
Mom was right! If you say thank you, for even the smallest gift or slightest show of kindness, you’ll feel happy.
Gratitude, says Robert A. Emmons, a professor or psychology at the University of California, is an important element of happiness. In his recent took, Thanks!, Emmons uses the first major study on gratitude to prove mom’s point. In acknowledging and developing this much-ignored expression of thankfulness, he explains how people have benefited---- even improved their health.
As one of the leading scholars of the positive psychology movement, he admits gratitude may be difficult to express. He advises you to begin by admitting that life is good and full of events and elements that make daily existence a wonder. Second, recognize that the source of life’s goodness is more than just you. That source may be your mom, a friend, partner, child, colleague at work or play, or any combination of these.
Gratitude is always other-directed, notes Emmons. You can be pleased or angry with yourself and feel guilty about doing something wrong, but you can never be grateful to or for yourself.
Expressing gratitude shouldn’t be a reaction; it should be a state of mind. To feel grateful when life is a breeze and you have more than you need is easy. To feel grateful in time of crisis---- anger, hatred and bitterness----is easier. Also, too many people are aware of life’s blessings only after these are lost.
It’s crisis and chaos ---- danger, disease, disability and death ---- that bring many individuals to realize just how dependent they are on others. Yet it’s the way each of us begins life and ends it. It’s too bad that so many people waste those decades in between labouring under the illusion they are self-sufficient, says Emmons.
The abundance of voices expressing gratitude from his studies of individuals with chronic health problems is many. But Emmons goes beyond his “groundbreaking” science to make his case for gratitude by including the inspirational writings of philosophers, novelists and saints, as well as the beliefs of various religions and their respective scriptures. Taken together, these observations are summed up quite nicely by famous humanist Albert Schweitzer, who said the secret of life is “giving thanks for everything.”
To enable and embrace gratitude, Emmons encourages the readers of Thanks! To keep a gratitude diary. He even provides easy-to-follow directions on how to practice and develop gratitude.
I’m not a reader or advocate of self-help books, but I am thankful for the reference I found in a newspaper article to the research Emmons was conducting on gratitude involving organ donors and recipients. The chance discovery led me to this book.
Mom implied that kindness seems to find its way back to the giver because life really is all about giving, receiving and repaying. So I’ll pay attention to her professional advice and say: Thank you, professor Emmons.
小题1:What is the text mainly discussed?
A.There are many ways of being thankful.
B.Gratitude is important to happiness.
C.Mom is great for her being thankful.
D.Being thankful will keep you fit.
小题2:The author mentions Robert A. Emmons’ book Thanks! In order to prove that ___.
A. Professor Emmons supports mom’s study on psychology.
B. mom is as great a psychologist as Professor Emmons.
C. Professor Emmons is a famous psychologist.
D. mom is right about her viewpoint on gratitude.
小题3:It will be easier for you to feel grateful when ___________.
A.you live a comfortable life
B.you receive gifts on your birthday
C.you get help during your hard times
D.you are congratulated on your success
小题4:What is the opinion of Professor Emmons?
A.It is enough to thank others orally.
B.Whether you are thankful is always up to you.
C.Remember to be thankful anytime and anywhere.
D.It is easier to be thankful for yourself than for others.
小题5:In the writer’s opinion, Emmons’ book Thanks! On gratitude is _______.

小题1:B 主旨大意题。根据文章的第二段Gratitude, says Robert A. Emmons, a professor or psychology at the University of California, is an important element of happiness.可知文章讨论的是Gratitude是幸福的而一个重要元素,故B正确。
小题2:D 细节题。根据文章第二段第2,3行In his recent took, Thanks!, Emmons uses the first major study on gratitude to prove mom’s point.可知作者提出这本书正是想证明妈妈的观点是正确的,故D正确。
小题3:C 细节题。根据第五段2,3行To feel grateful in time of crisis---- anger, hatred and bitterness----is easier.可知C正确。
小题4:C 推理题。根据文章倒数第四段Taken together, these observations are summed up quite nicely by famous humanist Albert Schweitzer, who said the secret of life is “giving thanks for everything.”可知我们要为任何事情表达出我们的感激之情,无论在什么地方,或者什么时候。
小题5:D 推理题。根据文章最后一句I’ll pay attention to her professional advice and say: Thank you, professor Emmons。可知作者很感激Emmons,认为他的建议是很有帮助的,故D正确。
One evening I was resting in a cafe. I  36  a pair of newly bought white leather shoes, which were rather expensive. Then a boy came to me.
