
All languages change over time, but some change at a faster rate than others. 1. The most important factors are the number of people who speak a language, where they live and whether they move around, the importance of the language for world trade and communication, and changes in technology.

2. However, today English is the most widely used language in the world. English is spoken by about 350 million people as a first language in countries such as Great Britain, the United States. In addition, about a billion more people speak English as a second language.

English started to take over French as an international language during the period of British colonialism (殖民主义) when the English ruled many countries in Africa and Asia. 3. The colonial period came to an end at the same time that several other changes occurred. For example, the U.S. started to play a greater part in global affairs and the international economy. New means of communication technology such as television and the Internet spread English worldwide. 4. In addition, they could use the Internet for information, business, or e-mail communication, all in English. Just as the use of English spread, other languages changed English by contact or by new inventions and technology.

In contrast, Icelandic is a language that has changed very slowly. Icelandic speakers today can understand poetry written in a slightly different dialect over 1,000 years ago! Why has Icelandic changed so slowly? The main reason is the isolated (孤立的) location of the island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. 5. Compared to England, Iceland had no history of colonialism. Iceland’s small population has not played a major role in international trade or communication. Today, most Icelanders speak English in addition to their native language. With outside influences, Icelandic is changing more rapidly now.

A. People everywhere could watch the news or sports events in English.

B. These changes have a great influence on the development of society.

C. Isolation meant that for hundreds of years, Icelanders had little contact with speakers of other languages.

D. What are some of the factors that influence how quickly a language changes?

E. The language communication brings about the communication of technology.

F. In the past, other languages such as Latin or French were more important than English.

G. English was the primary means of communication in these colonies.


After working one day, I decided to take hold of a sandwich for dinner at the superstore. As I was____home,I saw a girl sitting against a pillar(支柱)in the____,her hair covered over her face and her body was____than a senior citizen. I decided to walk past her____that's what we do in society—we walk past people we don't know, especially_____people.But something made me go back.I____that her parents died years ago and she suffers from Lupus(狼疮).She has no job, unable to work because of her__.She had lived in shelters in the past, but was abused.She____in the superstore to keep warm on cold days,but____the superstore she said wasn't safe because security guards always ____people like her.

I used to____maybe one day I would make a(n)____and could help "them". But when I met that girl, I thought to myself, what if____ever helps her? What if she's not going to be around____enough to see that "one day"?

I didn't really think about what happened____.I shared my dinner with her and gave her all the____I could find on me. When security guards came,I____them into helping her instead of throwing her out as they____do. Now I'm sharing this story with you the____out there. Don't wait for one day to come before you____someone.Now is that one day.

1.A. leaving B. heading C. arriving D. touring

2.A. superstore B. shelter C. workshop D. dining hall

3.A. stronger B. taller C. weaker D. shorter

4.A. though B. if C. when D. because

5.A. homeless B. friendly C. flexible D. confident

6.A. learned B. taught C. explained D. wondered

7.A. similarity B. responsibility C. disability D. identity

8.A. rented B. existed C. gathered D. stayed

9.A. only B. even C. just D. still

10.A. looked after B. drove away C. laid off D. picked out

11.A. question B. acknowledge C. think D. regret

12.A. decision B. appointment C. agreement D. fortune

13.A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody

14.A. long B. quiet C. busy D. narrow

15.A. alone B. lately C. next D. first

16.A. energies B. patience C. sandwiches D. money

17.A. scolded B. persuaded C. reported D. ordered

18.A. usually B. seldom C. never D. eventually

19.A. guard B. girl C. reader D. parent

20.A. please B. greet C. praise D. help

For a year and half, kids sent hurtful messages like “You are ugly.” or “Why are you still alive?” to Rebecca Sedwick. In 2013, Rebecca, then 12, couldn’t stand it anymore. She took her own life near her home in Florida. Soon afterward, Trisha Prabhu read about the story. “I was surprised and heart-broken,” said Trisha, now 15, who is from Naperville, Illinois, “I know that I had to do something to stop this from ever happening again.”

Trisha did some research. Studies show that one fourth to half of all teens in the US have been cyberbullied (网络欺凌). Experts say that if you are ever bullied online, you should tell a trusted adult. Tell the cyberbully to stop, and prevent him or her from contacting you again. Print and save messages to share with the police. This is good advice, agrees Trisha. But these methods all take place after the bullying has already happened. Trisha had a different idea. Why not teach cyberbullies to stop before they post these messages?

