
【题目】On a foggy evening, Steven took his old father to a restaurant for dinner. His father was very old and weak. While eating, he______dropped food on his shirt and trousers. Other______watched him in disgust while his son was ______.

The whole restaurant fell _____. All the diners turned away from the father and son one after another while Steven ______his father in a soft voice of a man, “Eat as ______ as you can, father. It will be weeks before I _______back from my business trip.”

At that moment, the old father nodded with_____, tears full of his eyes.

After he finished eating, Steven, his son, who was not at all______, quietly took him to the wash room,______the food particles(饭粒), removed the stains, combed his hair and______ his glasses firmly.

When they came out, the entire restaurant was_____ them in dead silence, not able to understand _______someone could embarrass themselves publicly like that. The son_____ the bill and started walking out with his father.

At that time, an old man among the diners called out to the _______ and asked him, “Don’t you think you have ______ something behind?”.

The son replied, "No sir, I haven't".

The old man insisted, “Yes, you have! You left a(n) ______ for every son and hope for every ______”.

The restaurant went silent. All behind looked at Steven with regret and then, with great respect at both father and son, who were_____ into the fog.

To care for those who once cared for us is one of the_____ honors. We all know how our parents cared for us for every little thing. Love them, respect them, and care for them.

1A. freely B. constantly C. regularly D. silently

2A. waiters B. waitresses C. diners D. men

3A. angry B. calm C. anxious D. fearful

4A. lucky B. happy C. hopeless D. speechless

5A. encouraged B. urged C. begged D. mentioned

6A. quickly B. slowly C. less D. much

7A. run B. write C. come D. phone

8A. unhappiness B. difficulty C. thanks D. surprise

9A. worried B. tired C. regretful D. embarrassed

10A. wiped B. threw C. washed D. ate

11A. pull B. removed C. fitted D. picked

12A. watching B. holding C. commenting D. studying

13A. when B. how C. what D. where

14A. forgot B. counted C. refused D. paid

15A. father B. son C. dinners D. waiter

16A. took B. ignored C. left D. deserted

17A. lesson B. story C. encouragement D. experience

18A. diner B. one C. son D. father

19A. moving B. going C. driving D. running

20A. respected B. best C. highest D. extraordinary
























1B 考查副词辨析。在吃饭期间,他不断地把饭掉在衬衫和裤子上。

2C 考查名词辨析。其他食客厌恶地看着他。

3B 考查形容词辨析。根据下文语境可知,老人的儿子非常镇静。calm 镇静的。

4D 考查形容词辨析。整个餐厅没有人说话。speechless 无语的。

5A 考查动词词义辨析。Steven用男人轻柔的声音鼓励(encouraged)他的父亲。urged 催促; begged 祈求; mentioned 提到。

6D 考查副词词义。根据语境可知,此处指Steven鼓励自己的父亲,尽可能多吃点。

7C 考查动词辨析。Steven要过几个星期才能出差回来。

8B 考查名词辨析。根据前文His father was very old and weak可知,父亲吃力地点点头。with difficulty 困难地,吃力地。

9D 考查形容词辨析。根据语境可知,此处指“Steven一点也不感觉到尴尬,他把父亲静静地带去洗手间”。

10A 考查动词辨析。擦掉了那些饭粒,去除了污渍,梳理他的头发。

11C 考查动词辨析。根据语境可知,此处是指Steven把眼镜固定了一下。

12A 考查动词辨析。当他们出来的时候,整个餐馆的人都静静地看着他们。

13B 考查连词和上下文逻辑。人们无法理解有人怎么会(how)让自己像这样当众出丑。

14D 考查动词辨析。Steven付了账单,和父亲开始往外走。

15B 考查名词词义。就在那时,餐馆中有一老个人叫住了Steven并问他。

16C 考查动词辨析。老者问,你不认为你落下了什么东西吗?

17A 考查名词辨析。老者说,你给每一个儿子上了一课。

18D 靠查名词词义。根据语境可知,此处是指他的行为是一个榜样,“给每个父亲带来了希望”。

19B 考查动词辨析。他们离开了餐馆,走进了雾里。

20C 考查形容词辨析。关心那些曾经关心过我们的人是最荣耀的事情之一。


【题目】Directions: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable sentences to fill in the blanks and complete the passage. There are two extra sentences you do not need.

On a typical hot August day in Xianyou County, Fujian Province, Zeng Demei, a retired worker in his seventies, hurries down a busy street. In his hand is a black leather bag. Zeng opens his bag, taking out two forms. 1

Each of the forms contains detailed information of a student. On his arrival two hours later a woman greets him and leads him to her office where another man is waiting. They are the two village officials. They inspect the forms handed to them by Zeng and immediately recognize the girls. 2 “It’s a pity but it doesn’t matter,” says Zeng, who wastes no time in deciding to look for the remaining child, Su Qinju.

After half an hour, they stop outside a small house made of mud brick. A middle-aged man and a girl in a faded pink dress greet them. Su Qiuju is eight years old. She was forced to drop out of school after both her parents died. She is now living with her uncle who cannot afford his own children’s education. However, the year of education Su Qiuju did complete was a successful one. 3

When they are about to leave, Zeng says, “I must find a supporter for this girl to sponsor her education.” Zeng has made it his retirement task to help children complete their schooling. Back in 1999, Zeng took part in a campaign started by the local women’s organization to help students from poor families. He was so overcome by the tough situation of many poor children that he donated all his money to help out a girl.

