






As senior three student, it won¡¯t take long after I graduate. Now, I have much to share with my fellow student.

Firstly, I¡¯d like to show my appreciation to those stand by me all the way, teachers, parents and friends included. Without their help and advice, my life will be different. Secondly, it¡¯s high time that I said sorry to the classmates I have hurt and misunderstand. I firm believe that communication and smiles act as bridges to friendship. Above all, I¡¯ve made up my mind to make every effort to study, so hard work is the key to success. Just as the old saying go, ¡°No pains, No gains.¡± Finally, I want to express my hope which all the young fellows can make full use of time, because time and tide wait for no man.




¡¾3¡¿student --- students

¡¾4¡¿stand---standing »ò¼Ówho




¡¾8¡¿so ---because / since / as / for

¡¾9¡¿go--- goes

¡¾10¡¿which --- that







¡¾6¡¿misunderstoodÓëhurt²¢ÁУ¬ÕâÀïʱ̬ΪÏÖÔÚÍê³Éʱhave misunderstood¡£








The next time you go into a bank, a store, or a supermarket, stop and listen. What do you hear? ¡¾1¡¿It's similar to the music you listen to, but it's not exactly the same. That's because this music was especially designed to relax you, or to give you extra energy. Sometimes you don't even realize the music is playing, but you react to the music anyway.

Quiet background music used to be called ¡°elevator (µçÌÝ) music¡± because we often heard it in elevators. But lately we hear it in more and more places, and it has a new name ¡°Muzak¡±. About one-third of the people in America listen to ¡°Muzak¡± everyday. The music plays for 15 minutes at a time, with short pauses in between. It is always more lively between ten and eleven in the morning, and between three and four in the afternoon, when people are more tired.¡¾2¡¿

If you listen to Muzak carefully, you will probably recognize the names of many of the songs. Some musicians or songwriters don't want their songs to be used as Muzak, but others are happy when their songs are chosen. Why? ¡¾3¡¿

Music is often played in public places because it is designed to make people feel less lonely when they are in an airport or a hotel. It has been proven that Muzak does what it is designed to do. Tired office workers suddenly have more energy when they hear the pleasant sound of Muzak in the background. ¡¾4¡¿ Supermarket shoppers 38 percent more groceries.

¡¾5¡¿They say it's boring to hear the same songs all the time. But other people enjoy hearing Muzak in public places. They say it helps them relax and feel calm. One way or another, Muzak affects everyone. Some farmers even say their cows give more milk when they hear Muzak!

A. Some people don't like Muzak.

B. The music gives them extra energy.

C. Music is playing in the background.

D. Factory workers produce 13 percent more.

E. Muzak tends to help people understand music better.

F. They get as much as $4 million a year if their songs are used.

G. Muzak is played in most of the big supermarkets in the world.


Rabbits are easy to raise. The long-eared animals are clean and quiet. They do not need a lot of room. And you do not have to spend a lot of money to feed them.¡¾1¡¿One male and two females will produce in a year as many as fifty more rabbits. That is enough to provide a good supply of meat for a family.¡¾2¡¿

Rabbit houses are easy to make with wood and wire fencing material. They do not have to be very big. But each rabbit must have its own little room in the house. This is very important. Each room should be about 75 centimeters wide, 60 centimeters high and one meter deep. Fencing is used for the sides and floor of the rabbit house. The holes in the wire fencing should be about one centimeter square. ¡¾3¡¿This keeps the rabbit house clean and dry. Rabbits need a lot of fresh air and sunlight. Cover the sides of the rabbit house only to protect it from rain.

¡¾4¡¿ Feeding containers hung on the outside of the house let the rabbits eat whenever they want. They simply pull the grass and leaves through the holes in the wire fence.

Each room should have fresh water. The water containers should be heavy so the rabbits cannot turn them over. ¡¾5¡¿

One month after mating, female rabbits give birth to about eight babies. In two months, a baby rabbit should weigh about two kilograms. This is big enough to make a meal for a small family.