Trisha’s research won awards, including a prize in the Google Science Fair. Then, Tresah built the ReThink app (应用软件). It is programmed to recognize words or phrases that could be hurtful. When that happens, different warning messages come out. “Don’t say things that you may regret later!” says one message. Others ask, “Are you sure you want to say this?” and “Are these words really yours?”

Now Trisha is working on a version(版本) of ReThink for computers. “I am a big dreamer,” she says. “I want to stop cyberbullying before the hurt is done.”

1.What do we know about Rebecca Sedwick?

A. She was one of Trisha's best friends.

B. She sent hurtful messages to others.

C. She ended her life at the age of 12.

D. She went to Florida to study further.

2.What is Trisha’s suggestion for stopping cyberbullying?

A. Stop talking with the cyberbully.

B. Stop the messages before they are sent.

C. Turn to your parents or close friends

D. Show the messages to the police at once.

3.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A. People's attitudes to the ReThink app.

B. Trisha's research on cyberbullying.

C. How the ReThink app works.

D. The Google Science Fair.

4.Which of the following can best describe Trisha?

A. Honest and careful. B. Helpful and clever.

C. Proud and impolite. D. Strange and impatient.

World Book Day falls on April 23 every year.It was set up by the United Nations Educational,Scientific, and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) in 1995 to encourage people, especially teenagers, to discover the pleasure of reading.It is also the day to honor great writers,for example,William Shakespeare,born or dead on that day.

Many countries celebrate World Book Day.Take UK as an example.On that day,millions of school children can buy books of special price,a much lower price than usual,in any bookstore.It has been done every year since 1998.World Book Day is also celebrated in China. Our Former Premier Wen Jiabao, a bookworm, who does lots of reading every day, has called on people to do more reading. He suggested that young people should spend more time reading."Books cannot change the world, but people can change the world by changing themselves through reading,” he said.

Why do people like reading? One big advantage is that reading helps us become more knowledgeable and more intelligent. Also, reading helps us to follow the latest developments of science and technology. Besides, reading gives us information about other cultures and places of the world. When we read, we may find many things that are unfamiliar to us. We would have to use our brain to think about them or do more reading to find out the answers. The more we read, the more we know. What’s more, reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English.

"Reading makes a full man" (Bacon,1597). Books,magazines,newspapers and other kinds of materials can help us to know more about the outside world and perfect us. So it is necessary for us to spend time on reading every day.

1.World Book Day was set up in order to encourage people to .

A. buy more books B. do more reading

C. learn foreign languages D. know more about science

2.In the UK,what will school children do on World Book Day?

A. They will give away some books to those poor families’ children.

B. They will go to the library in order to read as many books as possible.

C. They will buy books of much lower price than usual in any bookstore.

D. They will organize some activities in memory of William Shakespeare.

3.How many advantages of reading are mentioned in the passage?

A. Two. B. Three.

C. Four. D. Five.

4.The underlined words “ a bookworm” in Paragraph 2 probably mean .

A. a person who loves reading B. a person who likes reading

C. a person who loves collecting D. a person who likes buying books

In the dull twilight of the winter afternoon,Scarlett came to the end of the long road which had begun the night Atlanta fell.She had set her feet upon that road as a spoiled,selfish and untried girl,full of youth,warm of emotion, easily confused by life.Now,at the end of the road,there was nothing left of that girl.Hunger and hard labor,fear and constant pressure,the terrors of war and the terrors of Reconstruction had taken away all warmth and youth and softness.Around the core of her being,a shell of hardness had formed and,little by little,layer by layer,the shell had thickened during the endless months.

But until this very day,two hopes had been left to support her.She had hoped that the war being over,life would gradually return to its old face.She had hoped that Ashley's return would bring back some meaning into life.Now both hopes were gone.She realized that for her,for the whale South,the war would never end.The bitterest fighting, the most violent and cruel revenges,were just beginning.And Ashley was imprisoned forever by words which were stronger than any jail.

Peace had failed her and Ashley had failed her,both in the same day,and it was as if the last crevice(裂口)in the shell had been closed,the final layer hardened.She had become what Grandma Fontaine had counseled against,a woman who had seen the worst and so had nothing else to fear.Not life nor Mother nor loss of love nor public opinion.Only hunger and her nightmare dream of hunger could make her afraid.

A curious sense of lightness,of freedom,went through her now that she had finally hardened her heart against everything that tied her to the old days and the old Scarlett.She had made her decision and,thank God,she wasn't afraid.She had nothing to lose and her mind was made up.

1.Which of the following adjectives best describe the mood in the first paragraph?

A. Gloomy and depressed. B. Cheerful and relaxed.

C. Peaceful and calm. D. Nervous and anxious.

2.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Scarlett believed that the war would end soon.