His task had begun and since then he has spent his time persuading his friends and neighbors and others to donate money. “To me, children’s education is the most important. 4 I have to find sufficient funding before the school opens in September.”

When asked how long he will keep up his vital work as the community’s guardian angel, he has a simple reply, “Not until my eyes can’t see, and my feet can’t move.”

A. They were having problems with their school work.

B. These are for the two girls he’s going to visit this morning.

C. They live in a small village not very far, though only one of the girls is still living at home.

D. She displayed a talent for handwriting, writing her three-character name neatly and beautifully.

E. The thought of students dropping out of school bothers me so much that I can’t get to sleep at night.

F. Of course, some people question why I would want to give up my retirement to go to so much trouble.

【题目】The word “pub” is short for public house. There are around 60,000 pubs in the U.K. One of the oldest pubs, Fighting Cocks in St. Albans, Herts, is located in a building that dates back to the eleventh century.

1 People talk, eat, drink, meet their friends and relax there. Pubs often have tow bars, one usually quieter than the other, and many have a garden where people can sit in summer.2

Groups of friends normally buy “rounds” of drinks.3 It is sometimes difficult to get served when pubs are busy: the bar staff will usually try and serve those who have been waiting the longest at the bar first.

Most pubs offer a complete range of beers, local and imported, with German, Belgian and French beers being in demand.4 As a matter of fact, pubs sell soft drinks, too.

The legal age to purchase alcohol is 18 in the U.K.5 But they must be with an adult and the adult orders it.

It is illegal to sell alcohol to someone who already appears drunk. Fourteen-year-olds may enter a pub unaccompanied by adults if they order a meal. Children may enter a pub with their parents until 9 p.m., which lets families enjoy reasonably priced pub meals together. And it also allows pubs to play their traditional roles as community centers. Customs in British pubs differ from those in American bars. In most pubs in the U.K., you must go to the bar to order drinks and food and pay for your purchases immediately.

A. Most people might think pubs are places where people simply drink alcohol.

B. The person whose turn it is will buy drinks for all the members of the group.

C. People aged 16 and 17, with the license’s permission, may have only one glass of wine during a meal.

D. In the salon bar the atmosphere is quieter and there are fewer people.

E. Children can go into pub gardens with their parents.

F. Pubs are an important part of British life.

G. British people like drinking beers in pubs.

【题目】 The Ayaidah, a Bedouin tribe in north-eastern Egypt, is the last to practice the Bisha’h to determine whether a suspect (嫌疑犯) in a crime is innocent or guilty. They have to lick () a red-hot spoon in the presence of officials. They are guilty, 1.

Believed to date back to ancient Mesopotamia, Bisha’h was used by most Bedouin tribes (部落) throughout the centuries, but all except the Ayaidah eventually abandoned it. 2. Considered by many of the world’s oldest rude system, Bisha’h was mostly used in situations where a crime was committed, but there were no witnesses. Suspects had to lick a heated spoon to prove their innocence.

The principle behind Bisha’h is that a lying person is nervous and has a dry mouth. 3. If they are innocent, they are relaxed, so the saliva (唾液) on the tongue will protect it against the red-hot metal.

4. This way not only causes physical harm to suspects, but also often leads to their mental damage.

Today, the Bisha’h is used as a last way, 5. It’s also used as a way of scaring suspects into admitting their crimes. For example, if the suspects admit what they had done, there is no need to move on with the Bisha’h. That is considered another weakness of this lie detection system, as some people will accept the blame if it means not having to lick hot metal to prove they are innocent.

A. if their tongue is hurt seriously

B. when they have used these methods

C. So their tongues will be burned by the hot metal

D. when there is no other proof or witnesses available

E. All the countries like the way of punishment

F. This way of punishment is banned in countries like Jordan and Saudi Arabia

G. However, those who are against the punishment think that it is not always the case

【题目】 Body language is the “silence language” of every culture. It is important to know the body language of every country, or we may be misunderstood.

In the United States, people greet each other with a handshake in a formal introduction. The handshake must be firm. If the handshake is weak, it is a sign of weakness or unfriendliness. Friends may place a hand on the other’s arm or shoulder. Some people, usually women, greet a friend with a hug.

Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each other, they usually stand about two or a half feet away and at an angle, so they are not facing each other directly. Americans get uncomfortable when a person stands too close. They will move back to have their space. If Americans touch another person by accident, they say “Pardon me” or “Excuse me”.

Americans like to look the other person in the eye when they are talking. If you don’t do so, it means you are bored, hiding something, or are not interested. But when you stare at someone, it is not polite.

Learning a culture’s body language is sometimes confusing. If you don’t know what to do, the safest thing to do is to smile.

1Suppose you are meeting a customer from United States, how will you greet him?

A.Greet him with a hugB.Stare at him

C.Place a hand on his armD.Shake his hand firmly

2If you stand too close to Americans, they will ________.

A.face you directlyB.move back

C.Say “Pardon me”D.stare at you

3Which of the following statements is True according to the text?

A.Americans stand side by side when talking with friends.

B.Americans show their respect by shaking hands weakly.

C.Americans say “Excuse me” to each other when talking.

D.Americans like to look the other person in the eye when talking.

4If you know nothing about a culture’s body language, you can ________.

A.listen carefully with no expressionB.hide your opinions

C.smileD.stare at others

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