
Money Matters

Parents should help their children understand money. 1. So you may start talking about money when your child shows an interest in buying things, candy or toys, for example.

1. The basic function of money

Begin explaining the basic function of money by showing how people trade money for goods or services. It is important to show your child how money is traded for the things he wants to have. If he wants to have a toy, give him the money and let him hand the money to the cashier(收银员). 2. When your child grows a bit older and understands the basic function of money, you can start explaining more complex ways of using money.

2.Money lessons

Approach money lessons with openness and honesty. 3. If you must say no to a child’s request to spend money, explain, “ You have enough toy trucks for now.” Or, if the request is for many different things , says, “You have to make a choice between this toy and that toy.”

3. 4.

Begin at the grocery store. Pick out two similar brands of a product----a name-brand butter and a generic(无商标商品), for example. You can show your child how to make choices between different brands of a product so that you can save money. 5. If he chooses the cheaper brand, allow him to make another purchase with the money saved. Later, you may explain how the more expensive choice leaves less money for other purchases.

A. Wise decisions

B. The value of money

C. Permit the child to choose between them.

D. Tell your child why he can—or cannot—have certain things.

E. Ask yourself what things that cost money are most important to you.

F. Talk about how the money bought the thing after you leave the toy store.

G The best time to teach a child anything about money is when he shows an interest.



Why do young adult children become independent so much later than they did in 1970,when the average age of independent living was 21? Why have reduced class sizes and increased per-pupil expenditures (花销)not _________ higher academic achievement levels? Why is the mental health of today’s kids so poor when _________ with that of children in the 1960s and before? Why do today’s _________ become defensive when told by teachers that their children have misbehaved in school?

The answer is in two words: parental ___________. Those two words best summarize the ____________ between “old” child raising and new, post-1960s parenting. Then, the general philosophy was that parents were not to be ___________ involved with their kids. They were available ________ emergency, but they stood a (an) __________distance from their kids and allowed them to experience the benefits of the trial-and-error process. It was the child’s __________ , back then, to keep his or her parents from getting involved. That was ___________ children learned to be responsible and determined.

Today’s parents help their kids with almost everything. These are parents who are __________ when it comes to an understanding of their purpose in their kids’lives. Their involvement leads them to personalize everything that happens to their kids; ___________, the defensiveness. But given that schools and mental health professionals have been pushing parent involvement for nearly four decades, the confusion and defensiveness are ____________.

University researchers analyzed three decades of data relating to parent participation in children’s academics. Their conclusions ___________ what I’ve been saying since the 1980s: parental help with homework __________ a child’s academic achievement and is not reflected on standardized tests.

Parents who manage a child’s social life interfere with(干预,阻挠) the _________ of good social skills. Parents who manage a child’s after-school activities grow kids who don’t know how to __________ their own free time. Parents who get involved in their kids’ __________ with peers(伙伴) grow kids who don’t know how to avoid much less trouble.

These kids have anxieties and fears of all sorts and don’t want to leave their _________. And their parents, when the time comes, don’t know how to________ being parents. You can imagine what will become of their future.

1.A. touched on B. counted on C. resulted in D. taken in

2.A. associated B. compared C. linked D. matched

3.A. psychologists B. adolescents C. youths D. parents

4.A. involvement B. protection C. assistance D. preference

5.A. similarities B. differences C. choices D. relations

6.A. slightly B. passively C. fairly D. highly

7.A. in view of B. in spite of C. in case of D. in fear of

8.A. safe B. equal C. long D. short

9.A. fault B. turn C. job D. attitude

10.A. when B. why C. how D. what

11.A. amazed B. disappointed C. confused D. satisfied

12.A. thus B. still C. yet D. however

13.A. unreasonable B. understandable C. changeable D. avoidable

14.A. convinced B. confirmed C. realized D. reflected

15.A. lowers B. decides C. helps D. encourages

16.A. appearance B. performance C. development D. establishment

17.A. value B. fill C. devote D. save

18.A. communication B. cooperation C. conflicts D. competitions

19.A. school B. home C. career D. profession

20.A. stop B. ignore C. consider D. Start

When we’re little, our mother is the center of our attention, and we are the center of hers.

So our mother’ characteristics leave an indelible(持久的)impression, and we are forever after attracted to people with her facial features, body type, personality, even sense of humor. If our mother is warm and giving, as adults we tend to be attracted to people who are warm and giving. If our mother is strong and even-tempered, we are going to be attracted to a fair-minded strength in our mates(伴侣).

The mother has an additional influence on her sons: she not only gives them clues to what they will find attractive in a mate, but also affects how they feel about women in general. So if she is warm and nice, her sons are going to think that’s the way women are. They will probably grow up to be warm and responsive lovers and also be cooperative around the house.

