
【题目】 You look tired. Shall we stop to have a break?

__________ I can hardly walk farther.

A. Of course you are right.

B. Never mind.

C. Not at all.

D. Why not?


【解析】句意:一你看起来累了我们停下休息一会儿吧一为什么不呢我几乎再也走不动了。Why not为什么不呢,表示非常同意。Never mind不要紧",Not at all根本不


【题目】Computer games have been criticised for quite some time over a whole range of issues. Some people say they are overly violent and encourage violent behaviour particularly in children. Others say that they make children unsociable and are bad for their eyes. Some have even attributed falling standards of literacy and a lack of interest in reading on them. Now, however, it seems that computer games have also become a feminist issue.

Game manufacturers have, for some time, been looking to increase the number of female game players. The vast majority of computer games still sell to a mainly male market. Perhaps this is because the violent nature of many of the games appeals more to males or perhaps because many of the main characters in the games are male. Manufacturers' attempts to produce more female characters increase their share of the female gaming market which has met with serious criticism from many women's groups.

While heroines such as Lara Croft of the Tomb Raider game are seen as providing positive role models of strong women, many believe that the character's unrealistic Barbies are subconsciously setting unattainable standards in the minds of young women. Perhaps a stronger criticism is that although many games now include female characters, their role is often secondary and they support the main, male, action characters within the games. Of course the nature of many of the games remains violent and destructive and this in itself could well continue to put off female gamers.

There are now, however, a number of web sites springing up on the World Wide Web to help women deal with this issue. Sites such as Game Girlz, Women Gamers and Game Gal offer game reviews, articles, discussion forums and even employment opportunities for women interested in becoming part of the rapidly expanding games industry. The games are reviewed by women from a very female perspective. Some rate the games from one to ten across a range of criteria which include the appearance of the female characters, the degree of intelligence attributed to them in the game and even the marketing attitude adopted by the company. The sites are obviously looking for games that move away from the very male dominated and violent nature of the majority of computer games. Many of them review games that are more constructive and developmental. Although the common fantasy themes of knights, witches and goblins(妖精) still exist within these games, the aims are often very different. Instead of destroying opposing armies,the aim of the game can be to make peace with them.

With this increased degree of awareness and involvement from women in the games industry many positive changes could be made that could encourage more women and young girls to become enthusiastic about technology. Perhaps we may even find more male gamers moving away from the traditional violent and destructive games towards the more positive values promoted by these more feminine role models, after all Tomb Raider is still one of the most popular computer games on the market, but perhaps that's too much to ask.

【1What is paragraph 1 mainly about ?

A. The violence in computer games.

B. Common criticisms of computer games.

C. Children’s feeling in computer games.

D. The computer issues.

【2Manufacturers want to produce more female characters in order to _______.

A. increase sales in the male market

B. help women learn how to play computer games

C. encourage more women to buy computer games

D. increase the number of male game players

【3From the passage we know that Tomb Raider is _______.

A. a film which provides positive role models of strong women

B. a site which helps women to deal with many issues

C. a female role which is secondary in many games

D. a computer game which is very popular on the market

【4】Which would be the best title for the passage ?

A. Girls’ Games B. Computer Games

C. Children’s Games D. Games Industry

【题目】Talking plants might sound like characters in a fairy tale. But recent scientific studies have shown that plants communicate with each other and with other living things in a surprising number of ways. To understand them, scientists say, we just have to learn their language. Farmers are especially interested in what plants have to say.

“Plants are able to communicate with all sorts of organisms(有机体). They can communicate with giant bacteria, with other plants and with insects. They do this chemically, ”said Cahill, an Ecology Professor of the University of Alberta in Canada.

Plant scientists are just beginning to understand this chemical “language”. Cahill says studies have shown, for example, that plants can evaluate conditions in their immediate environment and take appropriate actions. Plants have an ability, for example, to signal pain or discomfort caused by anything from temperature extremes to an insect attack. Jack Schultz, a professor of chemical ecology at the University of Missouri, says when a plant senses that it’S being eaten, it cannot walk away from trouble;on the contrary, it will release a chemical vapor that alerts other plants nearby.

“Their language is a chemical language, and it involves chemicals that move through the air, which are easily to be changed, and most of all are smells that we are familiar with, Schultz explained.

“All plants responded to the attack by changing their chemistry to defend themselves, Schultz recalled. “But we were quite surprised to find that nearby plants also changed their chemistry to defend themselves, even though they were not part of the experiment.

Studies have also shown that plants under attack release pleasant chemicals. Those chemicals attract friendly insects that attack the pests eating the plant.