B. Scarlett felt hopeless about the future when the war broke out.

C. Ashley may have been an important person to Scarlett.

D. Grandma Fontaine had advised Scarlett to be fearless.

3.What does the underlined sentence "...and it was as if the last crevice in the shell had been closed,the final layer hardened" suggest?

A. Scarlett would shut herself off from others.

B. Scarlett would refuse to face the reality.

C. Scarlett.would be trapped in a state of desperation.

D. Scarlett would grow mentally tougher and more determined.

4.Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage?

A. It mainly describes the hopes and fear of Scarlett after Atlanta fell.

B. It mainly describes the destructive impact of the war on Scarlett's life.

C. It mainly describes the gradual change of Scarlett's feelings and attitude.

D. It mainly describes the sufferings of people in the South during the w:u:

Here are a few practical apps that can help you with your studies, and beyond.


Price: Free

Platform: iOS and Android

As you star your new term, let the planning app MyHomework create a personalized study schedule. Rank as one for the best homework management apps by USA Today, this app allows you to prioritize(排序)assignments by color-coding subjects. It also reminds you of every single deadline and upcoming test you have. MyHomework is not only for smart phones but also for Apple Watch.


Price: 18 yuan

Platform: iOS

Taking good notes is important to good results. As a result, one note-taking app, Notability, is gaining popularity among students. This app allows users to take handwritten notes on touch screens and type essays. Plus, Notability users can easily share files with classmates through e-mail or cloud services like iCloud.

Sleep Cycle

Price: 6 yuan

Platform: iOS and Android

For students struggling to wake up on time during school days, Sleep Cycle can be your lifesaver. It cleverly records your sleep. After you wake up, the app shows your sleep quality through easy-to-read graphics(图表). Even better, Sleep Cycle has an intelligent wake-up mode. It wakes you up when you are in your lightest sleep state with the help of soft music. This stress-free wake-up call can potentially improve your daily productivity.


Price: Free

Platform: iOS and Android

MyMoney, a Chinese money management app, can help you achieve financial independence. This popular app allows you to add up all your accounts including campus(校园)cards and transportation cards. And it tracks your every expense(开支)to help you understand your spending habits. If any of your accounts is low, MyMoney will alarm you.

1.What can we know about Notability?

A. It’s a drawing app B. It can run on Apple Watch

C. It can be used to share notes D. It helps users organize homework

2.Which of the following helps to improve users’ spending habits?

A. MyHomework B. Notability

C. Sleep Cycle D. MyMoney

3.What do the four apps have in common?

A. They are all free of charge B. They are intended for students

C. They require Android platform D. They all help users with studies

Do you know insurance? Buying insurance is a ______by which people can protect themselves ______large losses. Protection against fire is one kind of insurance. Large number of people pay _______sums of money to an insurance company. Although thousands of people have paid for fire insurance, only__________will lose their homes by fire. The insurance company will pay for these homes out or the sums of money it has __________.

The first modern fire insurance company was _______in London, England, in 1666. A great fire had just _______ most of the city, and people wanted protection against _______losses. The first company _______ rapidly. Soon other companies were founded in other areas.

Benjamin Franklin helped form the first fire insurance company in America in 1752. He also _______ a new kind of insurance for_______ . The new insurance would offer protection against the loss of crops______ storms.

In 1795, Benjamin Franklin helped start______ new insurance company in America. This company,______ offered life insurance, collected some money ________  from many different men. _______a man died, his family was given a large sum of money. Today, this company is________in business.

Over the years, people have ________ from many new kinds of insurance when they have suffered from _________accidents as car and plane crashes.______, almost everyone has some kind of insurance.

1.A. way B. firm C. consideration D. means

2.A. from B. against C. with D. beyond

3.A. small B. huge C. much D. little

4.A. many B. little C. few D. a few

5.A. stole B. collected C. lent D. brought

6.A. built B. found C. formed D. organized

7.A. destroyed B. hurt C. harmed D. wounded

8.A. farther B. further C. wider D. longer

9.A. risen B. rised C. grew D. turned

10.A. suggested B. determined C. asked D. demanded

11.A. farmers B. workers C. waiters D. doctors

12.A. with B. by C. from D. for

13.A. other B. certain C. another D. some

14.A. where B. which C. whom D. that

15.A. commonly B. usually C. regularly D. ordinarily

16.A. If B. Although C. Unless D. Because

17.A. always B. still C. hardly D. seldom

18.A. paid B. offered C. bought D. benefited

19.A. many B. so C. such D. that

20.A. Today B. Generally C. Lately D. Tomorrow

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