A. Or you can tie the containers to the wire.

B. Rabbit meat is high in protein and low in fat.

C. Rabbits eat mostly grass and leaves.

D. Rabbits are also valuable for their fur.

E. Wastes from the animals will drop through the holes.

F. Many people enjoy keeping rabbits as friendly pets.

G. With rabbits, you get a big return from a small investment.


Rock climbing requires not only physical strength, but also complete mental concentration. So it is not an easy sport. But this may not be true for 20-year-old Sasha diGuilian. This fearless girl who has been dominating the sport ever since she entered this field is just getting warmed up.

The youngster who is also studying for a creative writing degree at Columbia University says that she began climbing even before she could walk. As a baby, she constantly escaped from her bed and led her friends to the nearest rocks or hills. Then at the age of seven she attended brother¡¯s birthday party at a local rock climbing gym and found her gift for it.

Soon after, she joined the local center in her hometown of Alexandria, Virginia and began climbing¡ª first once a week, then twice and soon, almost every day. At the age of nine, she won her first climbing competition by participating in an event that she hadn¡¯t even been aware of, until she went to the gym for her normal climbing routine. Her competitive nature and love for the sport immediately reached the peak and she began training seriously, but this time outside the gym¡ªclimbing real mountains.

As a youngster, she dominated the Junior Continental Championships from 2004 to 2010. Then she went on to catch the Pan American Championship and the US National Championship as soon as she was old enough. And in 2011, at just 18 years old, she was crowned(¼ÓÃá)Female Overall World Champion in Arco, Italy at her first attempt.

Sasha diGuilian is also the youngest woman who has completed the 5.14d graded climb in which climbers must climb rocks that are vertical. The 5.14d graded climb is regarded as the most difficult climb and it is something that even the most experienced climbers are a little afraid to take on, because a small slip could result in a severe injury or even death.

¡¾1¡¿What does the underlined word ¡°dominating¡± (Paragraph 1) mean?(1 word)

¡¾2¡¿Where and when did Sasha diGuilian find she had the talent for rock climbing? (No more than 12 words)

¡¾3¡¿What made Sasha diGuilian begin training seriously to climb real mountains? (No more than 10 words)

¡¾4¡¿Why is the 5.14d graded climb considered the most difficult climb? (No more than 7 words)

¡¾5¡¿ Please explain how you are inspired by Sasha diGuilian.(No more than25 words)


Most people buy a lot of gifts just before Christmas. But some people think we buy too much. They have started a special day called Buy Nothing Day. ¡¾1¡¿.

Buy Nothing Day is November 29. It¡¯s 25 days before Christmas. It¡¯s after Thanksgiving and often the first day of Christmas shopping. ¡¾2¡¿.

The idea for Buy Nothing Day started in Vancouver, British Columbia. ¡¾3¡¿. In California, parents and children get together to read stories, sing songs, and paint pictures. The children talk about why they don¡¯t need a lot of toys. This year, in Manchester, England, people dressed up in costumes to tell people that we buy too much.

In Albuquerque, New Mexico, high school students wanted to tell other students about Buy Nothing Day. They organized a spaghetti dinner to give people information about Buy Nothing Day. ¡¾4¡¿. They made posters and talked to other students about it. ¡¾5¡¿. The students at high schools liked the idea of this new tradition. Next year, they want to have another dinner to tell more people about Buy Nothing Day.

A. They asked restaurants in the neighborhood to donate the food.

B. At this time, we see ads in Newspapers and, on TV telling us to ¡°buy, buy, buy!¡±

C. Buy Nothing Day has successfully persuaded people not buy anything.

D. Many people think highly of the idea of Buy Nothing Day.

E. They don¡¯t want anyone to go shopping on that day.

F. Now people all over the world celebrate Buy Nothing Day.

G. The dinner was a big success, and many students agreed not to buy anything on November 29.

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