be replaced by “________”.

A. desire B. respect C. preparation D. talent

【3】In which column of a newspaper can we find the passage?

A.Culture. B. Travel. C. Education. D. Entertainment.

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