In the end, plants’ability to communicate their needsand our ability to understand themcould help farmers reduce the use of poisonous chemicals, cut operating costs and limit damage to the environment.

1The recent scientific studies have shown that plants can __________.

A. communicate with other living things in a chemical way

B. hardly react to any sudden change in temperature

C. use a very special chemical language which is familiar to us

D. respond to the attack by giving off poisonous chemicals

2When being eaten by a pest, the plant will ___________.

A. walk away from trouble

B. change its chemistry to kill the insect

C. release a chemicaI vapor to “ask” other plants for help

D. give off nice chemicals to attract friendly insects to a tack the pest

3The underlined word “alerts” most probably means “___________”.

A. warns B. protects

C. threatens D. allows

4Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. Communication between Plants

B. A Chemical “Language”

C. Plants Can Talk

D. How Plants Protect Themselves

【题目】Mr. Sankaram, a physics teacher, was known for his antics(滑稽动作)in his classroom to make the dull lessons in physics lively and interesting. Mixing different chemical drugs in the lab to become new substances in chemistry makes students excited. While studying botany or zoology, students can visit a garden or zoo. But physics limits students to listening to the boring lectures which are hard to understand. For example, why an apple dropping from a tree travels downwards but not upwards. But Mr. Sankaram’s classroom antics to cause students to listen to topics such as how sound travels in air or why light travels faster than sound made him stand out from the rest of the teachers.

At that time, most students in our school attended the college to please their parents, and some parents were proud of their children for simply attending a college, no-matter whether they benefited or not. They didn’t study hard. But a few students were diligent and they wanted to study pre-medical courses to gain admission into the medical school. The schooling of pre-medical courses was very expensive. The college was next to the medical school. The wall separating them was about four feet high. Few tried to jump over the wall to get free pre-medical courses. Doing this was at risk of injuries and the climbing was forbidden.

The college where Mr. Sankaram taught was known for unruly and naughty students. The unruly students usually sat at the back of the classroom. When a student from the back of the classroom tried/span> to disrupt the class, Mr. Sankaram would say, “Dare you go ahead to make noise? Can you jump over the four-foot wall to get into the medical school?” The student’s face went red and he became silent. In the physics class . I sat in the first row to escape from the troublemakers at the back. One day during the class. Mr. Sankaram unexpectedly asked me, “Can you jump over the four-foot wall?” I shook my head and answered, “No, sir, I couldn’t jump over a one-foot wall, let alone a four-foot wall.” Mr. Sankaram wasn’t satisfied with my reply but waved his hand for me to sit down. He looked at me in the eyes hard and said, “If you can. Believe in yourself!”

There were stories about Mr. Sankaram’s past history. As a student at same college years ago, he went into much depression for some time when he couldn’t get into the medical school. In fact he could have been admitted by the school by his ability of studying. Because his family couldn’t afford his pre-medical courses and he didn’t dare to climb the wall, he often walked back and forth along the four-foot wall talking to himself and sometimes cried over his failure. Whether this story was true or false it was passed on from year to year. So Mr. Sankaram had a nickname “four-foot.” It was true that he left his dream to his students and he began challenging the students’ ability to jump over the four-foot wall to get into the medical school.

A a student I failed at my attempt to get admission into the medical school. In fact not all students wanted to be a doctor. And years later I ended up as a chemistry teacher at the same college. I thank Mr. Sankaram for his encouragement to me, and I am determined to follow his example to make my class interesting. Mr. Sankaram passed away years ago. He will always be remembered for his wonderful teaching techniques such as dancing movements and his encouraging words.

【1Which subject was boring in the author’s opinion?

A. Botany B. Physics C. Chemistry D. zoology

【2Most of the author’s schoolmates went to college to _____.

A. make their parents happy

B. learn a skill of making a living

C. study abroad after graduation

D. find a good job after graduation

【3Why wasn’t Mr. Sankaram satisfied with the author’s reply?

A .He didn’t think the author was diligent.

B. He thought the author lacked confidence.

C .The author didn’t know what he meant

D .The author was shy while answering it.

【4Mr. Sankaram’s failing to get into the medical school______.

A. resulted in getting his nickname “four-foot”

B. caused him to be forever depressed and to cry every day

C. made him work hard to let his students realize his dream

D. made him complain the life was unfair and he was not lucky

【5We can infer from this passage that the author_____.

A. wanted to become a doctor very much in fact

B. regretted that he didn’t respect Mr. Sankaram

C. was bornspan> in a rich family and once a good student

D. is a good teacher in the college where he once studied

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