
3.If parents don't teach their child how to _____ himself,he will do anything at will.(  )

分析 如果父母没有教他们的孩子行为端庄,他就会任意妄为.

解答 答案:B,考查动词的辨析,believe"相信",behave"行为举止",help"帮助",enjoy"享受",根据语境"行为规矩",因此使用动词短语behave oneself,故答案为B.

点评 考查动词的辨析,在平时的学习中要对词汇进行积累.

11.Located in the northeast part of the Jiayi County in Taiwan Province,Ali Mountain is in fact the general name of the 18hills including Zhu Hill and Tower Hill.The highest peak of Ali Mountain is Tower Hill with the height of 2,663meters (about 8,736feet).Ali Mountain is world famous for its"five rare sites"including the Sunrise,the Ali Mountain Forest Railway,the famous Alishan Sacred Tree,the Grand Sea of Clouds,and the Flamboyant Cherry Blossom.It is said that one who has not been to Ali Mountain will never know its wonderful beauty.
The sunrise is a must for everyone who travels the Ali Mountain.Many have said,"To miss viewing the sunrise on Ali Mountain is like returning empty after entering the Golconda,a source of great wealth."The best place to view the sunrise is on the top of Zhu Hill.The place and time of the sunrise are different due to the changes of the four seasons.If you plan to view the sunrise,it is best to ask the local people the time of sunrise,so you don't miss this magnificent opportunity.
The Ali Mountain Forest Railway is regarded as one of three mountain climbing railways.Traveling along the 72-kilometer-long railway,the train climbs from 30meters (about 98feet) to 2,450meters (about 8,038feet) above sea level.Its gradient(坡度)is so great that it is rarely seen in the whole world.From the bottom of Ali Mountain to the top,the train crosses four forest areas-tropical,subtropical,temperate and frigid zones.
There is a Chinese juniper (杜松) within the Ali Mountain forest area,with some 53meters (about 174feet) high,and 23meters (about 75feet) wide.This juniper is so huge that more than ten people can surround it.It has a history of more than 3,000years,thus is called Alishan Sacred Tree.The most wondrous tree is a"three-generation"tree.The three generations of this tree exist in the same trunk.While the first and second generations have faded,the third generation is stillflourishing.This tree is really a wonder of nature.
The sea of clouds and the cherry blossom should not be overlooked.If you want to avoid sunstroke,the comfortable climate in mid-summer on Ali Mountain will be a good choice.

