70%的学生赞成参加志愿工作 | 为社会作贡献,帮助别人是一件很有意义的工作,带来很多个人利益,为日后的工作获得宝贵的技能和经验,为自己创造机遇,增强信心、自觉意识、良好的交际能力和领导才能 |
25%的学生不愿意从事志愿工作 | 无报酬,浪费时间,耽误学习 |
5%的学生无明确态度 | 漠不关心 |
One possible version
Different students assume different attitudes to cards voluntary work according to the survey.
We are glad to see that 70%of the students approve of doing voluntary work. In their opinion,making a contribution to society and lending a helping hand to others is a worthwhile job. At the same time,it brings a lot of personal benefits. They can gain valuable experience and skills for future career. What’s more,voluntary work opens up vast quantities of opportunities for them to build confidence,self-awareness,good communication skills and leadership.
However, 25 of the students disapprove of doing voluntary work. They consider that working without payment is a waste of time.
5%of the students choose to be neutral. In other words, they don’t care about it at all.
In my opinion,we’d better take the chance to participate in voluntary work,no matter how small it is.

70%的学生赞成参加志愿工作 | 为社会作贡献,帮助别人是一件很有意义的工作,带来很多个人利益,为日后的工作获得宝贵的技能和经验,为自己创造机遇,增强信心、自觉意识、良好的交际能力和领导才能 |
25%的学生不愿意从事志愿工作 | 无报酬,浪费时间,耽误学习 |
5%的学生无明确态度 | 漠不关心 |
过去 | 现在 | |
概 况 | 60年前台湾切断两岸正常通航;2008年7月启动周末包机。 | 每日通航,月航班数达60个以上;启动直航第一周,两岸有12家航空公司申请了101个航班,为4个台湾城市和12个大陆城市提供服务。 |
航 线 | 客航向南绕行香港;货轮向北绕行日本冲绳岛。 | 从台北等城市可以直航大陆的上海等10多个城市。 |
优 劣 | 用时长,成本高。 | 用时短,成本低。 |
你对直航 的评价 |