
The Parkers bought a new house but ________ will need a lot of work before they can move in.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
剖析:做该题对否的关键处是弄清but引导的并列分句中的主语代词,是代替前面分句的主语The Parkers还是宾语a new house.通过上下文,不难看出这里的代词应代替a new house。那么选C还是B,one常泛指,it是特指,故选B。
如:I need a pen.Lend me one.我需要一支钢笔,借我一支。
My bike is missing。Have you seen it anywhere?我车丢了,你在哪儿看见了吗?


 “Father, I don’t like to go to school,” said Harry Williams one morning. “I wish you would let me stay at home. Charles Parker’s father doesn’t make him go to school.”

Mr Williams  36  his little boy by the hand, and said   37   to him, “Come, my son. I want to show you  38   in the garden.”

    Harry walked into the garden with his   39  , who led him along until they came to a bed in which peas(豌豆) were growing. Not a weed(杂草) was to be  40   about their roots.

“See how beautifully these peas are   41, my son,” said Mr. Williams. “How clean and healthy the vines(藤) look. We shall have a good   42  . Now let me show you the vines in Mr. Parker’s garden.”

    Mr. Williams then  43  Harry to look at Mr. Parker’s pea vines.

    After a few moments, Mr. Williams asked, “Well, my son, what do you   44  Mr. Parker’s pea vines?”

“Oh, Father!” replied the little boy. “I never saw such  45  looking peas in my life! The weeds are nearly as  46  as the peas themselves. There won’t be half a crop!”

  47   are they so much worse than ours, Harry?”

“Because they have been left to grow as they  48  . I suppose Mr. Parker just planted them, and never took any care of them  49 

“ Yes. A garden will soon be overrun with weeds  50   it is not taken good care of,” Mr. Williams  51  , “and so it is with the human garden. Children’s minds are like garden beds. They must be  52   cared for. I send you to school in order that the garden of your  53   may have good seeds(种子) and   54  plentifully. Now which would you  55  , to stay at home or go to school?”

“I would rather go to school,” said Harry.

A. grabbed   B. pulled C. punished    D. took

A. loudly     B. secretly     C. kindly D. politely

A. anything  B. something C. everything        D. nothing

A. mother   B. brother      C. sister D. father

A. made      B. changed     C. seen   D. planted

A. growing  B. moving     C. shaking      D. dancing

A. result      B. harvest      C. match        D. present

A. forced    B. ordered     C. followed    D. led

A. think of        B. look at      C. hear of     D. deal with


Spiderman is one of the most famous comic book heroes of all time.He was created by Stan Lee in 1963 and was first introduced to the world in the pages of Marvel comic books.
Spiderman’s story is the story of Peter Parker,a child who lost his parents and lives with his aunt and uncle.Peter is a shy,quiet boy wearing glasses and has few friends.One day,on a high school class trip to a science lab,he gets bitten by a special spider.Soon Peter realizes he has amazing powers:he is as strong and quick as a spider and also has a type of sixth sense.He no longer needs his glasses and he can use his super power to fly through the city streets! Remembering something his Uncle Ben has told him,that “with great power,there must also come great responsibility(责任),”Peter decides to use his powers to fight enemies who do cruel things to people.And so,Spiderman is born.
Life is not easy for Peter even though he is a superhero.He is in love with Mary Jane but cannot tell her about his amazing powers.Besides,his best friend Harry hates Spiderman! Peter is also short of money and time.He has to sell photos of Spiderman(himself!)to a newspaper and he keeps losing his other jobs because he’s so busy saving people! Yet he has to fight different kinds of cruel enemies.
【小题1】Who created Spiderman?

A.Peter Parker.B.Marvel.C.Stan LeeD.Superman.
【小题2】What happened to Peter Parker after he was bitten by the spider?
A.He could not see with his eyes.B.He became a spider.
C.He was sick.D.[He developed spider-like powers.
【小题3】What does “with great power,there must also come great responsibility” mean?
A.Powerful people can do whatever they like.
B.People with power are always good.
C.Powerful people are to blame for all the bad things that happen.
D.Powerful people should have a responsibility to do good.