He was in a(n) 37  shirt, looking pale and about eleven. No sooner had I begun to speak than he opened the  38  in his hand and took out the tools of shoe-polishing. He  39  down, took off my leather shoes, and began to shine them.
He was busy doing his work  40  heavy rain began to pour down. People rushed to the café for  41  from the rain. More and more people crowded  42  and gradually separated the boy from me.
Hours passed, and it turned  43  . I had no shoes on my feet and  44  where the boy had been. I thought he would not  45  my shoes, and I would have to go home on my bare feet.
When it was near midnight the  46  ended, and there were fewer and fewer people in the café. The café was to be  47  . I had to move to the door, head  48  . just as I went to the gate, I 49  found that a boy of about eleven, looking very familiar, was sleeping at the 50  with his head leaning against a box and his upper body being  51  . he held a package made of his shirt tightly in his arms..
I shook him slightly and woke him up. He  52  up and rubbed his eyes for a while before he recognized me. Then he opened the package  53  , gave me my leather shoes, and apologized to me shyly. I  54  him and wrapped him with his unfit shirt, which had wrapped my leather shoes. On my way home, the  55  of the boy stayed in my mind.
A.protection B.restC.hideD.preparation
A.outB.away C.inD.off
A.thought B.wonderedC.guessedD.imagined
A.loweredB.droppedC.raised D.held
A.shortlyB.surprisedly C.sadlyD.immediately
A.tableB.door C.bedD.café
A.stayed B.standC.jumpedD.got
A.finally B.suddenlyC.unfriendlyD.hurriedly
Many years ago, there was a story of a school teacher—Mrs. Thompson. She told the children on the first day that she loved them all the same. But that was a lie. There in the front row was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard. He didn’t play well with the other children and he always needed a bath. She did not like him.
Then Mrs. Thompson got to know that Teddy was actually a very good boy before the death of his mother. Mrs. Thompson was ashamed of herself. She felt even worse when, like all her other students, Teddy brought her a Christmas present too. It was his mother’s perfume.
Teddy said, “Mrs. Thompson, today you smell just like my Mom used to.” After the children left she cried for at least an hour. On that very day, she stopped teaching reading, writing and maths. Instead, she began to teach children.
Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. The boy’s mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he improved. By the end of the sixth grade, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class.
Six years went by before she got a letter from Teddy. He wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life. He went to college. Mrs. Thompson got two more letters from him with the last one signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, M. D.(医学博士).
The story doesn’t end there. On his wedding day, Dr. Stoddard whispered in Mrs. Thompson’s ear, “Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, for believing in me. You made me feel important and showed me that I could make a difference.”
Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back, “Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn’t know how to teach until I met you."
小题1:What first impression did Teddy give Mrs. Thompson?
C.Hewas dirty and not easy-going.
小题2:According to the first paragraph, which is true between Teddy and his teacher?
A.Mrs. Thompson had a dislike of Teddy at first.
B.Mrs. Thompson didn’t play well with him.
C.Mrs. Thompson loved him all the time.
D.Mrs. Thompson told Teddy not to tell a lie.
小题3:Why did Teddy become one of the smartest children in the class?
A.Mrs. Thompson paid little attention to him.
B.Mrs. Thompson gave him encouragement more often
C.Teddy was cleverer than before.
D.Teddy got on well with other students.
小题4:Why did Teddy invite Mrs. Thompson to his wedding?
