
  Thirty million people visit Paris every year and when you are standing in a queue at the Louvre waiting to have a look at the Mona Lisa,it is possible to think that each and every one of them is in the same room as you.

  But it is possible to see the iconic sites of the City of Lights without falling into the crowded tourists.

  My favourite way to enjoy Paris is to

take enough money to last a visit of at least two months. I did this when I was 20. I lived in a poor hotel on Rue St. Jacques around the corner from the Sorbonne and the Jardin du Luxembourg. Surviving on 100 francs a day, I ate baguettes, tomatoes and a jar of mayon-naise. I drank my short blacks while standing at the counter of cafes. I walked everywhere,down the city's grand avenues and up its hid-den old alleyways. I loved every single pover-ty-covered moment of that winter.

  I've been back several times since for shorter trips. Each time, Paris offers new joys and discoveries.

  An increasingly popular way to get that true Parisienne (巴黎女子的) touch to your trip is to rent an apartment. Brisbane author Nerida Newtown loved the “at home” feeling when she and her family realized a long-term dream by living in Paris for a few months.

  If you can't manage a long stay, never fear. Jodie Minus's excitable account of her whirlwind trip to the City of Lights shows how you can get the most out of Paris in a short time. Jenny Stevens managed to show a first-time visitor much of Paris. But now it's over to you: Share your secrets and passions about Paris.

(1) The text is mainly to tell readers________.

[  ]

A.where to visit in Paris

B.some tips on how to visit Paris

C.the writer's experience of visiting Paris

D.the introduction of Paris

(2) Those who want to get tips on short trips in Paris had better contact________.

[  ]

A.the Mona Lisa

B.Jodie Minus

C.Jenny Stevens

D.the writer

(3) According to the text, “ the City of Lights” should refer to“________”.

[  ]

A.the city of Paris

B.the hotel the writer ever lived in

C.a famous tourist attraction in Paris

D.the name of a Paris' street

(4) According to the writer, in order to know better about Paris, visitors________.

[  ]

A.should read Nerida Newtown's novels first

B.had better plan a long trip there

C.must get advice from Jenny Stevens

D.should visit Louvre for the Mona Lisa



阅读下列短文, 从所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。             


    The tooth had been troubling Dick for some time. He knew he 1 have gone to the dentist's earlier. But in spite of the 2 he had put it off. He always put off going to the dentist's as long as possible.

       The dentist smiled pleasantly at first. Dick 3 him that the tooth had kept him awake the 4 before. Then the dentist looked 5 his mouth, but he did not look only at the bad one. Instead he looked them all over.

      "Hmm," he said," I'm afraid several of your teeth need 6 to." He smiled again. But this time it was a rather grim (可怕的) smile. He began to describe (描述) exactly 7 needed doing.

       Dick asked about the tooth that had been aching."I may be able to 8 it," the dentist said, and smiled grimly again. He got his electric   drill (电钻) ready. "Now," he said with 9 grim smile," this 10 hurt too much." He came nearer.               

 1. A. can    B. might    C. should    D. would  [  ]  2. A. difficulty       B. discomfort   C. pain           D. trouble         [  ]  3. A. asked  B. spoke    C. talked    D. told   [  ]  4. A. afternoon        B. day       C. evening        D. night           [  ]  5. A. at     B. for    C. into    D. out    [  ]  6. A. checking         B. examining   C. looking        D. seeing          [  ]  7. A. that   B. what     C. where     D. which  [  ]  8. A. save   B. lose     C. pull    D. take   [  ]  9. A. another  B. any    C. one     D. other  [  ] 10. A. can't  B. couldn't   C. mightn't  D. wouldn't [  ]  


    Mr. White was the owner of a hotel in London. One weekend all of the   hotels were full 11 a large meeting being held in the city. On   Saturday night three men came into the hotel and asked for the rooms.   Mr. White 12 there were no rooms for them. The men didn't know 13 to do because they had no place to stay.

       Mr. White wanted to help them. He 14 that Room 418, a very small   room, was empty. He asked them 15 they would share a room. The three men said they 16 .

