





概  况



航  线



优  劣





One possible version:

Dear Roy,

I’m very glad to receive your letter, and I feel it a great honor to introduce briefly to you something about the direct flights between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. Six decades ago, Taiwan put a ban on the regular links between the two sides. But Last July saw the starting of weekend charter flights. Now both sides are even enjoying daily direct flights, which numbers up to monthly 60 at times. When the direct flights began in the first week, twelve air companies from the two sides applied for 101 flights, providing services between four Taiwan and 12 mainland cities.

Originally, the passenger planes were required to fly south by way of Hong Kong, and the cargo ships had to sail around the Japanese island of Okinawa north of Taiwan. Now the flights and cargo ships from Taipei and other main cities can directly reach more than 10 cities of the mainland, like Shanghai, which has taken much less time and greatly reduced the shipping costs.

The direct flights, I think, have opened a new era of direct air and shipping services, and brought new vigor to economic and trade ties between the two sides.

That’s what I can tell you at present Maybe I’ll have some more information for you not long time later.


Li Ming



Much meaning can be conveyed with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.

Do you have such kind of  36  ? In a bus you may look at a   37  , but not too long. And if he is   38  that he is being stared at, he may feel   39  .

The same is in   40    life. If you are looked at for more than   41  , you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is   42  wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward other’s   43  at you that way.

Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and   44  . But things are different when it   45  to stare at the opposite sex. If a man glances at a Woman for more than 10 seconds and   46  to avert(移开) his gaze, his intentions are   47  , that is, he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he is   48  her.

  49  , the normal eye contact for two people   50   in a conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener   51  , in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking about, to tell him that he is attentive. If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking,   52  he tries to dominate(控制) you, you will feel embarrassing.

In fact, continuous eye contact is confined to   53  only, who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show affection that   54  cannot express.

Evidently, eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the specific   55  .

36.A.experience          B.thought               C.feeling                 D.attitude

37.A.conductor           B.driver                  C.tourist                 D.stranger

38.A.looking                B.sensing                C.telling                  D.deciding

39.A.interested            B.stupid                  C.uncomfortable     D.angry

40.A.social                  B.daily                    C.family                 D.school

41.A.friendly               B.authentic             C.special                D.necessary

42.A.anything              B.somewhere          C.nothing               D.anywhere

43.A.interest                B.stare                   C.appreciation         D.notice

44.A.attentive              B.positive               C.aggressive           D.active

45.A.comes                 B.hopes                  C.tries                    D.seems

46.A.starts                  B.refuses                C.manages              D.aims

47.A.dirty                   B.unhealthy             C.obvious               D.unfair

48.A.admiring              B.enjoying              C.cheating              D.selecting

49.A.Therefore            B.Otherwise            C.Altogether           D.However

50.A.engaged              B.attracted              C.trapped               D.invited

51.A.all the time           B.from time to time C.all the way           D.back and forth

52.A.in case                B.as if                    C.even though         D.so that

53.A.mothers              B.children               C.lovers                 D.teachers

54.A.looks                  B.eyes                    C.smiles                 D.words

55.A.situation              B.circumstance       C.environment        D.condition



Picture this situation. It is late afternoon and you are    36   . You have an important dinner engagement that evening so you    37    to take an hour nap. Instead of setting your alarm you ask a friend who is visiting to wake you in an hour. He   38    .

Two hours later, your friend wakes you. You ask, “Why didn’t you wake me after one hour?” He    39    that he thought you asked him to wake you in two hours and that is what he said. You then have to run around and get ready    40  , muttering to yourself about how you    41   have set the alarm rather than asking your friend to wake you. Had you done that, you would not have been so    42    to get ready.

Your conclusion is correct. Your    43   of what happened looked at the system you used. Your friend’s   44   to wake you resulted from a miscommunication.   45   he didn’t hear you correctly or you misspoke.

    46   at the situation from the point of view of being personally responsible is always better than blaming yourself or another. So how do you best be “responsible” in this situation? The answer is   47   in systems thinking.

Dr. W. Edward Deming is the American statistician who is credited with   48   the quality practices to Japan.   49   his arrival in that country in 1950, the label “made in Japan” was synonymous with inferior(劣等的) quality. Now the same “made in Japan” label is synonymous(等同) with   50   quality.