A.Teddy kept in touch with her all the time.
B.Teddy thanked her for her help and encouragement.
C.Teddy was treated by the teacher like her son.
D.She had taught him how to judge people.
小题5:From the passage, we can infer that ______.
A.we should love our teacher
B.we shouldn’t tell a lie in any way
C.knowledge can’t be important
D.motherlycare can really make a difference
I was blind, but I was ashamed of it if it was known. I refused to use a white stick and  36  asking for help. After all, I was a teenage girl, and I couldn’t bear people to look at me and think I was not  37  them. I must have been a terrible danger on the roads. Coming across me wandering through the traffic, motorists probably would have to step  38  on their brakes. Apart from that, there were all sorts of disasters that used to occur on the way to and from work.
One evening, I got off the bus about halfway home where I had to change buses, and as usual I  39  something. “I’m awfully sorry,” I said and stepped forward only to run into it again. When it happened a third time, I realized I had been  40  to a lamppost. This was just one of the  41  things that constantly happened to me. So I carried on and found the bus stop, which was a request stop, where the bus wouldn’t stop  42  passengers wanted to get on or off. No one else was there and I had to try to guess if the bus had arrived.
Generally in this situation, because I hated  43   I was blind by asking for help, I tried to guess at the sound. Sometimes I would  44  a big lorry and stand there feeling stupid as it drew away. In the end, I usually managed to  45  my pride and ask someone at the stop for help.
 46  on this particular evening no one joined me at the stop; it seemed that everyone had suddenly decided not to travel by bus. Of course I heard plenty of buses pass, or I thought I did. But because I had given up stopping them  47  making a fool of myself. I let them all go by. I stood there alone for half an hour without stopping one. Then I gave up. I decided to walk on to the next stop.
A.bravely B.rapidlyC.slowlyD.cautiously
A.came intoB.ran intoC.got intoD.turned into
A.ifB.whenC.unlessD.as long as
A.showingB.acceptingC.representing D.understanding
A.planB.stopC.get onD.ask for
A.revealB.substitute C.submitD.swallow
A.in spite ofB.for fear ofC.instead ofD.in terms of
One day I came home from school, changed my clothes and got ready for work. I work at a local restaurant in town as a cashier and waiter.
I went to work feeling   36  . And to make matters worse, I was busy that evening. It' s the same thing over and over again.  37 with customers who complain about their food andwhere they are  38 is too big or too small. Little things like that tend to  39 a lot of us  40 but we manage to deal with it.
Three elderly ladies walked in and sat by the windows. It happened to be the very   41  near where I keep the dirty   42 in the boxes. Trying to keep up with all the dirty tables, customers leaving and coming in and   43 running all over the house, it was crazy.  44  these elderly women were watching   45  I was working to make sure every table was clean and ready for the next customers.
When they   46  their meals, I took their plates back to the kitchen. They talked to me for a while about school, how I was doing, what   47  I was in and what I planned to do in the future.
 48 they were leaving, they walked past me and one of them said to me in a  49  and gentle voice, “You are going places.(你前途无量) And that was it.” They left the  50 and I had tears in my eyes, because they gave me  51 to believe in myself.They   52  my spirit from being down and gave me a   53 to keep on working hard.
People used to tell me that I couldn’t have a career in    54  until I had a degree. I'm now a co-anchor (联合主持人) of a student-produced television  55 . And the best thing is: I'm only 17 years old and I am a senior in high school.
A.seatedB. satC.laidD.seating
A.attractB.avoidC.annoyD. adjust
A.tableB.boxC.kitchenD. spot
A.put downB.picked upC.took overD.pointed out
Money, jewels and important documents are not the only valuable placed in banks these days. Some mothers store their breast milk in banks.
There’re ten breast banks set up across the United States, where mothers can donate their extra milk for other women’s babies. Experts say breast milk is the best food for babies. The World Health Organization says it is the only food babies should get during the first six months of life, in most cases. Breast milk is especially important for babies born too early. Sometimes these premature babies must stay in the hospital for many weeks.
