
【题目】我们能活在这美好、精彩的世界上,是因为有父母,老师,朋友。因此在每个人的生命之中应怀有一颗感恩之心,学会感恩他人。 请从以下几点展开写一篇题目为Learn to Be Grateful 的文章。





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Learn to Be Grateful

Whenever and wherever we are, we should learn to be grateful to the people around us in this beautiful and wonderful world.





Whenever and wherever we are, we should learn to be grateful to the people around us in this beautiful and wonderful world.

First of all, i would like to express thanks to my parents who give their endless love to me. As we know, parents do all they can to make their children’s life better and better.Secondly, i am grateful to my teachers for thir selfless work. Why i admire them is that they teach us not only knowledge but also all kinds of important skills. Finally , i want to thank my fellow friends who share happiness and sorrow with me. Because of you, my life is filled with laughters and sunshine.

They are so important in my life that we should learn to be grateful to them. Try to remember to give our sincere wishes to them now and then.Above all, we should try to work hard and live happily, which is a good pay for them.


【题目】Who hasn't found themselves reaching for the closest food available when they're tired and stressed? More and more research is proving that this isn't all in our mind. Some foods really do lead to a change in our moods (心情).

Carbohydrate (碳水化合物) for calm

This is how some people medicate(治疗) themselves with food — by reaching for cookies or pasta(意大利面食) whenever they're upset. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work. You must eat a meal consisting of 100% carbohydrate, on an empty stomach, to obtain the serotonin (血清素) increase so that you have a good mood.

To get the wishedfor effect, you must not eat anything for four hours and then eat at least 30 grams of straight carbohydrate. Dry cereal (谷类食品), a piece of bread with jam, or a potato should do_the_trick.

Protein (蛋白质) for power

Of course, sometimes we don't need to be calm and sleepy.Sometimes we need a great deal of mental concentration, so this is when it's important to mix protein and carbohydrate. The protein will prevent the tryptophan (色氨酸) from flooding your brain,and the rise in serotonin(血清素) won't occur.

Why dessert makes us happy

Fat and sugar cause the brain to let go endorphins (内啡肽), which send pleasure signals throughout the body. This would be fine, except humans are not particularly good at stopping at one cookie or cake.

You can also satisfy your sweet tooth by choosing fruit for dessert.

Timing your meals for energy

Blood sugar drops after four hours of going without food, causing a decrease(减少) in energy. Eating usually fixes this within 20 to 30 minutes, but don't suppose that eating more will cause a faster increase in energy.

When you eat has as much of an effect on your mood as what you eat. If you regularly go for a long period of time between meals, rethink your schedule and plan ahead.

【1】The underlined phrase do_the_trick in the third paragraph means ________.

A.be extremely smart

B.intend to cheat someone

C.bring about the desired result

D.do something to amuse people

【2】The function of protein is ________.

A.to help you keep calm and sleepy

B.to make you feel energetic

C.to lead you to slowness

D.to increase serotonin in your brain

【3】We can infer from the last two parts that ________.

A.fat and sugar can greatly help people feel happy

B.we humans tend to eat lots of cookies and cakes

C.the more we eat, the faster we will gain energy

D.what we eat is more important than when we eat

【4】The main idea of the passage is ________.

A.eating for a better mood

B.eating to make you calm

C.eating for more protein

D.eating to make us strong

【题目】Traveling in Viet Nam was like visiting a mysterious neighbor. You have lived next door to each other for years but knew very little about what happened on the other side of the fence.

I traveled there last August. A simple 180-kilometre trip from a Chinese border town to Hanoi, capital of Viet Nam, took an adventurous eight hours. That's because the country still doesn't have a modern expressway system. The major passage going through the peninsula(半岛)is only a two-way road. Also, many areas are mountainous.

Vietnamese drivers are impatient and fearless. They compete with each other at full speed no matter how scared the passengers feel. When the bus shook us violently many times, the driver made a joke to make us feel better. “See, this is just a gift Vietnamese people give you, a free passage service.”

It was midnight when I reached the hotel. Turning on the television, I was surprised by something All the characters in the TV dramas spoke in the same voice. At present, modern Korean dramas and historical Chinese dramas are popular with the Vietnamese. But it seemed they didn't have enough money to dub (配音)all these programmes. So, the same boring woman would appear behind every drama to speak for the roles.

The next morning when I opened the window, I found myself in a huge "garden". The buildings in the streets were dressed in all kinds of colors you can imagine. Vietnamese residents are allowed to paint their houses as they like. Each one is different and the colors bring the city alive.

1Before the author traveled in Viet Nam, he __________.

A. had known a lot about the neighboring country

B. knew little about the neighboring country

C. had thought he would have a chance to visit the country

D. thought the country was very rich

2On the way to Hanoi, the author __________.

A. was struck by the beautiful scenery in Viet Nam

B. was regretful for this travel

C. was in high spirits

D. was not pleased with Vietnamese drivers

3All the characters in the TV dramas spoke in the same voice be-cause __________.

A. they all had the same accent

B. few people show interest in dubbing

C. the persons who dub may be looked down upon

D. they had no ability to afford so much money

4Which of the following can be used to describe the buildings in Hanoi?

A. Very common. B. retraditional.

C. Very colorful. D. Rather dull.

【题目】In the past, the expression "children should be seen and not heard" summed up the attitude of parents to heir children. Children were expected to be disciplined, well-behaved and the parents ruled the home. But today parents seem to do everything for their children and control all aspects of their lives. Some call this overparenting. Parents take charge of everything: from what pre-school their kids attend to the pastimes they take up. Parents feel they must protect their children to increase their chances for success. As a result children do less than ever before.

There are two reasons for overparenting. First, people now have fewer children than in years past so they can give each one more attention. Secondly, parents feel the future of their family is now dependent on only one child, so they must do as much as possible to help their child succeed.

But overparenting has negative consequences. Children are less independent now and are protected from the hardships and failures that teach them determination and give them the satisfaction of accomplishment. Also the pressure kids feel to be successful means they experience more anxiety and depression than ever before.









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