      Mr. White soon told them that the room would be 30 pounds—40 pounds   for each day. Each man gave him 10 pounds and then they went 17 to the room.  Mr. White soon began to feel sorry." Thirty pounds it too 18 for a small room." He called his assistant over and said," Here is five   pounds. Give it to the men in Room 418. They 19 me too much for the room."

    The assistant took the money. While he was 20 the way to Room 418, he thought," How can three men 21 5 pounds? I'll give each of them only one pound, and I will 22 two pounds. They will be happy to get anything   back. I'll make 23 money and Mr. White will never know." So, he returned one pound to each man.

      Each man had first paid ten pounds. After the assistant gave one   pound back to him, each man had actually paid only 24 .£9×3=£27. The assistant kept£2. £2+£27=£29. 25 is the missing pound?

11. A. for     B. because of    C. because   D. and  [  ] 12. A. explained          B. told    C. talked             D. answered      [  ] 13. A. how     B. where       C. what    D. when [  ] 14. A. forgot  B. remembered    C. wanted    D. answered                                [  ] 15. A. that    B. way       C. what    D. if   [  ] 16. A. should  B. needed      C. would     D. could[  ] 17. A. away    B. down      C. forward   D. off  [  ] 18. A. many    B. little      C. much    D. few  [  ] 19. A. paid    B. seat      C. borrowed  D. lent [  ] 20. A. in    B. on        C. at      D. by   [  ] 21. A. divide  B. hide      C. get     D. fetch[  ] 22. A. make    B. save      C. keep    D. spend[  ] 23. A. a few   B. little      C. few     D. a little                                [  ]  24. A.£7    B.£8        C.£9      D. £10 [  ] 25. A. Which   B. Whose       C. How     D. Where[  ]  


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1~25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。  

    In the western world's largest 1 plant, which pours 1,000 tons of steel every hour, thirty-four-year-old Ray Bagrosky, works as an electrical helper. Bagrosky is one of a team which repairs motors for the Bethichen Steel Plant in Baltimore, Maryland. He has been there about a year, and he    2 the work. "I get dirty," he admitted. "but I enjoy 3 things and making them 4 right."  

    Ray left high school a year    5 graduation and joined the Navy (海军)  Seven months at Navy schools for electricians 6 and then more than three years sea duty, which took him into the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean as well as the Pacific. Eighteen months before his tour of duty was completed, he    7 Margaret Lamr, a pretty girl, from his neighbourhood whom he had   8 ten years. They 9 have two small sons.  

    Ray's day begins at 5:30 A.M. When he gets up, dresses himself, and ten minutes    10 he jumps into his car and begins his daily 11 to the   factory. "Traffic's heavy", he once said, "so Margrate 12 my breakfast   in my lunchbox and I 13 it when I get to work. "   14 seven he is at work on whatever job is to be 15 with a half an hour for    16, he works until 3:30 P.M.   Soon after four 17, Ray gets home    18 to a two-story red brick house on a quiet street 19 with trees and grass. He showers and puts on 20 clothes.  

    The neighbors exchange conversation on their front porches (门廊), dogs play and children ride their bicycles and call 21 to each other at their games. The Bagroskys live quietly. They take pleasure from an outing on her father's small powerboat, a swim, a movie, or a football   game. Ray keeps a 22 eye on newspaper headlines (新闻提要)  Because he   works for a huge company and owns possessions, he watches what    23 in the nation and in his own 24. And because he still has friends in the Navy, he is interested in 25 is happening in the world.  