James Cameron is a doctor who treats newborns at Lutheran Children’s Hospital in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He says breast milk is almost like medicine. Doctor James Cameron said, “The fact is that there are so many different proteins and specialized sugars in the breast milk that the mom’s able to make that help provide immunity. It’s very important for the health of the newborn.”
There are several reasons some mothers may not be able to breastfeed. Some are not able to produce enough milk. Others might be taking medicines or have medical problems that prevent the process.
Lucy Baur lives near Fort Wayne. She fed her milk to both her children and always had more milk than they needed. She wanted to donate to the Indiana Mothers Milk Bank in Indianapolis. But freezing and shipping milk can be costly. Then, a donor station opened near her home.
Milk donations in the United States work like this: Donors must be willing to provide almost three liters of breast milk. They freeze the milk and take it to the station. There, employees warm the milk and mix it with other mothers’ milk. Then, the milk is heated to kill bacteria. After that, the technicians test samples of all the milk to make sure it is safe and healthful. The milk is re-frozen and sent to the main milk bank. The milk bank transports the milk to hospitals to feed premature or sick babies. Donors are tested for diseases before any milk is accepted. They are not permitted to smoke tobacco, use illegal drugs or drink too much alcohol.
小题1:The purpose of setting up breast milk banks is to_____.
A.store extra fresh milk for school children
B.provide milk to children who go hungry
C.help mothers donate milk to other babies
D.offer free breast milk to premature babies
小题2:The breast milk is important for newborns because_____.
A.it protects them from any possible disease
B.it contains rich nutrients that they need
C.it is the only food that babies can eat
D.it benefits them as the best medicine
小题3:The underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refers to____.
A.milk bank employeesB.milk bank doctors
C.milk bank nursesD.breast milk donors
小题4:Which of the following shows the process of milk donations in the USA?
a. The mixed breast milk is heated to kill bacteria.
b. Breast milk is donated by mothers, frozen by them and sent to the stations.
c. The breast milk samples are tested for safety reason.
d. Different donors’ breast milk is warmed and mixed together by the station.
e. The milk is frozen again and sent to the main milk bank.
I still clearly remember that day. I was on the side of the road for close to four hours with my big Jeep. I put signs in the windows that said, “NEED A JACK(千斤顶)”.
Right as I was about to give up, a truck stopped and a man got off. He sized up the situation and went back to take a jack. After about two hours, we finished the job with sweats. We were both dirty. His wife produced a large water jug for us to wash our hands in.
I tried to put $20 in the man’s hand, but he wouldn’t take it, so instead I went up and gave it to his wife as quietly as I could. I thanked them up one side and down the other. I asked the little girl, their daughter, where they lived, thinking maybe I’d send them a gift. She said they lived in Mexico. They were in Oregon now so Mommy and Daddy could pick cherries for the next few weeks. After that, they were going to pick peaches, and then go back home.
After I said my goodbyes and started walking back to the Jeep, the girl called out and asked if I’d had lunch. When I told her no, she ran up and handed me a tamale(玉米粽子). I thanked them again and walked back to my car. When I opened the tamale, what did I find inside? My $20 bill! I ran to the van and the guy rolled down his window. He saw the $20 in my hand, started shaking his head smiling, and with what looked like great concentration said in English: “Today you, tomorrow me.” Then he rolled up his window and drove away, with his daughter waving to me from the back.
This family, working on a seasonal basis where time is money, took a couple of hours to help a stranger while others passed by quietly.
Since then I’ve helped many people like the Mexican family. I didn’t accept money. But every time I was able to help, I felt as if I was putting something in the bank.
小题1:From the passage we know that __________.
A.the Mexican man couldn’t speak English
B.the author’s car broke down on the road
C.the Mexican family came to Oregon for a visit
D.$20 was a small amount for the Mexican family
小题2:Why did the author give the money quietly to the man’s wife?