So what did Dr. Deming teach the Japanese that made such a  51   to the quality of their products? The answer is quite simple, yet profound.   52   on years of statistical analysis, Deming was able to validate(证明) that 94 % of all failures are not because people don’t want to do a good job. The fact is that   53   people want to do a good job.

What, then, is the   54   if it’s not the people?

It’s the system. The system failed in 94% of the    55   , not the people.

36. A. relaxed           B. puzzled             C. concerned           D. tired

37. A. try               B. decide              C. promise             D. expect

38. A. agrees           B. admits             C. accepts             D. adopts

39. A. wonders         B. doubts              C. replies              D. requests

40. A. carelessly          B. quickly             C. angrily             D. suddenly

41. A. should           B. could               C. might              D. would

42. A. slow            B. rushed               C. uncertain            D. satisfied

43. A. understanding    B. presentation          C. description           D. analysis

44. A. forgetfulness     B. unwillingness        C. failure              D. fault

45. A. Either           B. Neither             C. Both                 D. Whether

46. A. Glaring         B. Staring             C. Glancing            D. Looking

47. A. left                      B. found              C. received            D. completed

48. A. bringing         B. turning             C. fetching             D. leading

49. A. Until           B. After               C. Before              D. Since

50. A. different       B. poor                C. best                D. high

51. A. difference       B. destruction          C. decoration           D. distinction

52. A. Based         B. Relied              C. Focused             D. Counted

53. A. few             B. fewer              C. more               D. most

54. A. reason          B. cause              C. effect               D. result

55. A. incidents        B. accidents           C. cases                D. actions


It was Christmas 1961. I was teaching in a small town where my twenty-seven third graders eagerly   36   the great day of gift-giving in advance.

       Each day the children produced some new   37   — strings of popcorn, handmade trinkets, and German bell. Through it all she remained alone,   38    from a distance, seemingly miles away. I wondered what   39   happen to this quiet child, once so happy, now suddenly so withdrawn. I hoped the festivities would   40   her. But nothing did. The students made the fried marbles(油炸玻璃弹子)and competed with one anther to bring the   41   ones.

       The day of gift-giving finally came. We cheered over our handiwork as the presents were   42  . All along, she sat quietly watching. To see her smile, I had made a special bag for her. She opened it so slowly and carefully. I waited but she   43  . I had not passed through the wall of isolation she had   44   around herself.

       After school I sat down in a chair, hardly   45   of what was happening, when she came to me with outstretched hands, bearing a small white box, and slightly soiled,   46   it had been held many times by   47  , childish hands. She said nothing. “For me?” I asked. She said not a word, but   48   her head. I took the box and cautiously opened it. There inside, glistening green, a fried marble   49   from a golden chain. Then I looked into that eight-year-old   50   and saw the question in her dark brown eyes. In a flash I knew — she had   51   it for her mother, who had died just three weeks before and would never hold her or brush her hair or   52   her childish joys or sorrows.

       I meant it when I whispered, “Oh, Maria, it is so beautiful. Your mother would   53   it.” Neither of us could stop the   54  . She threw herself into my arms and we wept together. And for that brief moment I became her mother, for she had given me the greatest   55   of all: her trust and love.

36. A. prepared             B. reserved            C. expected            D. waited

37. A. fancies                B. impressions              C. wonders            D. possessions

38. A. looking               B. playing             C. searching           D. watching

39. A. would                 B. should               C. must                 D. needed

40. A. attend to             B. appeal to           C. listen to             D. object to

41. A. prettiest                     B. wisest               C. heaviest             D. naughtiest

42. A. transformed        B. informed           C. exchanged         D. deserted

43. A. gave away           B. threw away        C. carried away      D. turned away

44. A. built                   B. adjusted            C. offered              D. filled

45. A. afraid                 B. aware                C. content              D. fond

46. A. when                  B. while                C. as though          D. even if

47. A. untouched           B. unknown           C. unwashed          D. unpacked

48. A. nodded               B. raised                C. dropped            D. turned

49. A. protected            B. hung                 C. held                  D. escaped

50. A. face                    B. cheek                C. hair                  D. forehead

51. A. bought                B. exchanged         C. made                D. stole

52. A. appreciate           B. enjoy                C. communicate     D. share

53. A. love                   B. benefit                     C. dislike               D. need

54. A. laugh                  B. excitement         C. tears                 D. description

55. A. joy                            B. identity             C. contribution       D. gift

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