
【题目】Mark Twain was a great writer.He was born in 1835 in the USA.He was also a famous speaker.He was famous for his sense of humour.Many people liked to listen to his talk because he liked to tell some interesting stories to make people laugh all the time.

One day,Mark Twain was going to a small town because of his writing.Before he was going to leave,one of his friends said to him that there were always a lot of mosquitoes in the town and told him that he’d better not go there.Mark Twain waved his hands and said,“It doesn’t matter.The mosquitoes are no relatives of mine.I don’t think they will come to visit me.”

After he arrived at the town,Mark Twain stayed in a small hotel near the station.He went into his room,but when he was just about to have a rest,quite a few mosquitoes flew around him.The waiters felt very sorry about that.“I’m very sorry,Mr.Mark Twain.There are too many mosquitoes in our town,” one of them said to him.

Mark Twain,however,made a joke,saying to the waiter,“The mosquitoes are very clever.They know my room number.They didn’t come into the wrong room.” What he said made all the people present laugh heartily.

But that night Mark Twain slept well.Do you know why?That was because all the waiters in the hotel were driving the mosquitoes away for him during the whole night.

【1】That day Mark Twain went to the town ________.

A.to see one of his friends

B.because he wanted to do something there for his writing

C.because he was told there were a lot of mosquitoes there

D.to see one of his relatives

【2】All the people present laughed heartily because ________.

A.the mosquitoes were very clever and they didn’t come into the wrong room

B.the mosquitoes knew Mark Twain’s room number

C.Mark Twain gave the waiters some nice presents

D.Mark Twain made a joke

【3】From the story we know ________.

A.no mosquitoes troubled Mark Twain in the night

B.the owner of the hotel told the waiters to look after Mark Twain well at night

C.Mark Twain didn’t have a good rest that night

D.there were not mosquitoes in the hotel any longer

【4】Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Mark Twain liked to tell interesting stories to make people laugh.

B.Mark Twain went to the small town for his writing.

C.He slept well because the mosquitoes didn’t come into his room.

D.The waiters felt sorry,for there were many mosquitoes in Mark Twain’s room.








【1】B 考察细节理解题。根据文章Mark Twain was going to a small town because of his writing去小城镇是为写作,所以答案是B。

【2】D 考察细节理解题。根据文章Mark Twain,however,made a joke,saying to the waiter,“The mosquitoes are very clever.They know my room number.They didn’t come into the wrong room.” What he said made all the people present laugh heartily可知在场所有人都笑了是因为马克吐温讲了一个笑话,所以答案是D。

【3A考察细节理解题。根据文章But that night Mark Twain slept well.Do you know why?That was because all the waiters in the hotel were driving the mosquitoes away for him during the whole night可知马克吐温晚上并没有受到蚊子的干扰,所以答案是A。

【4】C考察细节理解题。根据文章That was because all the waiters in the hotel were driving the mosquitoes away for him during the whole night可知答案C是不正确的,他睡得好的原因是所有的服务员在为他驱赶蚊子。


【题目】根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Michael' s birthday was coming soon, so he asked his dad for a bicycle so that he wouldn't have to walk to school anymore. 【1】 Michael got a book instead but he did not complain ( 抱怨 ).

One bright and sunny day while Michael was walking past a bookstore on his way to school, he saw a big boy on a bike . The bike was too small for the boy. 2

The boy was a student in Michael' s school . Michael recognized him. The boy's name was William. His leg seemed to have broken. Michael picked up William' s bike which was not damaged and rode to the nearby hospital to get help. 3 Michael rode William' s bike to school so he would not be late for class.

After school , Michael quickly rode the bicycle to William' s house with a book for him.4 But he had to put some medicine on his leg and stay in bed for some time.

To Michael' s surprise, William was getting a new bike for his birthday in two months so he let Michael have his old bike . Michael was overjoyed(喜出望外).

5 . Michael visited William every day until Williams 's leg was better.

A. Luckily, William was not seriously hurt.

B. Michael found it interesting and couldn't help laughing.

C. From then on, Michael and William became good friends

D. William gave his new bike to Michael to show his thanks.

E. However, Michael' s dad had lost his job and did not have much money.

F. As the boy was turning around a corner , the bike crashed into a tree.

G. A few minutes later, an ambulance (救护车)came and took William to the hospital .


【1】It suddenly occurred to him_____ he had left his keys in his office.

A.which B. that C. what D. Where

【2】It doesn’t matter ____ you turn right or left at the crossing--both load leads to the bank.

A. how B. if C. whether D. When

【3】I am afraid he is more of a talker than a doer, which is__________he has never finished anything.

A.why B. that C. where D. When

【4】Never before______seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert.

A.had he B. has he C. he had D. he has

【5】This is not my story, neither _______ the whole story. My story plays out differently.

A.is there B. there is C. it is D. is it

【6】Only with the greatest of luck________to escape from the risking flood water.

A. managed she B. did she manage

C. she managed D. she did manage

【7It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do________.

A. who B. which C. that D. What

【8】As is reported, it is 100 years __________Qinghua University was founded.

A. since B. when C. before D. That

【9】Tom was about to close the windows _______ his attention was caught by a bird.

A. when B. if C. and D. till

【10】Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon, or ____ it is convenient to you.

A. whenever B. however C. whichever D. wherever

【11】Half an hour later, Lucy still couldn't get a taxi ________ the bus had dropped her.

A. until B. When C. although D. where

【12】I'll be out for some time. _______anything important happens, call me up immediately.

A. In case B. As if C. Even though D. Now that

【13】In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained ____ abroad due to the volcanic ash


A. sticking B. stuck

C. to be stuck D. to have stuck

54.小题14Anxiously,she took the dress out of the package and tried it on,only (find) it didn't fit.

A. finding B. to find C. found D. having found

【15 (work)for two days, Steve managed to finish his report

on schedule.

A. Working B. To work C. Having worked D. Worked.

【题目】The phrase “live, love and laugh” was one my cousin Roger lived by every day of his life. Even in his sickness, he found the positive in what some would see as a negative situation. He enjoyed life. He loved to laugh and most importantly, he lived life to the absolute fullest. He loved to travel, learning new things about different people and their culture.

Roger was born and raised in Alabama, and he then moved to Buffalo, New York where he lived for many, many years until he relocated to Atlanta, Georgia, his final resting place.

Whether his travels were long visits or short visits, large cities or small towns, his favorite souvenir item was T-shirt. Everywhere he went he would buy a T-shirt to remind him of his travels. Every T-shirt he owned had a story behind it that he would share with others.

As long as he was laughing, living and traveling, he was happy. He loved everybody he came in contact with and everybody loved him. The old saying, “He never met a stranger”, definitely applied to Roger and his life.

His last few years of life were in and out of the hospital at least 10~15 days a month, sometimes more. Two weeks before he passed away, I spoke with him on the phone, and even then he managed to tell jokes about life.

I know he left this world happily; he refused to allow anything or anyone to hold him down, even his severe illnesses. He was definitely a model to look up when it comes to not allowing any situation to keep you from moving forward in life.

I will forever miss his smile and his love for life. My cousin Roger knew the true meaning of the phrase “live, love and laugh”.

【1】The author believes that Roger .

A. was a foolish man

B. was rich in spirit

C. had a healthy body

D. pretended to be happy

【2】We can learn from the text that Roger .

A. had few good friends

B. was afraid of his illnesses

C. seldom contacted the author

D. was loved by everyone who knew him

【3】What the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A. To feel pity for Roger.

B. To encourage readers to help others.

C. To encourage readers to be positive all the time.

D. To show that health is the most important thing.

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