In the past ten years, America’s National Basketball Association (NBA) has grown increasingly dependent on the rest of the world to supply players.

    When Michael Jordan and Larry Bird won gold in Barcelona in 1992, the Americans were praised for teaching the world how to play basketball. This season, however, 20 percent of NBA rosters(花名册) will be filled by non-Americans. NBA commissioner David Stem happily embraces the trend. On a visit to Paris in October, Stern outlined his vision for the future, which is likely to see Europe hosting NBA games by 2010.

The NBA is now planning to take China by storm.

“Our experience in China has been that it is going to be explosive in its growth, said Stem. The strategy (战略,策略)in China is television. Weve made 14 deals in China with local and national networks on cable and satellite.” The success of Chinese centre Yao Ming has paved the way for the NBA marketing blitz in China. The NBA, which is broadcasted in more than 200 countries in 42 languages, will put that to the test in October 2004 when the Houston Rockets play two pre-season games against the Sacramento Kings in Beijing and Shanghai. The NBA knows that it needs a global market to condensate for tough times on home soil.

 “It doesn’t matter where the players come from, all the NBA teams now know that they have to scout(寻找,觅得) internationally,” said Terry Lyons, the NBA’s vice-president of international public relations. “It has increased the level of competition here.” As Frenchman Tony Parker and Argentine Emanuel Ginobili showed in winning championship rings with the San Antonio Spurs last season, many people can earn the respect of their American peers. Others, such as the Houston Rockets’ Chinese centre Yao Ming — number one draft pick in 2002 — and the Detroit Pistons’ 18-year-old Serb Darko Milicic — number two overall in this year’s draft — are icons(偶像)in-waiting. It is the ultimate(最后的,根本的) revolution — the rest of the world teaching the US how to play basketball.

1.According to the report,                 .

A. Michael Jordan is still playing a very important role in NBA

B. the part played by the foreign players in NBA will be great

C. Yao Ming is to play two pre-season games in NBA

D. European countries will host the 2004 NBA games

2.The underlined phrase “take China by storm” has the meaning of      _______ ___.

A. NBA intends to make China its “marketing center”

B. NBA is planning to set up some training centers in China

C. there’ll be a big storm when NBA comes to China to play against the Sacramento Kings

D. the NBA’s live basket games will be broadcasted on all the TVs in China

3.What seems to be the biggest change that is happening to NBA?

A. NBA is expecting more foreign players to join the league.

B. China’s rapid development in sports affects NBA.

C. Yao Ming has taken the place of Michael Jordan.

D. The NBA will stop teaching the world how to play basketball.

4.When the writer talked of “home soil”, he was referring to        _        _.

A. farms in the States         B. native Americans

C. the NBA training center     D. the USA

5.Which of the following can be used as the best title for the passage?

A. The Non-American Basketball Players

B. NBA Is Coming to China

C. The Foreign Ties That Bind the NBA

D. NBA Is Making Big Progress



Anais Nin was a famous writer. Nin was born French-Cuban but lived in the United States in her later years of life till she died. Nin’s works had her relationships with authors, artists, and other figures as the main subject. Some of her writings were made into films. Nin was also a visiting lecturer in several colleges and promoted Women's Movement with her strong writings.

Anais Nin was born in France in 1903. Her father was a Spanish artist and a composer living in Cuba (古巴) where he met her mother, a French singer working in Cuba. As a child Nin was brought up in Spain. When her parents separated, Nin and her two brothers moved to New York with their mother. At the age of 16, Nin decided to give up studying and started to work as a dancer and model to reduce the financial burden on her mother so that her brothers could go on with their studies.