(1)  A. still   B. oil   C. steel   D.truck[  ]
(2)  A. likes   B. hates   C. dislikes   D.looks down upon  [  ]
(3)  A. driving  B. producing  C. controlling  D.repairing   [  ]
(4)  A. stop   B. run   C. begin   D.go[  ]
(5)  A. after  B. before   C. when  D.since[  ]
(6)  A. spent   B. took   C. followed  D.cost[  ]
(7)  A. married  B. engaged   C. fell in love  D.got[  ]
(8)  A. known   B. realized C. looked after  D.brought up   [  ]
(9)  A. then   B. only  C. thus   D.now[  ]
(10)  A. ago  B. later   C. earlier  D.before[  ]
(11)  A.hour  B. work  C. trip  D.job[  ]
(12)  A. carries  B.prepared  C.took  D.puts[  ]
(13)  A. take  B. carry  C. make  D.eat[  ]
(14)  A. Till  B. By   C. After  D.Until[  ]
(15)  A. over  B. done  C. worked  D.got[  ]
(16)  A. lunch  B. breakfast  C. supper  D.dinner[  ]
(17)  A. hours  B. minutes   C. o'clock  D.times[  ]
(18)  A. still  B. even  C. again   D.also[  ]
(19)  A. lined   B. lining   C. surrounded   D.surrounding  [  ]
(20)  A. clean   B. dirty   C. new   D.rejected[  ]
(21)  A. slowly   B. exciting   C. loudly   D.happy[  ]
(22)  A. sleep   B. careful   C. stared  D.glaring[  ]
(23)  A. gets   B. takes place   C. goes on  D.breaks out [  ]
(24)  A. house  B. city   C. family  D.country[  ]
(25)  A. that  B. where  C. something   D.what[  ]



 In the western world's largest  1 plant ,which pours 1,000 tons of steel every hour , thirty-four-year-old Ray Bagrosky,works as an electrical helperBagrosky is one of a team which repairs motors for the Bethlchen Steel Plant in Baltimore, MarylandHe has been there about a year, and he  2  the work .“I get dirty, he admitted, but I enjoy  3  things and making them  4  right.”

 Ray left high school a year  5 graduation and joined the Navy (海军)Seven months at Navy schools for electricians  6 and then more than three years sea duty, which took him into the South China Sea and the Indin Ocean as well as the PacificEighteen months before his tour of duty was completedHe  7  Margaret Lamr, a pretty girl, from his neighbourhood whom he had  8 ten yearsThey  9 have two small sons

 Ray's day begins at 5:30 AMwhen he gets up, dresses ,and ten minutes  10  he jumps into his car and begins his daily  11  to the factory .“Traffic's heavy”, he once said ,“so Margrate  12  my breakfast in my lunchbox and I  13  it when I get to work  14  seven he is at work on whatever job is to be  15  with a half an hour for  16  , he works until 3:30 PM

 Soon after four  17  , Ray gets home  18  to a two story-red brick house on a quiet street  19  with trees and grassHe showers and puts on  20  clothes

 The neighbors exchange conversation on their front porches(门廊),dogs play and children ride their bicycles and call  21  to each other at their games The Bagroskys live quietlyThey take pleasure from an outing on her father's small powerboat , a swim, a movie, or a football game Ray keeps a  22  eye on newspaper headlines(新闻提要)Because he works for a huge company and owns possessions, he watches what 23  in the nation and in his own  24  And because he still has friends in the Navy, he is interested in  25  is happening in the world










[  ]








Dlooks down upon


[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]






Cfell in love




[  ]






Clooked after


Dbrought up


[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]










[  ]


(23)Agets along


Btakes place


Cgoes on


Dbreaks out


[  ]










[  ]










[  ]


Although the man who sat with me in the old wooden stairs thirty-five years ago was not a tall man. But to me, a five-year-old child, he was a giant. We would sit side by side, watching the sun go down behind the station across the busy street behind which I was never  1  to cross   2  accompanied by an adult.

  One day we sat   3  the traffic ,counting cars and trying to guess the color of the next one to turn the corner to kill time.

Suddenly Grandpa asked “  4  ?"

  " Yes," was my reply." How would you like to run over to the gas station there and get   5  a bottle of Coke?"

  I couldn't believe my   6  . Was he talking to me? On my family's modest income, Coke was not a part of our diet. Without resisting the temptation I replied   7  ," Okay," wondering how I would get across the street. I thought Grandpa was going to go with me.  8  ,after he gave me a dime, he said to me, " Okay, help me down the stairs and to the curb. I'm going to stay   9   and keep an ear out for the babies, who are still asleep. I'll tell you when it's safe to cross. You go over to the Coke machine get your Coke and walk back and then   10  me to tell you when it's safe to cross back."

