Film director James Cameron first became interested in sea exploration when he was a little boy. His love for the ocean grew after he made the 1989 undersea adventure film The Abyss and the 1997 blockbuster Titanic, one of the most successful movies of all time. Following that big success, James Cameron decided to put his film career on hold to become an explorer.

In 2012, James Cameron made a journey to the deepest spot in the Mariana Trench, known as Challenger Deep. And now the great journey has been made into a documentary(记录片) film, named James Cameron's Deep?sea Challenger 3?D.

In James Cameron's fantasy films, such as Avatar and The Abyss, the unexplored areas are decorated in colours and full of danger. But on his dive into Challenger Deep, the reality proved far different: white, deserted and dull.

“I felt like I had gone to another planet,” Cameron said after returning from the cold and dark place in the Western Pacific Ocean, nearly 7 miles below the surface. “I really have a sense of being separated and realize how tiny I am down in this big, black and unexplored place.”Cameron captured(获取) the moon?like landscape of the deep sea and documented the sea creatures he observed in the ocean.

James Cameron's Deep?sea Challenger 3?D tells the story of Cameron's journey. It is a film about determination, danger and the ocean's greatest depths. The movie shows a unique insight into Cameron's world when he makes his dream a reality and makes history by becoming the first person to travel alone to the deepest point on the planet.

It's an exciting film and inspiring reminder that our beautiful planet still has a lot to explore.

1.When did James Cameron become interested in the ocean?

A. When he was in his childhood.

B. After his films The Abyss and Titanic.

C. After he achieved great success in movies.

D. When he began to explore the deep sea alone.

2.What is the unexplored ocean like?

A. Colourful and dangerous.

B. Boring and deserted.

C. White and attractive.

D. Small and dull.

3.What can we know about James Cameron's Deep?sea Challenger 3?D?

A. It is a film about the exploration of ocean creatures.

B. It is a story about Cameron's film?making dream.

C. It aims to attract more people to explore the deep sea.

D. It tells us about James' journey into Challenger Deep.

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A. The Great Dream of a Film Director

B. A film Director Exploring Deep Sea

C. James Cameron and His Documentary Film

D. The First Person to Make Films About the Deep Sea


Depressed? Do What You Love

About 350 million people around the world suffer from depression. Therapists can use many different techniques to help, but none has more accurate scientific evidence behind it than cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This “inside-out” technique focuses mainly on thought patterns, training patients to recognize and reframe their thinking. __1.__

BA is an outside-in technique in which therapists focus on adjusting actions rather than thoughts. “The idea is that what you do and how you feel are linked,” says David Richards, a health services researcher at the University of Exeter in England. If a patient values nature and family, for example, a therapist may encourage him to schedule a daily walk in the park with his family members. __2.__This could create an alternative to more negative pastimes such as thinking on loss. BA has existed for decades, yet until now it has never been tested with the scale and exactness needed to assess its relative strength as a stand-alone approach.

In one of the largest studies of its kind, Richards led a group of 18 researchers working at three mental health centers in the U.K. who put BA and CBT head-to-head. They assigned 440 people with depression to about 16 weeks of one of the two approaches, then followed the patients’ progress at six, twelve and eighteen months after treatment began. __3.__ A year on, about two thirds of the patients in both groups reported at least a 50 percent reduction in their symptoms.

_4.__ For instance, patients with depression could begin with simpler therapies such as BA, and then seek out more specialized care if they do not respond to that treatment. “We believe that BA is a good first step in treatment, and the report addresses that point,” says George Alexopoulos at Weill Cornell Medical College, a key member of the team.

In addition, Richards and his colleagues found that junior health workers could provide BA after a brief training period, which makes it significantly cheaper compared with CBT, for it requires highly specialized therapists. __5._

A. These findings could change treatment guidelines.

B. As shown in a report, the team found the treatments equally effective.

C. In doing so, it helps increase the rewards of engaging more with the outside world.

D. The disorder of depression is characterized by continuous sadness and also interference with day-to-day work.

E. Trained medical professionals should diagnose depression not only by a physical examination, but by asking the right questions.

F. This distinction could make the former a blessing to developing countries, where resources for mental health are especially in need.

G. Now, however, mental health professionals have another option: a technique called behavioral-activation (BA) therapy is just as effective.

“Father, I don’t like to go to school,” said Harry Williams one morning. “I wish you ________ let me stay at home. Charles Parker’s father doesn’t make him go to school.”

Mr. Williams took his little boy ________ the hand, and said kindly to him, “Come, my son. I want to ________ you something in the garden.”

Harry walked into the garden with his father, who led him along ________ they came to a bed in which peas were growing. Not a weed was to be ________ about their roots.

“See how beautifully these peas are ________, my son,” said Mr. Williams. “How clean and healthy the vines(藤) look. We shall have a good ________. Now let me show you the vines in Mr. Parker’s garden.”

Mr. Williams then ________ Harry to look at Mr. Parker’s pea vines.

After a few moments, Mr. Williams asked, “Well, my son, what do you ________ Mr. Parker’s pea vines?”

“Oh, Father!” replied the little boy. “I never saw such ________ looking peas in my life! The weeds are nearly as ________ as the peas themselves. There won’t be half a crop!” “________ are they so much worse than ours, Harry?”

“Because they have been left to grow as they ________. I suppose Mr. Parker just planted them, and never took any care of them ________”

“Yes. A garden will soon be overrun with weeds ________ it is not taken good care of,” Mr. Williams ________, “and so it is with the human garden. Children’s minds are like garden beds. They must be ________ cared for. I send you to school in order that the garden of your ________ may have good seeds and ________ plentifully. Now which would you ________, to stay at home or go to school?”

“I would rather go to school,” said Harry.

1.A. wouldB. shouldC. mightD. could

2.A. inB. byC. withD. of

3.A. offerB. giveC. showD. remind

4.A. untilB. whereC. beforeD. when

5.A. madeB. changedC. seenD. planted

6.A. dancingB. movingC. shakingD. growing

7.A. resultB. harvestC. matchD. present

8.A. ledB. orderedC. followedD. forced

9.A. hear ofB. look atC. think ofD. deal with

10.A. uglyB. fineC. dirtyD. poor

11.A. deepB. longC. highD. wide

12.A. WhenB. HowC. WhereD. Why

13.A. pleasedB. stayedC. leftD. belonged

14.A. aheadB. afterwardC. forwardD. outside

15.A. asB. orC. ifD. so

16.A. requiredB. answeredC. explainedD. announced

17.A. carefullyB. correctlyC. gentlyD. slightly

18.A. schoolB. mindC. familyD. dream

19.A. produceB. developC. decreaseD. drop

20.A. findB. supportC. knowD. prefer

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