A.Because the man had refused to accept it.
B.Because the man’s wife needn’t wash her hands.
C.Because the author thought the Mexican family was poor.
D.Because the author thought the man’s wife would take it.
小题3:The Mexican man helped the author because he tended to think that ___________.
A.it was completely wrong for others to pass by quietly
B.it was quite easy to help the author mend the jeep
C.it was possible that everyone might get into trouble
D.the author was a polite stranger and deserved the help
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE about the author?
A.He hated those who didn’t offer help.
B.He would send a present to the family soon.
C.He wondered why they didn’t take the money.
D.He considered helping others as saving money in the bank.
小题5:What can we infer from the passage?
A.The Mexican family lived a richer life than the author.
B.The Mexican family did seasonal work in Oregon each year.
C.The author was inspired to help others by the Mexican family.
D.What made the writer moved was the tamale given by the girl.
December 24 arrived along with a heavy snow. It was my first Christmas Eve without my mother, and the day’s usual  36  had disappeared.
The telephone rang. I  37  it and went to my bedroom to bury the continuous 38 , knowing it must be my friend Rebecca calling. How could I be  39 ? I wanted to be left  40 .
My heart felt as  41  as the falling snow.  42  can I stop missing my mother?
I  43  the window. Seeing Rebecca’s car parked out front, I went back to my bed and drew the covers over my head.
“Lucy!” she shouted. “I know you’re in there. Answer the door!”
“Leave me alone!” I  44  back. I heard paper rustling(沙沙作响) as she slid  45  under the door.
“Merry Christmas, ” she called out.
Not answering the  46  made me even 47. It wasn’t fair to my best friend. Her father and sister  48  in a car accident when she was eight years old.  49 , her mother had to return to  50 , and Rebecca was left to look after herself.
When she left, I carried the small package, sat down and  51  it. Inside was a golden pen and a journal. When I opened the journal’s front cover, out fell a bookmark with a(n)   52  written on it:
Dear Lucy,  
My words won’t heal(治愈)the 53  . But your own words can.
As I stared at the journal’s blank pages, a single tear fell on the page which quickly absorbed it.
That night, I  54  the phone and dialed her number.
“Looks like the snow is melting(融化), ” I said. “Spring was just ___55____the corner.”
A.looked throughB.looked intoC.looked outD.looked up
A.more helpfulB.more attractiveC.worseD.better
A.As a wholeB.As a resultC.In allD.In general
A.failureB.pain C.wishD.shame
A.picked upB.picked outC.pushed backD.put away
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
There once was a happy monkey in the jungle. He was wandering all days, eating delicious fruit when hungry and    36   when tired. One day he came upon a house, where he saw a bowl of the most beautiful   37  . He took one in each hand and ran back into the forest.
The monkey tried to eat them, but hurt his teeth. The apples were made of wood, but they were beautiful, and when the other monkeys said that they  38  them, he held onto them even tighter.
The monkey admired his new possessions proudly as he wandered the jungle. The two apples glistened (闪亮) red in the    39  , and seemed perfect to him. He became so attached to them that he didn’t even notice his    40   at first.
A fruit tree reminded him, but he felt the apples in his hands. He couldn’t bear to set them down to reach for the fruit. In fact, he couldn’t    41  , either, if he was to defend his apples. This proud, but less happy monkey continued to walk along the forest trails (小路).
The apples became    42  , and the poor little monkey thought about leaving them behind. He was tired and hungry; he couldn’t climb trees or collect fruit with his hands    43  . What if he just let go (释放)?
Letting go of such    44   things seemed crazy, but what else could he do? He was so tired. Seeing the next fruit tree and smelling its fruit, the monkey stopped. He   45   the wooden apples and reached up for his meal. He was happy again.
Like that little monkey, we    46   carry things that seem too valuable. Letting go of them seems crazy. But    47  : only with open hands can we receive something else.
A.appearance B.hunger
A.finished B.droppedC.soldD.passed

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