  I was very nervous when Grandpa   11  my hand tightly. Together we looked up the street and   12  , and back up again. He told me it was safe to cross. He   13  my hand and I ran. I ran as fast as possible The street seemed   14  . I wondered if I would   15  it to the other side. Reaching the other side, I  16  to find Grandpa. still standing exactly where I had left him,  17  proudly. I waved.

Coke in hand, I proudly marched back out into the early evening dusk, seeing Grandpa was waiting   18  .

  " Stop right there," he yelled   19  one car was speeding by me, after which Grandpa said" Come on, now," At last I crossed the street safely. He smiled on me, saying “You’ll do that alone from now on”. On hearing this, I   20  felt so proud before.

1.A.forbidden   B.allowed  C.promoted   D.expected

2.A.if               B.when      C.unless      D.whether

3.A.observing           B.noticing  C.watching    D.finding

4.A.Happy             B.Funny      C.Hungry      D.Thirsty

5.A.yourself            B.ourselves   C.me      D.you

6.A.eyes     B.ears             C.brain     D.words

7.A.shyly     B.proudly           C.happily      D.hopefully

8.A.Though     B.However  C.Because    D.Therefore  

9.A.home      B.there    C.in      D.here

10.A.ask for            B.search for         C.wait for   D.look for

11.A.held    B.shook             C.took    D.put

12.A.up     B.back    C.down      D.upwards

13.A.took hold of         B.let go of         C.lost hold of    D.controlled over

14.A.narrow   B.smooth   C.long            D.wide

15.take       B.see     C.grant            D.make

16.had      B. turned            C.began       D.came

17.A.smiling            B.yelling   C.crying      D.calling

18.angrily             B.impatiently        C.carefully   D.patiently

19.A.after    B.once     C.before   D.though

20.A.never     B.still             C.ever       D.also


I know I should have told the headmaster at the time. That was my real  36 .

He had gone out of the study for some  37 , leaving me alone. In his absence I looked to see  38 was on his desk. In the middle  39  a small piece of paper on  40 were written the words “English Writing Prize 1949. History Is a Serious of Biographies (人物传记)”.

A(n) 41 boy would have avoided looking at the title  42 he saw the paper. But I did not. The subject of the English Writing Prize was kept a  43 until the start of the exam so I could not  44 reading it.

When the headmaster  45 ,I was looking out of the window.

I should have told him what had  46 then. It would have been so  47 to say: “I’m sorry, but I saw  48 for the English Writing Prize on your desk. You’ll have to  49 it.”

The chance passed and I did not  50 it. I took the exam the next day and I won. I didn’t mean to cheat, but it was still cheating  51  .

That was thirty-eight years ago  52 I was fifteen. I have never told anyone about it before, nor  53 tried to explain to myself why not.

It’s obvious that I could not  54 I had seen the title. Whatever it was, it has become a good    55 of how a little mistake can trap (使陷入) you in a more serious moral corner (道德困境).

36. A. plan            B. fault           C. grade          D. luck

37. A. reason          B. course         C. example        D. vacation

38. A. this            B. which          C. that           D. what

39. A. are             B. is             C. was           D. were

40. A. what           B. which          C. that           D. where

41. A. honest          B. handsome       C. friendly         D. active

42. A. as well          B. as soon as       C. as well as       D. as a result

43. A. question         B. key            C. note           D. secret

44. A. help            B. consider        C. practise        D. forget

45. A. disappeared       B. stayed          C. returned        D. went

46. A. existed          B. remained        C. happened       D. continued

47. A. tiring           B. easy           C. important       D. difficult

48. A. the title          B. the exam        C. the paper       D. the window

49. A. repeat           B. defend         C. correct         D. change

50. A. take          B. have           C. lose         D. find

51. A. Otherwise     B. Therefore     C. anyhow       D. though

52. A. which        B. when          C. on which      D. that

53. A. I have        B. has I         C. have I       D. I has

54. A. inspect        B. perform        C. employ       D. admit

55. A. example       B. reason         C. matter        D. signal

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