Conversely(相反的), a mother who has a depressive personality, and is sometimes friendly but then suddenly turns cold and rejecting, may raise a man who becomes a “dance-away lover”. Because he’s been so scared about love from his mother, he’s afraid of commitment and may pull away from a girlfriend for this reason.

While the mother determines in large part what qualities attract us in a mate, it’s the father—the first male in our lives—who influences how we relate to the opposite sex. Fathers have an enormous effect on their children’s personalities and chances of marital(婚姻的) happiness.

Just as mothers influence their son’s general feelings toward women, fathers influence their daughter’s general feelings about men. If a father lavishes praise on his daughter and demonstrates that she is a worthwhile person, she’ll feel very good about herself in relation to men. But if the father is cold, critical or absent, the daughter will tend to feel she’s not very lovable or attractive.

In addition, most of us grow up with people of similar social circumstances. We hang around with people in the same town; our friends have about the same educational backgrounds and career goals. We tend to be most comfortable with these people, and therefore we tend to link up with others whose families are often much like our own.

1.Why do our mother’s characteristics leave us an indelible impression?

A. Because we are likely to be attached to people with her characteristics.

B. Because mother and her child are the centers of each other when her child is very young.

C. Because our mother is better than our dad.

D. Because our mother is a woman who is kind to us.

2.What can we know from Paragraphs 2 and 3?

A. The mother only influences her sons.

B. The sons always think women are warm and nice.

C. A mother who has a depressive personality is sure to raise a dance-away lover.

D. The mother has an additional influence on her sons.

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. If our mother is warm and giving, we love to be together with warm and generous people.

B. If our mother is strong and even-tempered, we are going to be attracted to a fair-minded strength in our mates.

C. Mother not only gives her children clues to what they will find attractive in a mate, but also affects how they feel about women in general.

D. Fathers influence their daughter’s general feelings about men.

4.What does the underlined word “lavishes” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?

A. Uses much. B. Uses little.

C. Never uses. D. Seldom uses.

5.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Mothers’ influence on their sons.

B. Parents’ influence on their children.

C. Parents’ impression on their children.

D. Fathers’ influence on their daughters.

Tu Youyou, the 85-year-old Chinese pharmacologist(药理学家),received the Nobel Prize for medicine in Stockholm on December 10,2015. Tu is the first Chinese Nobel winner in physiology(生理学)or medicine. Also, in 2011, she became the first Chinese person to receive the US-based Lasker Award for clinical medicine.

Based on a fourth-century Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) text, together with her team, she managed to get artemisinin(青蒿素)from sweet wormwood through trial and error and developed an important drug that has significantly reduced death rates among patients suffering from malaria. Tu delivered a speech titled Artemisinin is a Gift from TCM to the World. She has urged more research into the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine and called for joint efforts worldwide to fight against malaria and develop more potential uses for TCM, which she called a "great treasure" with thousands of years' history and empirical knowledge. She said that by combining TCM with modem scientific technologies, "more potential can be discovered in searching for new drugs " .

According to the WHO, more than 240 million people in sub-Saharan Africa have benefited from artemisinin, and more than l. 5 million lives are estimated to have been saved since 2000 thanks to the drug. Apart from its contribution to the global fight against malaria, TCM played a vital role in the deadly outbreak of SARS across China in 2003.

Besides treating viruses, TCM has been most effective in diagnosing diseases, cultivating fitness, treating difficult multisource illnesses, and using nonmedical methods such as acupuncture (钟刺疗法) and breathing exercises.

However, TCM, which is based on a set of beliefs about human biology, is seldom understood or accepted by the West. Tu's success will bring more recognition and respect for TCM, experts say. The Western world should learn to appreciate the value of the treasures of TCM, which will lead to more basic scientific research into ancient TCM texts and ways to explore research findings worldwide.

1.In this passage the author mentions _ prize( s) that Tu Youyou received.

A. one B. two C. three D. four

2.The underlined word "malaria" in Paragraph 2 refers to "a kind of ".

A. medicine B. animal. C. plant D. disease

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. This success may encourage Easterners to learn more about Chinese medicine.

B. Nothing remains to be done in researching into TCM theories and texts.

C. More research into the value of TCM should be carried out worldwide.

D. TCM only contributes to the fight against malaria and SARS in China.

4.What's the passage mainly about?

A. TCM is based on thousands of years of practice in China.

B. Nobel winner, Tu Youyou, strongly supports TCM research.

C. Artemisinin is now widely used to fight against Malaria.

D. Westerners will appreciate the value of the treasures of TCM.

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