
20.尽管有精心组织的防守,我们的篮球队还是在第一轮比赛中被淘汰了.(eliminate )Despite/In spite of the well-organized defense,our basketball team was eliminated in the first round..

分析 尽管有精心组织的防守,我们的篮球队还是在第一轮比赛中被淘汰了.

解答 答案:Despite/In spite of the well-organized defense,our basketball team was eliminated in the first round.
解析:根据所给中文提示可知,本题考查despite/in spite of"尽管;不顾"、in the first round"在第一轮"这两个短语及well-organized"精心组织的"、defence"防守"这两个单词.另外还需要注意的是根据"被淘汰"可知,本句需使用被动语态,其时态为一般过去时.综上,本题答案为:Despite/In spite of the well-organized defense,our basketball team was eliminated in the first round.

点评 本题考查句子翻译,做此类题目时一定要根据中文及英文题干确定需要翻译的成分,再找出与之对应的英文并考虑各成分是否有形式的改变.

11.It is true that people with better education are usually able to get better paying jobs.In other words,they have more chances to choose a good job while people with little or no education don't.It seems that the purpose of education is to make people get jobs.But this isn't accepted by all people.
   Some people may think that a person should spend the best years of his life to get education only for a way of living.This was probably one of the earliest reasons of education.In fact,if education is just a way of making a living,people don't need to spend so much time in school.People can get education for a living in a short time.Subjects like history and geography need not be taught to everyone.Even language and mathematics need not be taught in detail(详细地),either.Here it is clear that education is much more than teaching a man to get a way of living.
   Education is well-rounded and it is mainly for improving a man.It is not only to teach him to speak,read and write,but also to develop his creative thinking and other abilities.After that,it is to make him a wise man and thankfully enjoy the achievements of human.Education is to make a man lead a better life.Educated people are expected to be able to listen to good music,read good books,watch plays and most of all take an interest in the world.
   I would agree that making a good living is an important reason for education,but certainly not the most important or the main reason.
56.People with little education usuallyD.
A.spend a long time in school         
B.have a good chance to get a job
C.spend the best years to choose jobs     
D.have fewer chances to get a good job
57.The earliest education was probably toC.
A.make a man lead a better life        
B.teach a man to write and read
C.make people get a way of living    
D.teach people to read good books
58.The underlined word"well-rounded"in the passage means"D"in Chinese.
59.It is expected that educated people will be able toB.
A.accept education as a way of living          
B.take an interest in the whole world
C.develop their abilities to make plays          
D.learn subjects like language and math
60.The passage mainly tells us thatA.
A.education should make a man improve          
B.people can get education in a short time
C.people should be able to get good paying jobs   
D.all subjects are so important for a way of living.
8.There are two factors which determine an individual's intelligence.The first is the sort of brain he is born with.Human brains differ considerably,some being more capable than others.But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with,an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn.So the second factor is what happens to the individual-the sort of environment in which he is reared(抚养).If an individual is handicapped environmentally,it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.
The importance of environment in determining an individual's intelligence can be demonstrated by the case history of the identical twins,Peter and Mark.Being identical,the twins had identical brains at birth,and their growth processes were the same.When the twins were three months old,their parents died,and they were placed in separate foster(寄养) homes.Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an isolated community with poor educational opportunities.Mark was reared in the home of well-to-do parents who had been to college.He was read to as a child,sent to good schools,and given every opportunity to be stimulated intellectually.This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their teens,when they were given tests to measure their intelligence.Mark's I.Q.was 125,twenty-five points higher than the average and forty points higher than his identical brother.Given equal opportunities,the twins,having identical brains,would have tested at roughly the same level.
65.According to the passage,the average I.Q.isB.
66.This passage suggests that individual's I.Q.D.
A.can be predicted at birth                    
B.is inherited from his parents
C.stays the same throughout his life           
D.can be increased by education
67.This passage can best be titledB.
A.Measuring Your Intelligence              
B.Intelligence and Environment
C.The Case of Peter and Mark               
D.The Introduction of the I.Q.Test.
15.The 2104 Nobel Prize for Literature went to the French novelist Patrick Modiano"for the art of memory"with which he has"uncovered the life-world of the occupation".
    (21)Althoughthe 69-year-old writer is a very popular literary figure in France,he is little known elsewhere.So who is this Patrick Modiano,why does his memory have such an influence(22)uponhim,and what exactly has he uncovered?
    Modiano was born in a suburb of Paris right after World War II ended in Europe in July 1945.His father was a Jewish-Italian businessman (23)who/thatmet his Belgian actress mother during the Nazi occupation of Paris.Modiano's life has been affected by Nazi Germany's occupation during the war,and his family's connections to it.According to New York-based newspaper Forward,his father survived the war dishonorably.When Paris Jews(24)were brought(bring) together for deportation (遣送) to concentration camps,the businessman did not join them but spent the time (25)making(make) money from deals with Nazis on the black market.
His most (26)admired(admire) novel,Missing Person,is a good example of his three dozen novels with the same themes:Jewishness,the Nazi occupation,and loss of identity.It's a story about a detective who has lost his memory.He tries to find out(27)whohe really is by following his own steps through history.
Although Modiano's win is a surprise outside France,people are celebrating in his home country.Modiano is the 15th French literature winner.After Le Clezio's 2008 win,it seemed unlikely(28)thatthere would be another so soon.

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