51.What's the main idea of the first paragraph?D
A.Location of Ali Mountain.B.Five rare sites of Ali Mountain.
C.Hills of Ali Mountain.D.An introduction to Ali Mountain.
52.What does the underlined word"flourishing"in the fourth paragraph mean?A
A.Growing well.B.Surrounding.C.Disappearing.D.Dying.
53.What's the best time to appreciate the sea of clouds and the cherry blossom?C
54.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?D
A.The place and time of the sunrise are the same despite the changes of the four seasons.
B.The best place to view the sunrise is on the top of Tower Hill.
C.The highest peak of Ali Mountain is Tower Hill with the height of 2,450meters.
D.The juniper has a history of more than 3,000years,thus it is called Alishan Sacred Tree.
15.Bali is a tiny island that is part of Indonesia(印度尼西亚) today.It is a pretty island that has many mountains and a pleasant climate.For a long time,Bali was cut off from much of the world.
The people of Bali were happy and had a peaceful life.They were not allowed to fight.At one time there had been terrible wars on Bali.Then the people decided it was wrong to fight or have wars.They made rules to keep apart those people who wanted to fight.
Bali was divided into seven small kingdoms.The land around each kingdom was kept empty,and no one lived there.Since the kingdoms did not share the same borders(边界),the people could not fight about them.
On Bali,even children were not allowed to fight.If two children started a fight over a toy,someone separated them.When two boys argued,they would agree not to speak to each other.Sometimes they did not talk together for months; this gave the boys a chance to forget their anger.
Families who were angry with each other also promised not to speak.Their promise was written down,and the whole village knew about it.If they broke their promise,they had to offer gifts to their gods.
45.The people of BaliB.
A.fought for a long time                   
B.lived a happy and peaceful life
C.is cut off from much of the world          
D.quarreled about their borders
46.How did the people of Bali prevent fighting from breaking out?A
A.Land was kept empty around each kingdom and no one lived there.
B.They made strict rules to punish those who wanted to fight.
C.The island was divided into seven kingdoms.
D.They shared the same borders.
47.Bali is an island belonging toC.
A.Europe        B.Africa          C.Asia          D.America
48.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?D
A.At one time there were terrible wars on the island.
B.You'll hardly see children fighting on the island.
C.Bali is a beautiful island with many mountains and nice weather.
D.People had to offer gifts to the villagers if they broke their promise.
12.The USA is the short of the United States of America.The USA is made up of 50states.It is in the North America.It lies between Canada and Mexico.The total area of America is about 9.5million square Kilometers.It is the fourth largest country in the world.There are over 300million people living there now.
The capital of the USA is Washington,D.C.New York is the biggest city.The official language is English.Its National Day is on July 4th.America is a very young country.It only has about 200years history.It is the most powerful country in the world today.
There are a lot of famous cities in the USA,such as New York,San Francisco,Chicago and so on.
The new state of Hawaii is far from the states of the east coast of the continent.
Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean.There are a lot of interesting places in the USA.Disneyland is one of the most well known parks in the world.The older park  (Disneyland) is in Los Angeles,California; the other one  (Disney world) is in Orlando,Florida.
America is a multicultural(多元文化) country.Many people say that America is like a"vegetable soup".Each national group is important and adds to the"flavor"(风味)of America.Hispanics African Americans,Chinese-Americans,and other people from around the world are proud to remember their cultures and traditions.
51.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?B
A.Canada lies between the USA and Mexico.
B.Disneyland in Los Angeles is the older park.
C.There are over 300billion people living in the USA now.
D.The new state of Hawaii is far from the states of the west coast of the continent.
52.Many people say that America is like a"vegetable soup",becauseD.
A.Americans like vegetable soup.
B.America is a very young country.
C.America is the most powerful country in the world.
D.Different cultures and traditions add to the"flavor"of America.
53.The best title of the passage is"B".
A.American culture
B.A brief introduction of America.
C.America is a good place for visiting
D.The most powerful country---the USA.
13.Eat healthier.Exercise twice a week.Read more books.Lose weight.We make the same resolutions(决心) every year,but most of us fail,dying out after only a few days or,at best,weeks.Even the most successful among us crash and burn when it comes to personal change.President-elect Barack Obama struggles to remove his cigarette habit.
 Professionals who help people make changes in their lives suggest the change is determined not by one's surroundings,but one's mind.Beginning with small goals or steps usually leads to a bigger payoff later,they say.But they caution that the experience is different for everyone.
"People are more likely to make positive changes in their lives not only when their friends do,but when their friends of friends do,and when their friends of friends of friends do,"said Nicholas Christakis,a professor of medical sociology at Harvard University."People are better able to make changes in their lives-lose weight,quit smoking,become happy-when they do this with a large number of other people,and so taking advantage of your social network ties can result in a magnification of your own efforts."
    Jhonny Augustin understands that well.His resolution for 2008 was to shed 30 pounds from his 237-pound frame.But the change didn't come easily.He said,"I'm a huge procrastinator,I kept putting it off until tomorrow.I didn't get to do it until the summer."However,Augustin got inspired when he saw his older brother working out.Today,Augustin weighs 190 pounds.
"Of course,change can happen only if people don't set their expectations too high or try to tackle too many changes at once; one of the biggest mistakes we make is setting unrealistic goals,"said Dalia Llera,a psychologist and associate professor of counseling and psychology at Lesley University."You can't accomplish in a few weeks what you haven't accomplished in a few years,"said Llera.
46.From the first paragraph we can infer that.A
A.change for a person is challenging
B.famous people have great determination
C.most people don't want to change themselves
D.personal change is beyond belief
47.It is known from Nicholas christkis that.B
A.making a change is easier with support from a cheerful group of friends
B.social networks have great effect on one's change
C.people who have the same attitude often get together
D.people's mood can contribute to their efforts
48.The word"procrastinator"in Paragraph 4 refers to those who.C
A.have great determination to make a change
B.have no desire to do something great
C.put off work especially because of laziness
D.have habitual carelessness and laziness
49.According to the passage,Dalia Liera suggested that.D
A.people should understand their goals well
B.people should try their best to change themselves
C.people should have confidence and positive habits
D.people should start with setting small goals to meet
50.The passage is mainly about.D
A.the reason why losing weight is so hard
B.the effect of the positive change
C.the attitudes towards change in life
D.the ways of making a change.

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