
5.Her only problem,if you can call it a problem,is ________ she expects to be successful all the time.(  )

分析 她唯一的问题,如果你可以称之为一个问题的话,是她期望一直都成功.

解答 答案:C
根据句意可知,"if you can call it a problem"在句中作插入语,"________ she expects to be successful all the time"应是用于系动词is之后的表语从句;在表语从句中,whether 是否,不作任何成分;what可以作主语,宾语,表语或定语; that不作任何成分,也没有任何意义,只起连接作用; where 作地点状语;由于该从句表达了完整的意义(她期望一直都成功),也不缺任何成分;故选C

点评 本题考查了表语从句的用法.做本题时,首先应识别句中的插入语,然后可根据句意,判断出本句是表语从句;其次应熟练掌握表语从句中连接词的意义及用法.

16.Courtney was just 15 years old when she joined a team of space researchers.Those scientists landed NaSa's robot,Spirit,on the planet Mars.But this was neither Courtney's first nor her last adventure in space research.When she was in fifth grade,Courtney had already decided to spend her life"exploring the mysteries ofthe universe."She checked out space books from her library,studied hard in math and science classes,and later,attended United States Space Camp in A labama.
Then Courtney entered a contest to become part of the Student Astronaut program run by a group called the Planetary Society.After a lot of hard work,interviews,and months of waiting.Courtney found out that she was one of 16students who made it-out of 500entered.
Courtney and fellow student astronaut Rafael Morozowski,a 16-year-old from Brazil,were at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California with NASA scientists when Spirit reached Mars.
"The most exciting part of the thing occurred late at night on January3,2004,when we received signals indicating that Spirit had landed successfully,"Courtney says."I joined the rest of the scientists in jumping up and cheering."
Courtney and Rafael spent seven nights working with and leaming from the NASA scientists.(They worked at night because that was daying on Mars.)They studied the photographs that Spirit was sending to Earth of Gusev Crater on Mars.They spoke to television reporters at NASA press conferences and attended meetings in which the NASA team named the rocks and hills that Spirit was finding.
When Courtney was 17 years old,she went to work for NASA as a student intern at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.With two NASA scientists,Courtney plans to study astrophysics or planetary science at Princeton University,then return to work at NASA.She encourages other kids and teens to follow their dreams of getting involved with space research.

24.What can we learn about Courtney from Paragraph 1and 2?D
A.She was one of 16students to be interviewed.
B.She landed on the planet Mars at the age of 15.
C.She entered the Student Astronaut program easily.
D.She desired to study the universe at her early age.
25.Which of the following best describes Courtney?C
A.Enthusiastic and serious.    
B.Optimistic and productive.
C.Determined and hard working.
D.Creative and ambitious.
26.What can we infer from Paragraph 5?D
A.The time on the earth is in line with MarS.
B.The scientists worked day and night on end.
C.Spirit found rich minerals in rocks on Mars.
D.The hills on Mars were unknown to the public.
27.What does Courtney inspire the youth to do?B
A.To work for NASA.
B.To stick to their dreams.
C.To attend United States Space Camp.
D.To study science at Princeton University.

Did you ever have a dream? I’m not talking about a dream you have when you sleep. I’m talking about a conscious ______where you would like to see a new future, a different choice of employment, and a_____ of you own. How many times have you wished that you could be living in a different______than the one you are_______ experiencing?

Several years ago, I had a dream about inventing a board game that would________my life's fortunes. After many revisions, a board game was developed. It was a(n)______ time. Our dream seemed to come true with sales starting to accumulate, and our company was also _________

____, another new board game________the market and made great progress in sales. Eventually, our company was dissolved.

Perhaps for a game developer, the______emotions that it never was meant to be will discourage his future dreams of a different life. But to me, maybe I didn't succeed to the level I________, at the very least I turned my dream________a reality. ________I had never transferred my dream into goal and then to action, there wouldn't have been _________lessons to be learned from the failure. It may take many________but success is only achieved. Once dreams are _______action, failure becomes a ______action plans in future. The important__________here is that success only comes by turning dreams into reality and realizing that________are only stepping-stones to final success. After many attempts, many failures, many lessons and many false starts, learn valuable lessons from failure, tum dreams into________, and don't let a dream only be a dream, success will arrive at last.

1.A. future B. life C. dream D. plan

2.A. factory B. farm C. car D. business

3.A. environment B. school C. family D. society

4.A. enjoyably B. previously C. constantly D. currently

5.A. destroy B. realize C. change D. create

6.A. exciting B. terrible C. dark D. embarrassing

7.A. canceled B. combined C. disappeared D. founded

8.A. Unfortunately B. Unlikely C. Unconsciously D. Unfairly

9.A. came into B. left out C. came back D. took in

10.A. optimistic B. negative C. difficult D. positive

11.A. needed B. devoted C. desired D. begged

12.A. by B. on C. over D. into

13.A. Unless B. If C. After D. Before

14.A. valuable B. successful C. useless D. cruel

15.A. analyses B. designs C. attempts D. revisions

16.A. took up B. look into C. run across D. put into

17.A. good B. better C. most D. bad

18.A. meaning B. point C. truth D. purpose

19.A. efforts B. achievements C. possibilities D. difficulties

20.A. heart B. existence C. action D. ambition

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