In 1923, Nin got married to her husband, Hugh Parker Guiler in Cuba. In 1924, Nin and Hugh moved to Paris where Hugh continued with his banking career and Nin started writing. Nin wrote her first book in print, D. H. Lawrence: An Unprofessional Study in 16 days. In 1939, Nin left Paris as it was a French government’s request to its residents to leave Paris because of the coming war. Nin returned to New York with Hugh and sent her written books to Frances Steioff of the Gotham Book Mart in New York for safekeeping.

In 1931, Nin wrote her book Henry and Jun: From the Unexpurgated Diary of Anais Nin. In 1936, Nin published House of Incest which was a 72-page fiction novel

Nin also appeared and was a part of various films. In 1973, Anais Nin was awarded an honorary doctorate         (荣誉博士学位) by the Philadelphia College of Art. In 1974, Nin was elected to the United States National Institute of Arts and Letters.

In 1977, Nin died in her Los Angeles home after battling with cancer for three years.

1.What can we know about Anais Nin from the first paragraph?

A. She was a native American.

B. She started Women’s Movement

C. She gave lectures in several colleges.

D. She wrote mainly about her family life.

2.Why did Anais Nin give up studying at the age of 16?

A. Because she wanted to help support her family.

B. Because her parents divorced.

C. Because she wanted to realize her dream of becoming an artist

D. Because she moved from country to country.

3. In 1939 Nin and her husband moved back to New York to______ .

A. enter the film industry                              B. stay away from war

C. have her books published                            D. promote her new books

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. The awards Anais Nin won.

B. Anais Nin and her incomplete family.

C. The hardship Anais Nin experienced.

D. Anais Nin and her great achievements.



LONDON—Archaeologists have discovered a smaller prehistoric(史前) site near Britain’s famous circle of standing stones at Stonehenge.

Researchers have named the site “Bluehenge” after the color of the 27 Welsh stones that were laid to make up a path. The stones have disappeared, but the path of holes remains.

The new circle, unearthed over the summer by researchers from Sheffield University, represents an important find, researchers said Saturday. The site is about a mile away from Stonehenge.

Bluehenge, about 80 miles southwest of London, is believed to date back to about the time Stonehenge was built, about 5,000 years ago.

Mike Parker Pearson of Sheffield University said he believed the path and stonehenge itself were linked to rituals(仪式) of life and death.

Mike Parker suggested that the ancient funerary rituals began at a different circle site known as “Wood-henge”, which represented the world of the living. The bodies of the dead were then brought down the River Avon to Bluehenge, which represented death, and were finally carried along a ceremonial route known as the Avenue to Stonehenge.

Bournemouth University Professor Tim Darvill, an expert on Stonehenge, told Britain’s Dail Mail that Bluehenge “adds to the richness” of the ancient site’s story.

“This henge is very important because it forms part of the picture of ceremonial monuments in the area and puts Stonehenge into context,” Darvill was quoted(引述) as saying. “It’s no longer Stonehenge standing alone, but it has to be seen in context with the landscape.”

53.How many henges are mentioned in this passage?

A.Two  B.Three       C.Four  D.Five

54.Who believed the Stonehenge is related to ancient ritual of death?

A.Archaeologists from London       B.Welsh researchers

C.Mike Parker Pearson                   D.Professor Tim Darvill

55.What does the underlined sentence “It’s no longer Stonehenge standing alone, but it has to be seen in context with the landscape.” in the last paragraph mean?

A.Stonehenge has noting to do with Bluehenge

B.Woodhenge represented the world of living in ancient times.

C.Bluehenge represented death

D.Stonehenge, Woodhenge and Bluehenge should be studied together

56.From the passage we can learn that ______.

A.researchers have named the site “Bluehenge,” because they have found blue huge stones there

B.funerary rituals were carried out along the path starting from Woodhenge, River Avon to Bluehenge, finally Stonehenge.

C.Bluehenge is 1 mile away from London

D.Bluehenge dates back to 2000 BC


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