
【题目】Things a Bright Girl Can Do by Sally Nicholls, UK.

A hundred years ago, women had very few opportunities. Their role was to marry and raise children. Sally Nicholls, new novel is set in that time. Her main characters are three young London women. Evelyn is from a wealthy family, May is from a religious background, and Nell is a woman from a much poorer community. Though they are from, different backgrounds, they all become involved in the women’s suffrage(选举权)movement during World War 1(1914-1918).

Far From the Tree by Robin Benway, US

The New York Times reviewer called the book a “brilliant exercise in empathy (感同身受) It’s an unusual novel. It begins with a troubling event for the main character, Grace, a 16-year-old who loves chemistry and cross-country running. But when she finds that she has become pregnant, she chooses to give up her baby for adoption and has to deal with the pain that this causes her.

The situation is __________for her because Grace was once an orphan(孤儿)herself. She feels that she cannot turn to her adoptive parents for comfort and advice. Instead, she turns to her blood siblings (兄弟姐妹). But Grace soon finds that they are as troubled as she is, and that they are also keeping things to themselves that hurt too much to speak about.

Readers can expect to be moved by the characters and their situations, but also gain insight (理解)into modem family life in America.

Turtles All the Way Down by John Green, US

This novel has two principal teenage characters. Aza Holmes has a mental illness, which is a condition where a person does the same thing over and over, without being able to stop. Aza narrates (叙述)the novel, so we learn all about her from the inside out.

The second main character is Daisy, Aza’s friend. The two start an adventure to find a billionaire who has gone missing.

This is my first attempt to write directly about the kind of mental illness that has affected my life since childhood, so while the story is fictional (虚构的)it is also quite personal, said Green in a statement.

1The writer uses this passage to .

A. introduce the books to readers

B. tell readers some stories

C. comment on the books

D. advertise the books

2Which word can be filled in the blank in the passage?

A. positive B. dangerous

C. common D. complicated

3Which of the following is NOT true about the three books?

A. The leading characters in the three novels are all young females.

B. John Green has suffered from mental illness since he was a child.

C. Things a Bright Girl Can Do mainly introduces World War I.

D. Far From the Tree reveals modern family life in America.








2推理判断题。根据Far From the Tree by Robin Benway, USBut when she finds that she has become pregnant, she chooses to give up her baby for adoption and has to deal with the pain that this causes her.She feels that she cannot turn to her adoptive parents for comfort and advice.由此推知情况对她来说很复杂,因为格雷斯自己也曾经是个孤儿。故答案为D

3推理判断题。根据Things a Bright Girl Can Do by Sally Nicholls, UK.Though they are from, different backgrounds, they all become involved in the women’s suffrage(选举权)movement during World War 1(1914-1918).可知此书讲述的是第一次世界大战期间女性参与选举权的运动。故选C

做推理判断题时,对于暗含在文章中的人物的行为动机、事件的因果关系及作者未言明的倾向、意图、态度、观点等要进行合乎逻辑的判断、推理、分析,进一步增强理解能力,抓住材料实质性的东西。本题第3小题,根据Things a Bright Girl Can Do by Sally Nicholls, UK.Though they are from, different backgrounds, they all become involved in the women’s suffrage(选举权)movement during World War 1(1914-1918).可知此书讲述的是第一次世界大战期间女性参与选举权的运动。故选C


【题目】Stories of Animals Acting Just Like Humans

Monkeys do math

If monkeys manage the world, we might have stayed away from the recent banking hardship. In an experiment led by Keith Chen at Yale, monkeys showed an understanding of pricing and planning the money, as well as a wish to stay away from losses when required to buy food with money. Makes sense this one looks like it’s checking its stocks (股票) on a smart phone. Think that’s impressive?

Camel eats breakfast with people

The first time Joe ate with British farmers, he was uninvited. The four-year-old Bactrian camel stuck his head through their open kitchen window, and emptied a fruit bowl. Now the couple, who rent out reindeer, camels, goats, and other creatures for television shows, movies, and photo shoots, set a place at their table for the confident double-humped creature, where Joe eats grain food and his favorite: bananas on toast.

Marmots (土拨鼠) befriend a boy

A group of marmots in the Austrian Alps has made friends with eight-year-old Matteo Walch by chance, whose family vacations there in summer. Typically, they beat their tails, chatter, and whistle to warn other marmots of danger, but with Matteo, they behave much differently, allowing the boy to feed, pet, and even touch noses with them. “Watching them makes me feel a connection with nature,” says Matteo. How sweet!

1In what way do monkeys behave like humans according to the text?

A. In character.B. In intelligence.

C. In communication.D. In the way of lifestyle.

2Why do the British couple raise the animals?

A. To make money.

B. To have dinners with them.

C. To protect endangered animals.

D. To train them to act as humans.

3Why did Matteo Walch go to the Austrian Alps?

A. To warn marmots of danger.

B. To develop interest in nature.

C. To make friends with marmots.

D. To go on a holiday with his family.

【题目】While reading, you may focus on the Q(question) and A (answer) on the following web page.

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Q My husband and I would like to spend five or six days in the Maldives. Could you

suggest some low-priced hotels? We'll be there in November. Jan Davies, email.

A Prices in the Maldives are high. The cheaper hotels (and there aren't many) mightn't

be much to look at, with unpleasant rooms, iron roofs, old buildings, poor and rough

vegetation and basic facilities, but they get their atmosphere from cheerful customers

and an untidy, free island feel.

Angaga (South Ari Atoll, phone 0011 960 450510), Asdu Sun Island (North Male

Atoll, emailinfo@asdu.com.mv) are both a bit like this.

You'll be there in the low season (May to November), when its' still warm, but

there's a greater likelihood of rain, so you should be able to get a double (standard )

room with full board (three meals a day) for $ 100 a night.

However, pricing structures for the hotels are enormously complex for standard,

superior and luxurious rooms.

Q My husband and I are from Australia. We are planning a four-week trip to London, Dublin and Paris in October and we are shocked by the cost of hotels. We have

searched the Internet and hotel books given to us by tourist authorities but we can't

find anything cheaper than $ 150 a night.

Joan Maloney, email.

A For Australians traveling Europe, especially its capital cities, is expensive. You may

have to increase your budget . However, if you can't afford these costs, then you

should consider staying in hotels where the cheapest twin rooms with shared bathroom

cost about$20 a person in Dublin and Paris and $35 in London. The minimum you

would pay for a double room in a central area is $50 a person in Dublin and Paris and

$70 in London. These prices are for shared bathroom facilities, though you will get a

wonderfully unhealthy cooked breakfast thrown in.

Not all hotels are equal, of course, and it's a good idea to consult a guidebook with

a good reputation.

1The hotel Angaga in the Maldives_________.

A. attracts untidy people B. has some basic facilities

C. has the best landscape D. can be contacted by email

2If you spend your holiday in the Maldives in February, _________

A. there is a greater likelihood of rain

B. standard, superior and luxurious rooms are all available

C. the weather will probably be better than that of the low season

D. a standard room with full board will cost less than $100 a night.

3What is the advice for the couple planning to visit Europe in October?

A. They should stay in hotels in a central area

B. They could live in hotel rooms of lower standard

C. They should put up with the wonderfully unhealthy cooked breakfast.

D. They should buy a reliable guidebook instead of increasing the budget.

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