
16._____in the queue for half an hour,the old man suddenly realized he had left the money in the car.(  )
A.WaitingB.Having waitedC.To waitD.To have waited

分析 在人群中已经等了半个小时之后,这位老人突然间意识到他把钱落在车里了.

解答 答案:B.

点评 本句考查非谓语动词的用法,答题步骤为:1.判断是否为非谓语动词,看是否有连词.2.找逻辑主语.3.判断逻辑主语与非谓语动词的关系.4.看是否非谓语动词动作发生在主句谓语动作之前,如果是之前,就用完成式的形式.

11.Being skinny is not beautiful but being healthy is.Most young people,unfortunately,(25)are convinced(convince) that being thin,and therefore being stylish is a major way of maintaining self-worth.To make the matter worse,they might take this so far that they are likely to end up (26)with eating disorders.
Eating disorders are psychological illnesses defined by abnormal eating habits,(27)which may involve either insufficient or too much food intake to the damage of an individual's physical and mental health.Bulimia nervosa(暴食症) and anorexia nervosa(食欲匮乏) are the (28)most common/commonest(common) forms of eating disorders.
(29)Those diagnosed with anorexia nervosa are well under a healthy bodyweight.But patients with bulimia nervosa may have a body weight that falls within the range from normal to overweight.(30)though primarily thought of as affecting females,eating disorders influence males as well.
The precise cause of eating disorders is not entirely understood,but (31)it is agreed that the disease is linked to other medical conditions and situations.Besides,cultural idealization of thinness and youthfulness also contributes to (32)reducing(reduce) weight forcefully.The problem has affected a large population worldwide.
  Ask Dr?JeffersThis month Dr.Jeffers is answering questions about the human brain and how it works.
Dear Dr.Jeffers,
One of my colleagues,Felix Moeller,told me that scientists are learning to use computer to‘read minds'.Is there any truth to this story/
-Jane Leon,New York,USA
Dear Ms.Leon,
Well,a lot of research is being conducted in this area,but so far,the brain scanning equipment and corresponding computer programs haven't been able to actually read thoughts.In one experiment,tes t subjects(受试者)were connected to scanning equipment and shown two numbers on a screen.They were then asked to choose between adding or subtra cting(减)the two numbers.Using this method,researchers were able to follow brain processes and make the correct assumptions(假设)70 percent of the time.It's not quite mind reading,but it's certainly a first step.
Dear Dr.Jeffers,
My three-year-old son loves it when I dig my fingers into his sides and tickle (胳肢)him until he laughs uncontrollably.The other day I noticed him trying to tickle himself but he couldn't do it.Why not?
-Glenn Lewis,Vancouver,Canada
Dear Mr.Lewis,
It's because of how the brain works.The brain is trained to know what to pay attention to and what to ignore.It causes us to ignore physical feelings we expect to happen,but it causes a mild panic reaction when there is an unexpected feeling.For example,you don't notice how your shoulder feels while you're walking down the street.But if someone comes up behind you and touches you lightly on the shoulder,you may jump in fear.It's that unexpected part that causes the tickle reaction.
46.What can we learn from the answer to the first question?B
A.Some equipment is able to read human minds.
B.Some progress has been made in mind reading.
C.Test subjects have been used to make decisions.
D.Computer programs can copy brain processes.
47.People laugh when tickled by others because the feeling isA.
48.Who has got a little child according to the text?B
49.According to the text,Jeffers is probablyC.
A.a computer programmer             
B.a test subject
C.a human brain expert              
D.a medical doctor.

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